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After banging my head against the wall a lot (luckily the wall is not damaged 😇).

And been busy with military model building and repainting part of the house 
I managed to get one sail ready.
Normally each rope has to go around the yard 2 times, but on this small yard this is too much. One time around looks better.


The wrong methode (bottom) and the better metode (top)


And I am now the proud owner of this book.

With this very useful info for me. So I'm not going to adjust the mizzen sail.


Thanks for comments, following and likes


Nice on the sails. I did the same for my Vasa, though for my Santisima cross section used the "wrong" method - ship only viewed from front in its case so much less detail work. Your "correct method" came out very well in scale - looks great.


May have missed it - will you be building a SotS?  - I use the McKay book as well - great info and excellent line drawings.




Current buildSovereign of the Seas 1/78 Sergal

Under the table:

Golden Hind - C Mamoli    Oseberg - Billings 720 - Drakkar - Amati


Santa Maria-Mantua --

Vasa-Corel -

Santisima Trinidad cross section OcCre 1/90th

Gallery :    Santa Maria - Vasa





53 minutes ago, md1400cs said:

will you be building a SotS?

Thanks for the nice comment.


No no,  no SotS for me.

I find it a very interesting book. And mister McKay has thought and studied about  this ship very thoroughly.


Maybe in a few years one of these two will be the next project.




  • 3 weeks later...

Tie the sails to the yards, attempt 3..
I didn't like attempt 2. So did everything again for the 3rd and "last" time.
Different rope and fewer attachments to the yard. Main and fore sail 2 times round yard as the rest 1 time.


The result is a simplified version of the example in the Mary Rose book.


working method :

Knot on the sail20211108_164434.thumb.jpg.3bee3605eb38867d2141a74ab24b7f42.jpg20211108_164517.thumb.jpg.ed5c527bcd48cb09e39dee6b6c4f11bc.jpg

Rope around the yard


Knot on the yard (I worked with a series of 5)


CA gel ont the (yard) knot. And the rope ends are held down


cut off


Result, By pushing the rope ends down until the CA gel has cured, hang these neatly towards the deck


Some work in progress pictures


All ready


Thanks for folowing,comments and likes.

12 hours ago, Louie da fly said:

the seams at the edges

If the google translater is correct, then i yhink you mean these (arrow) My poor knowlidge of english 😉

you need : a needle, rope, patience and time.




Well, yes, that's what I wanted to know about.


But did you fold the edge of the cloth and sew it down to prevent the edge fraying? Or did you the cut the edge with scissors and sew your rope directly to the edge you'd just cut?


I hope this is clear - I know how difficult it can be trying to communicate from one language to another.



17 hours ago, Louie da fly said:

I know how difficult it can be trying to communicate from one language to another.

A drawing 😉

My hems are too wide, narrower is better, but my sewing skills were insufficient.

The diluted PVA glue over the hems prevents fraying after cutting at the seams





WOW! I doubt I'd ever be able to do anything that precise. I'm working on the sail for the nef at the moment (fortunately, it's only one sail!) but my own efforts have been nowhere near as good as your own. Am I right in thinking you used a sewing machine for everything except the bolt ropes?




12 hours ago, Louie da fly said:

WOW! I doubt I'd ever be able to do anything that precise.

Yes, you can do this.

Someone who builds such beautiful scratch models (including the crew) is going to stitch a beautiful sail ;) 


12 hours ago, Louie da fly said:

you used a sewing machine for everything except the bolt ropes


The restored 66 year old Singer from my mother (post 599)


  • 2 months later...

Hello! A small update after a long absence.
This winter most of my spare time went to military model building(build logs in the shore leave corner), and in between i sewed the " cringles" to the sails.

First, a sketch is made of how many are needed for each sail.


Work in progress


WE sewed cringles...


The sails are finally ready, now i have to make blocks and then I can start with the running rigging.



The yards and sails
First the spritsail.
When not in use, it was usually stored in the beakhead. The most common method is this one.


Problem one, where do I tie all the ropes without belaying pins. 

Solution: right or wrong, who knows. But belaying pins in this period is probably definitely wrong


How do I attach the yard to the bowsprit
Not needed in this setup, but I will provide someting like a "spritsailyard sling" at the yard.


Serving the spritsailyard sling


And i have blocks


Work at the shipyard has restarted 👍



  • 2 weeks later...

Continue with the rigging of the spritsail


Added some rope coils. And some blocks that are not in use because the spritsail is stored.

Also added a bucket


Spritsail and yard ready


And in position.


The idea is to tie it up (yellow line).
My experience with sailing is minimal (1 trip with little wind and calm water).

