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Spending a few days on the margin planks. Cut a few and threw out since they either didn't fit or they broke at the end when I was cutting them until I made sure the grain of the wood was going in the right direction.

These are all cut from 1/6 boxwood sheet.

made up a little clamp to make sure they were all in place before gluing and then removed one at a time and glued them back down with PVA.



Once the margin planks were glued down I stripped some 1.32 square from the sheet stock and rounde out the edge and glued them down with 50/50 pva and water and slowly worked from the stern gluing them in.

I applied one coat of wipe on ploy so I could see how it all looked.







Seeing the results it was sure worth the effort and time it took to do it this way.


Current Build: HMS Winchelsea 1764 1:48

Completed Build: HM Cutter Cheerful-Syren Ship Models 1/48

Completed Build:  Artesania Latina Bluenose II

Completed Build Lady Nelson


Started making the gratings. 



But I made a mistake with the orientation of the large one so soaked the one I had made in alcohol to dissolve the glue.




Once this was done I was able to make the three gratings in the proper orientation.




The sanded them all to size.



Made up the coaming for the large grate and sanded all smooth. Poly not applied yet.




Current Build: HMS Winchelsea 1764 1:48

Completed Build: HM Cutter Cheerful-Syren Ship Models 1/48

Completed Build:  Artesania Latina Bluenose II

Completed Build Lady Nelson


Made the companionway from 1/32 boxwood. First used the plans and cut out the 4 sides and glued them together.




The used 1/32 cedar to plank around the frame and did the roof last at there was 1/16 around the sides which was enough to have a good glue area.

Tried to make some spaces between the planks where the doors are.



All sanded with 600 grit and ready for painting.



Painted it up with the acrylic paint. 3 coats  and used a hair dryer to speed up the drying between coats.

Couldn't resist test fitting it on the deck. Nothing is glued down and I may do like some of the Winnie builders and not glue the deck furniture down so I can sand the deck planking easier.

Still have to make up the hinged for the companionway yet.



Current Build: HMS Winchelsea 1764 1:48

Completed Build: HM Cutter Cheerful-Syren Ship Models 1/48

Completed Build:  Artesania Latina Bluenose II

Completed Build Lady Nelson


For the hinges on the companionway I used some of the gun port hinges as there is a lot in the kit.



Also highlighted the door areas with some black wash so they stand out.



Painted the hinges before gluing them on with some 50/50 pva/water mix.




So now that all the deck furniture is done I have them set in place but not glued yet and will start to mark out and plank the deck.




Current Build: HMS Winchelsea 1764 1:48

Completed Build: HM Cutter Cheerful-Syren Ship Models 1/48

Completed Build:  Artesania Latina Bluenose II

Completed Build Lady Nelson


Thanks everyone for the likes and comments.


I have the first of the deck planks done outside of the deck furniture.

This was quite the lesson on sanding and fitting, sanding and fitting.

I am glad to be past this part and also glad to have done it this way. Was a good lesson on patience.







Current Build: HMS Winchelsea 1764 1:48

Completed Build: HM Cutter Cheerful-Syren Ship Models 1/48

Completed Build:  Artesania Latina Bluenose II

Completed Build Lady Nelson


I have the deck finished up with the treenailing and one coat of poly at the moment.


Now to start on some of the smaller details and am glad to be done with planking.






Current Build: HMS Winchelsea 1764 1:48

Completed Build: HM Cutter Cheerful-Syren Ship Models 1/48

Completed Build:  Artesania Latina Bluenose II

Completed Build Lady Nelson

19 hours ago, BobG said:

Looks great! What method did you use for the treenailing?

Thanks Bob. I used Chucks method that he shows in his build logs.

14 hours ago, bartley said:

Looks great, Paul. The treenailing, the dullish red  and other features make it look "authentic".  some I have seen from very accomplished modelers look a bit "plastic" to my eye.



Thanks John. Much appreciated.


Current Build: HMS Winchelsea 1764 1:48

Completed Build: HM Cutter Cheerful-Syren Ship Models 1/48

Completed Build:  Artesania Latina Bluenose II

Completed Build Lady Nelson


Took the opportunity to attach all the deck furniture. Seems funny to call it furniture.


Next I have to make the hole for the rudder and hope I don't slip with the dremel when doing so.






Current Build: HMS Winchelsea 1764 1:48

Completed Build: HM Cutter Cheerful-Syren Ship Models 1/48

Completed Build:  Artesania Latina Bluenose II

Completed Build Lady Nelson


Depending on where they go...


24 gauge and 28 gauge.


In addition the grating for that aft scuttle needs to be sanded flush with the deck.   The other gratings in the coamings should have been flush with the top of the coamings and not recessed lower as you show them.  Its those little details that will elevate your model.  But it is looking lovely.




its looking really nice Paul. Great work on the boarding steps. Did you cut a relief in the top step for the 1/16" moulding or cut the moulding for the step?

The treenailing looks great I am very impressed with the pattern and your prior explanation of how you treenailed. I'm not sure if I want to treenail or leave mine plain so looking at your impressive job will help me make a decision.



Current Build:

Erycina 1882 Fishing Trawler by Vanguard Models 1:64 scale

Syren by pearwill Model Shipways 1:64 scale

On Hold:

HM Cutter Cheerful  Syren Shipmodel Scratch 1:48 scale

1776 Washington Row Galley scratch scratch from NRG plans #121  1:48 scale

Completed Build:

Charles W. Morgan by Artesania Latina circa 1988, Lowell Grand Banks Dory 1:24 scale by Model Shipways, Norwegian.Sailing Pram 1:12 scale by Model Shipways, Muscongus Bay Lobster Smack 1:24 scale by Model Shipways


Member Nautical Research Guild


8 hours ago, niwotwill said:

its looking really nice Paul. Great work on the boarding steps. Did you cut a relief in the top step for the 1/16" moulding or cut the moulding for the step?

The treenailing looks great I am very impressed with the pattern and your prior explanation of how you treenailed. I'm not sure if I want to treenail or leave mine plain so looking at your impressive job will help me make a decision.






I cut the moulding away and inserted the step. Was pretty easy to do.


The treenailing does take some time but goes pretty quickly once you get a rhythm down. I listen to podcasts while I am working so the time goes by nice.


Current Build: HMS Winchelsea 1764 1:48

Completed Build: HM Cutter Cheerful-Syren Ship Models 1/48

Completed Build:  Artesania Latina Bluenose II

Completed Build Lady Nelson


Second attempt at making the ladders as the first didn't work out.


Used 1/32 strip and then glued 1/8 spacers for the rungs. Once they dried I glued in all the rungs and sanded the outside down almost to nothing. 

Sill have to paint them red.








Current Build: HMS Winchelsea 1764 1:48

Completed Build: HM Cutter Cheerful-Syren Ship Models 1/48

Completed Build:  Artesania Latina Bluenose II

Completed Build Lady Nelson


Before I start on the bow pieces and pin rails I decided to try making some belaying pins. I have never done this before but is fun to do.


before I go further does this look like the right size and shape?





Current Build: HMS Winchelsea 1764 1:48

Completed Build: HM Cutter Cheerful-Syren Ship Models 1/48

Completed Build:  Artesania Latina Bluenose II

Completed Build Lady Nelson

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