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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. I've had poutine. It's interesting food. Sticks to the ribs, filling, and leaves you with a "I could eat a lot more of that" feeling. Keith, you'd probably like it. Here's a couple of links: (warning.. the wikipedia link has a pictue. http://members.shaw.ca/kcic1/poutine.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poutine The link with the picture is for Sjors since he likes pictures... :)
  2. Russ, It's a very appealing model. The pictures give a sense of something from another era. And it's not a bad sense in my opinion. I rather like it.
  3. Larry, I think 42rocker is right. It looks like it's part of a decorative balance scale sold in some "shops". Is the wood lightweight?
  4. Mobbsie, Here's the secret. You only have to do one ratline and one copper plate. Then repeat as needed.
  5. yep... but you can only eat it if you wear flannel and can sing "I'm a Lumberjack and I'm OK". I think I'll go step outside now where I have a better chance of ducking flying chainsaws.
  6. JP... I didn't mention it because for my needs it's even smaller than the mill I have. I would still go for a bigger (physically) model of mill. The Proxxon seems to only come in 220/240 VAC, the motor is not rated as high as the Micromark. The X-Y Table is smaller. Your needs may vary and the smaller might work. Thus, I only mentioned what "I" would go for.
  7. Hmm.. Augie and Sjors... in the same river. Sjors with a fly rod, Augie with a Fokker. The mental image is too much. I gotta' get a grip.
  8. So you skipped using TACAN then? Maybe we should just go back to Dead Reckoning... would make life interesting with smart bombs for a payload.
  9. The concept of "fooling the enemy" worked. HMS Roebuck was a two deck 44 gun frigate. In the stern, there were two rows of windows. The lower went to the great cabin. The upper rows center was the poop decks beams. They were dummies. The ruse worked as she captured the Confederacy and a couple of other ships this way as they mistook her for a larger ship.
  10. Jason, I'm just catching up.. on the false keel.. it wouldn't have been like you have it. It would have been what could best be called a slip joint. The false was stapled and at the joints, the cut would been at an angle. See my crude drawing below. The reason being that if the ship grounded, the false keep pieces would have come off and slid over the one behind it easily. ----------------------------------------- keel ----------------------------------------- bow \ stern ----------------------------------------- Anyway, rather than rip your work apart, leave that way and save yourself some grief. She's looking very sharp!!!
  11. The nice thing about this build log is that it is a smorgasbord, we never walk away hungry.. well maybe for pictures.. <hint><hint> Sjors, you have the right idea... come to the US for the views, not the food. Well, there is good food along the way, the views are fantastic. I live about 60 miles from Crater Lake and I try to visit it once a year just for the view and the wonderful drive to get there.
  12. Beautiful work, Robert. I'm just joining the chorus of admirers. Nicely done on the scarfs.
  13. The decks had curvature to them in two directions, high at the bow and stern and also high in the middle a low at the sides. This was so water would run off. In many ways, it resembles camber on a road. Depending on the era some of this curvature could be pretty extreme. Hope this explanation helps.
  14. Thread police???? Hmm....now there might be an idea..I wonder where we can find some.
  15. Sjors, I'm just catching up... the pictures look great! I'll now step away and let the arguement over brass or black continue.
  16. Andy, Great going on the chainplates and temporary mast fitting. I'm glad the exterminator didn't need to be called.
  17. Jan, I agree that it is a shame that we lost all the logs including yours. But you and your beautiful ship are back. That's the important thing.
  18. Lesignan, That is a ship we haven't seen before. How about doing a build log and letting us look over your shoulder?
  19. Jack.Aubrey, I merged both of your build logs for this ship into this one. Just add to it instead of opening a new topic, please.
  20. Erik, You could open up the bulkheads then put an LED into every other one. They would be "beween the guns" and spaced far enough apart for a realistic appearance.
  21. Keep this up and we'll have to change the title to: San Felipe and Poetry Corner by Newdarksider101 – Scale 1:96, Lead Ship of the Spanish Armada (First Scratch Build)
  22. Thanks JP.. I'll consider that idea. Russ & Mario, Thanks. I'm convinced clothespins are greatest tool we can have. I use them for a lot of things.
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