But what I have learned was: everything that is loose starts to swing around and cause problems later..


Thanks for following


The running rigging of the spritsail is ready. Although not in use, all necessary ropework for this sail should be in place.
Paintings and drawings from this era served as example.


current status


Next to do, the fore sail




  • 2 weeks later...

Small update (With spring in the air, there was a lot to do in the garden).


The parrel ribs give me a headache. Making them manually is a time consuming disaster... 


So plan B, started with the big machinery first. And then later the "better" work with the file20220326_154133.thumb.jpg.4e9d2d03eca95fab476a964152f70cd3.jpg20220326_160206.thumb.jpg.fc8a75a3e8680fd0a87e79dfb163e919.jpg


Blocks, work in ptogress

Current status
A batch of blocks  and a lot of raw material that would one day become parrel ribs


Thanks for following

  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the comment, likes and following.


The parrels.
How many rows of trucks are used at the yards? I come to an average of 3 and rarely 5 at the main yard ( on galleons and carracks).

The parrel ribs are finally succeeded and "tested"

The trucks are leftovers of Billing Boats material (plastic) painted and polished with a paper handkerchief. And the ribs are painted.


I will largely follow this example (the  ropework on the parrel will by challenging)20220407_191012.thumb.jpg.e6ff11ea1ef9cbb387c6950e14cb5436.jpg

First attempt at shaping the fore sail (general test) and most blocks have been applied in the meantime.




8 hours ago, Jeff T said:

How will the sails keep their shape?

First see if this method works.
And then I'll tell how.

And if it didn't work
Then I'll tell too, so everyone will know that this method was wrong 



  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/8/2022 at 2:19 AM, Jeff T said:

This looks great!  Precise work with lots of small, delicate parts. 👍   How will the sails keep their shape?

Once sewn and ready, the sails are coated with beeswax. This ensures that there is no longer any frayed structure of the cotton. And the sail is getting a bit stiffer.
Then the front and back are smeared with diluted PA glue, and i let the sail dry in the desired shape (and, it keeps the desired shape)


Cotton sails are indeed too thick on this scale (I've been warned, and they're right)

But the general structure and shape is not that bad, i think ( and i like to do stitching and sewing)



On 4/8/2022 at 11:46 AM, Ab Hoving said:

I really like your research.


Thanks, much appreciated


Further with the fore sail

"Rigging" a parrel ( needed two attempts) I made a whole work plan. Which turned out to be only half correct. For the main sail I make a new one So DO NOT follow this.



Parrel Tyes and Gere in place.

And I now see that the rope of the left "lift" needs more beeswax...


Progress over the next few months will be slow,
The wife (and me also) wants a new bathroom.


On 4/18/2022 at 11:44 AM, Barbossa said:

Related to the bathroom, installing "seats of ease" accordingly to period ships is no option, I presume ?🙂

Such an old-fashioned seat of ease would have been much cheaper 😉

  • 2 weeks later...

I'm often in two minds about sails. They show the ship as she is meant to be but they also obscure the rigging. They are often made overscale, especially where sticthing is concerned. Your sails are a masterpiece and I am sure will enhance an extremely accurate and impressive build.



  • 2 weeks later...

Smal update (and thanks for comments and likes)

Buntlines, bowlines and braces are in place


We recently had a week of vacation. So, lots of time for reading and thinking in preparation for next steps (I even write my notes partly in English (without thinking...)


Discovered that most of the running rigging from the topsail ends in the mast top.


But in a 16th century mast top there are no facilities to tie a single rope... :default_wallbash:grrr...





Impressive.  I like how you made the blocks and your sails.  



Current Built: Zeehaen 1639, Dutch Fluit from Dutch explorer Abel J. Tasman


Unofficial motto of the VOC: "God is good, but trade is better"


Many people believe that Captain J. Cook discovered Australia in 1770. They tend to forget that Dutch mariner Willem Janszoon landed on Australia’s northern coast in 1606. Cook never even sighted the coast of Western Australia).



As always excellently detailed work. Just again catching up.

Billings do have parrels, as you know - you went the extra step making the ribs in wood -  regarding the parrell rigging, as you know, I tried that with my Vasa - I know its there, but in the aggregate scheme of things it disappears haha.

Your's is indeed a great model!! Also - your sails and their attendant rigging are spot on.


My shipyard has been closed for over two months - need to open it up again 




Current buildSovereign of the Seas 1/78 Sergal

Under the table:

Golden Hind - C Mamoli    Oseberg - Billings 720 - Drakkar - Amati


Santa Maria-Mantua --

Vasa-Corel -

Santisima Trinidad cross section OcCre 1/90th

Gallery :    Santa Maria - Vasa





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