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Posted (edited)

Welcome on the start of what will become a long build log of the Mary Rose. The idea is to build this model like on the cover of the book "Mary Rose, Your Noblest Shippe"


HISTORY (Wikipedia) 












Frames (bulkheads)


Building slip and align the frames




Keel and lower hull planking

Planking between wale 1 and 3


Waist an bow


Rear castle

Build up


Fore castle

Build up


Cannon deck



Base plate




Started sawing wood at the beginning of last year (cherry)


Books have been bought and partially read.


The frames have been enlarged with a printer to a scale of approximately 1/48 - 1/50.


I first wanted to build on a scale of 1/45 (like my Pelican). After an initial investigation whether I have room for a fully finished model on that scale, it will be a scale of 1/50. 1/45 will be too big to fit in the closet.



The first step is drawing out the frames on paper (3D designing and printing is not my thing, drawing, sawing, filing, sanding and making dust is).


To be continued

Edited by Baker

Thanks for the encouragements.

To anyone who will follow this. Thank you in advance for your time and attention 👍
This build will take a very long time. Provide yourself with an easy seat, drinks, appetizers, etc 😉

10 hours ago, Baker said:

Thanks for the encouragements.

To anyone who will follow this. Thank you in advance for your time and attention 👍
This build will take a very long time. Provide yourself with an easy seat, drinks, appetizers, etc 😉

Thanks Patrick for another 16th century ship. I'm looking forward!! :imNotWorthy: Ondras


Done : President - https://www.modelforum.cz/viewtopic.php?f=177&t=90230
Under construction : Roter Lowe - https://www.modelforum.cz/viewtopic.php?f=177&t=114576


Member of the organizing clubhttps://wchs-c-2023.klom-admiral.cz/en


 ... love it! - actually ... love, Love LOVE IT!  (regardless of the time involved).  I prefer to be 'event driven' rather than time driven.

Completed builds:  Khufu Solar Barge - 1:72 Woody Joe

Current project(s): Gorch Fock restoration 1:100, Billing Wasa (bust) - 1:100 Billings, Great Harry (bust) 1:88 ex. Sergal 1:65





Fingers crossed, Patrick. I hope you will finish it. It´s a beautiful ship. 

Here´s  one building :


unfortunatelly, the builder died already. But there´s a lot of informations.



Finished:       Ark Royal 1588

                      Mary Rose 1545

                      Arabian Dhow

                      Revenge 1577 ( first attempt )

                      La Couronne 1636

                      Trinidad 1519

                      Revenge 1577 ( the second one )

                      Nina 1492

                      Pinta 1492

                      Santa Maria 1492

                      San Salvador 1543

                      Anna Maria 1694

                      Sao Gabriel 1497


On the table: Sovereign of the Seas 1636 - continuing after 12 years



All of them are paper models


First thank you for all the attention. Much appreciated. 

The link to the "Russian" Mary rose model is bookmarked, thanks Jan.


After all the 12 frames are drawn,  plywood is first roughly sawn to size.

The drawings are glued to the plywood.

And, ready to sawn the frames. 


But given the outside temperature is now between 0 and 5 degrees. After 1 frame my fingers were a bit frozen 🥶
So, for now, I will switch back to my military modeling in our heated kitchen.



All the frames are sawn.
The idea is to build the hull upside down. I've never done this before, something new to try.


The frames are clamped onto the buildslip. These are not yet fixed on the plate, This setup is to see if all my drawing and sawing work is correct.


The result is not bad. Actually better than expected.

These drawings are also enlarged. For now, it's still Chinese to me. 

But again something new to learn.




Patrick - adding your new  log as well. in the mid-90s I visited the Mary Rose (well after seeing that other one - right next door) haha — Very interesting. This was before they of course totally rebuilt the Mary Rose museum, which apparently today is astonishing. Looking forward to your new build, which are always a delight to follow.


Cheers, my friend.


