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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. Impressive as always, Mark. I'm sure whatever you decide on color will be just right.
  2. Good on you Sherry. Looks to be a very intricate and fascinating project. You look to be off to a good start. I'll grab a chair and share my popcorn...
  3. Anja, Don't worry about Half Moon, we will be patient. Just be yourself and the interviews will go well.
  4. I can't answer the "why", but it's very common in the French ships. Stylistic choice perhaps?
  5. You can also buy Rubber Cement Thinner which wiill reconstitute the cement if starts drying out. It is, shall we say, nasty stuff. Keep away from flames and use in a well-ventilated area.
  6. Just amazing and beautiful work, Doris. I like the way you did yourself as a figure also. Is that your dog? Or the King's dog?
  7. Rusty, Another build? Wow... I'm looking forward to following it. This type ship is really different from the "normal" things we see.
  8. Alex, Beautiful planking. I'm with Augie, I can't wait to see it with the finish on it.
  9. Ok... I've seen something like that. Usually a mod to a sliding table like I posted. Somewhere, and I forget where since it was posted on the lost MSW, there's a good article on harvesting and sawing raw wood. I thought I had a link but I'm not finding it. Seems it was a repost of something from the NRG journal. I think I've seen something like that in the sawmills....
  10. Wayne, The running end of the training tackle most likely was frapped. That is to say it was wrapped around the coils running between the blocks. I'm trying to find a picture.....
  11. Ah.. Mario... welcome to the "oops" club. I think this happens more frequently than any of us want to admit.
  12. Phil, You're flying along and doing a great job. I (and probably others) thought you were doing a "catch-up" after the great crash.
  13. er.. oops.. .. should have been "cotton cannonballs"... my very very bad. I'll go stand in the corner for awhile.
  14. Pat, It's due to XP and IE8 Actually, I think part or most of the problem is with IE8. I saw some weird behaviors before upgrading my work computer (Win7) to IE9.
  15. If there's enough.. the bloodwood should make nice looking cannon carriages.
  16. Nice to you've brought the build log back, Revier. Don't worry about your English. The pictures tell the story.
  17. Gimo, Really nice to see your build back. Beautiful work.
  18. It's great to see your build coming back, Piet. I've enjoyed following along since day 1 on the old MSW.
  19. Jeff...That's the ones!!!!! Wonderful blades... I'm still testing but so far they are superior to anything I've seen. Edit: Yikes.. I just re-read what I wrote... that much excitement on my part about scroll saw blades. I hope you'll excuse me, I need to see Dr. Per.
  20. Russ, You could be right... that's why I said "I think".. in one pic, the second to the last one. The other pic they look the same size. Try the quion Grant....
  21. I added and highlighted the rules.
  22. I've used blades from Lowe's.... meh.. don't last. I've found Olson's to be very good: http://www.olsonsaw.net/ Currently, I'm testing some blades I bought from place in Canada... Don't have the website in front of me, but their blades appear to be better than Olson. I'll post the link, hopefully tonite.
  23. Lovely work on the cannons, Grant. Very well done. You might want to adjust the quoins a bit. With the deck round-up, your guns are aimed downward. On second look, I think you have the trucks reversed... the smaller ones should be in the back, the larger ones in the front. This should get your barrels raised.
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