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Old Collingwood

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Everything posted by Old Collingwood

  1. Quick update - had a couple of messages in Ebay - my Flyhawk Hood and wood deck are on there way. OC.
  2. I have been influenced to try these as they are supposed to be brillant for the money, oh I also use masters brush cleaner. OC. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/304065041535?var=603205556994
  3. I have dropped Jamie from Soverign a message about this - hope he come back to me. Its interesting - where they trialing a new paint in 1941, did they simply run out of Red in her refit before her last encouter with Bizzy? OC.
  4. Excellent work - really looks Superb, and as you say such a strong hull, looking forward to watching more on it. OC.
  5. Just remembered another job I need to do inside - build a rail around the stair opening - dont want any KGL falling down the gap. OC.
  6. Craig found this on Soverign Hobbies site might clear up the paint scheme of when she went down. OC.
  7. Evening all, I have made a start on the figures that are going to be placed in the (tiny) dorma windows, It was quite a task to work the arms so they took up as liitle room as possible, I have made all Three figures without shako's infact one of them is wearing a bandage, so I am making one who nearly dropped his rifle out the window, one firing single handed as he got shot in his left shoulder, and the other firing normaly at a slight angle. So here is the start - OC.
  8. Thank you Ken, next job trying to fit a few figures firing from the dorma's, then the roof can be attached. OC.
  9. As the others have said Paul, so sorry to hear about your model/s - we will be here when you are ready to do another build log. OC.
  10. I know what you mean with the lower hull colour, there are so few colour pictures showing the lower hull, the only places I found refernece to it was on the main Hood website, they show some underwater shots of her resting place and they say it shows the anti fouling Grey but its very hard to make it out, I did wonder why they would make her different from the rest of the RN fleet, when all the rest use anti fouling Red. OC.
  11. Another small update - I have worked on the joins on all Four walls - just a gentle sand and a few layers of flat White, then I gace all the walls a couple more coats of paint. I have also glued the base to the house also. The roof is still dry fitted for now while I work on the dorma firing figures. OC.
  12. Evening all, I spent a pleasant afternoon at the table, it was detail painting time - I started by painting the mortar, then the tile slabs, then I blended it all together with a few coats of flat clear coat. OC.
  13. We think its from a previous tenent who could have had a pet here, perhaps our dog attracts this spirit? OC.
  14. I know the feeling Greg same with me - If I don't wear my glasses I loose the admiral. OC.
  15. We have a ghost cat/dog where we live now - we hear it and I see it out of the corner of my eye. We can be down stairs and hear something jump off our bed or make the floor boards make a noise - we say to each other "the cat/dog again" OC.
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