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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. Nice work on the hull planking, Robert. What was it you used on the deck?
  2. You're giving me ideas for my Licorne.... which is a good thing.
  3. I've done the same thing in various places for different reasons. In the midwest it was to inject air into the tail of a nightcrawler when bass fishing.. Here in Oregan, it's been for dispensing glue. I've also used them to dispense loctite, thin machine oil, and other substances (not illegal) in my racing and model aircraft days. Not sure I understand the bit about needing a prescription to by a syringe. I mean.. they have other uses for crying out loud.
  4. Here's a post from the "Milling my own wood" topic with a link to a great article on harvesting wood: http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/822-milling-my-own-wood/?p=21296
  5. Hamilton, When you're ready.... Meantime, we'll kickback and watch the grass grow. As you guessed, we're easily distracted.
  6. BINGO!!!!! Grant, that's the one!. Now to put it back into my favorites....
  7. Pat, I've got to say this: Check the square before using it. I've had 3 of the darn things and not one of them was "square".
  8. Floyd, To quote; "I didin do nuthin!!".... Interesting that it "fixed" itself... hmmm... I know I see things slightly different at work than at home. Same OS and browser, but different monitor and PC. I hear you on the reason for playing with this stuff. I do IT (support work) for a heath insurance company. I'm trying to ignore Win8 and IE10, but probably won't happen. I'll have to face the monsters.
  9. I too, will pull up a chair. No two Syrens ever come out the same way as every builder adds their own touch and personality to it.
  10. Beautiful work on building this. Very well done. Thanks for sharing it.
  11. Nice set-up wood and set-up work. Can't wait to see the set-up keel.
  12. ah...er.. Michael.. this is a forum for model ships... not full sized ones. Yeah, it looks that good.
  13. Piet, Hope you get to feeling better. My wife went through the implant thing and based on her experience I can sympathize with you. (I'm cringing....). Nice gammoning.
  14. Floyd, Harvey gave the most comprehensive description I've seen. The only thing I would add is that after acetone, soak the part in vinegar for about 15 to 30 minutes to get some "tooth" into the brass. Also, rinse with distilled water. Lightly buff when dry. I get inconsistant results no matter how consistant I am with preparation and using the product. Could be I'm using different types of brass but I'm not sure.
  15. After a quick search in the build log area, I see 3 builds going on. If no one answers here, go take a look a the build logs. You can ask questions of the builders there also.
  16. Jingyang, Your CAD work just takes my breath away. Incredible details, just incredible. Thanks for sharing them.
  17. Thank Christian. This one got buried really fast after the re-start of MSW.
  18. Larry, I thought the treenails looked pretty good. And a whole lot better than what mine looked like....
  19. Janos, You are probably correct. The strange thing is Sherline, etc. all call their devices "mills" and all have <3000 rpm from the factory. Strange indeed. Wefalck, That's true and the big reason I had to increase the spindle speed.
  20. Lovely work on the rigging, Gil. I like the way you're taking us through it.
  21. Thanks Keith. It was tight in there, no doubt. My Licorne is even tighter... 4 foot from deck to deck on the berth deck. 3 foot if add in the beams. As for finishing it.. it's done. I gave it to my late father-in-law at this point in the construction and he had it about a year and half, maybe a bit more. After he passed, the Trition came home and I decided leave it as is.
  22. Floyd, what browser are you using? I'm seeing the same pic in thumbnails and full size. I'm using Win7 with IE9. You might try hitting the "add to post" for the pics after choosing the files and see if that helps.
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