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Old Collingwood

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Everything posted by Old Collingwood

  1. Need to wait till it stops raining outside so I can prime/paint the spues - then I can start building, so tempted to have a go at modeling the interior but "Boy" is it complex - OC. Pic off the net.
  2. Look what arrived today - the lamp looks like just what I need, the other one was just too small and not enough light, this one also plugs into the mains - the other one was a rechargable with very liitle run time. OC.
  3. Mine was fun and games with Black and White developing in our homes bathroom - fun and games. OC.
  4. Evening all, thought I would take some pics of the lads in the storage box - keeping safe till they are called up. OC.
  5. Was thinking of doing somthing similar to a Lotus Esprit S3 Turbo as Model Art do a few differnt colours just not the Red colour like so nearly owned years ago, my idea was to get on and mask and respray it - then I changed my mind due ot using rattle cans. OC.
  6. I see Lou - Ken. perhaps its a name that been mixed up over time due to some of the nose art on some like Ghost Rider - generating the name amongst aircraft nuts, still a gorgeoes plane though. OC.
  7. Very very nice mate - your workmanship has shown of some real graceful lines, another superb exhibit for your case. OC.
  8. I dont really know much about resins and this will sound neive but could the resin coats have not been applied in thinner coats with a wide brush but far more of them over the top of the previous ones after thorough hardening between layers - would that not work? OC.
  9. Think its the nick name Ken - https://militarymachine.com/ac-130u-spooky-ii/ OC.
  10. Ita amazing to think of small cara as being family suitable for long trips - my grandad used to own a 1931 Austin Seven and used to cram Four of them and cases and the dog and cat and go 150miles to the seaside for a holiday in it one of these - Not my pic. OC.
  11. Yummy look at that "Spooky" would love to see that started..........😃 OC.
  12. I always build things with a relavence to us the Chally is no different, another of the places where we used to live - we were about 3 miles away form a MOD firing range where Challengers and other field pieces used to do live firing, we would often hear them quite clear the Challys destinctive "snap" sound as it fired, also sometimes they would be driven past us on the roadway on either Scamell or those other more modern transporters - what a fantastic site over 100 tons tank/transporter combined. OC.
  13. Now that would have made some history/future dio almost like a Doctor Who episode where Wellington brought an ultra modern over sized tank back from the future and drove it down the valley firing at all the french canons, can you imagine the looks on thier faces....... OC.
  14. Take good care Mark, remember this site is not just about building - its about friendship dont be affraid to shout if you need to chat. OC.
  15. My idea is to either use one of my plastic clips or just hold the sprue with a throw away glove then spray away, might try to rig my hairdryer up on an extension leed then force dry the sprues before they can be put in the box, the idea is - any tough ups should be minimal and not on the surface areas, also all the join areas will be carefuly scraped back before assembling. OC.
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