Current buildSovereign of the Seas 1/78 Sergal

Under the table:

Golden Hind - C Mamoli    Oseberg - Billings 720 - Drakkar - Amati


Santa Maria-Mantua --

Vasa-Corel -

Santisima Trinidad cross section OcCre 1/90th

Gallery :    Santa Maria - Vasa






That will be a very big hull!!:rolleyes: I used the same build system, just prepared the top of the ribs for precise removal later so I didn't have to use too much violence.. Fingers crossed.👌


Done : President - https://www.modelforum.cz/viewtopic.php?f=177&t=90230
Under construction : Roter Lowe - https://www.modelforum.cz/viewtopic.php?f=177&t=114576


Member of the organizing clubhttps://wchs-c-2023.klom-admiral.cz/en


Thanks everyone for your interest :imNotWorthy:


A dummy plywood "keelplate" is made.

This showed that the mutual distance between the bulkheads was too great. So everything has been disassembled and the intermediate supports have been made 3mm narrower.

The new arrangement is now in proportion to the keel, stern, stem.


The shape of the front and rear bulkheads don't look right on sight (i think). I used the drawing from the book Anatomy of the ship (AOTS) and It looks if these are "taken" from MR Noblest Shippe (MRNS)

The AOTS scheme has 12 frames.

The MRNS has also detailed  "sections" and frames.



That is why the drawing of the sections (MR noblest shippe) has been enlarged by 200%. I spent a few hours at work today at the engineering department...😇

The intention is to make masters with these to check if the shape of the bulkheads matches with the sections.

This will also help to determine the position of the decks more easily. The deck of the cannons is open (a real deck, no holes in the hull with dummy cannons)


@Ondras71 This is indeed going to be a large model.


@Veszett Roka

The keel will consist of 3 pieces from 2 different types of wood. The idea is to install it first. 






Just tuned in and will be following your build.  Your research and follow up attention to detail is commendable. Thanks for sharing your work with us.


PLEASE take 30 SECONDS and sign up for the epic Nelson/Trafalgar project if you would like to see it made into a TV series.   Click on http://trafalgar.tv   There is no cost other than the 30 seconds of your time.  THANK YOU


On 2/1/2023 at 7:04 PM, Baker said:

The shape of the front and rear bulkheads don't look right on sight (i think). I used the drawing from the book Anatomy of the ship (AOTS) and It looks if these are "taken" from MR Noblest Shippe (MRNS)

The AOTS scheme has 12 frames.

The MRNS has also detailed  "sections" and frames.

Testing my suspicion.
After enlarging the section drawings from the MRNS book, these sections were all copied separately.

A first test clearly shows a difference with the drawings (bulkheads) from the AOTS book.

Grrr :default_wallbash:


All these (some of of them expensive) books and in none of them you find the simple mention about the length - width of the hull.

So i continue with the keel length and the beam in feet.
Length keel 60,... cm and beam 23,... cm.


The sections from MRNS seem to match better the 23cm than the bulkheads from AOTS 24.5cm


Next plan.
Making these extra bulkheads and do a better shaping of the the already made bulkheads.

Better to do well now than to have problems later.


An admittedly brief review of my copy of MRNS indicates that the Mary Rose organization has not published a full blown “lines drawing” for the ship.  As the ship as recovered from the Solent was distorted wreckage they are probably reluctant to publish a drawing not fully supported by archeological evidence.  The frame and section drawings in the book used as is therefore, may not produce a fair hull.


ATOS appears to have taken things a step further with a lines drawing that produces a fair hull but does not exactly match all of the as recovered, but distorted wreckage.


As I see it, you have two choices:  Use the ATOS lines drawing as is.  This should produce a fair hull that replicates the shape of a Mid 16th Century large English Carrick based on corrected hull shapes recovered from the Mary Rose wreckage.  OR, You can use the MRNS data to draw your own lines drawing.  If you chose to do this you may well have to adjust some hull section shapes to produce fair lines.


Either case will produce a hull that reflects someone’s best guess; you or the author of ATOS.  Either approach will produce a handsome model that comes as close as we are going to get of this historic ship.





Posted (edited)

I fully agree.

But, the advantage of the MRNS book is that I have a lot of drawings on a scale of 1/100. And it is easy for me to enlarge them to a scale of 1/50.

So I'm going to make the sections of MRNS and place them next to the current bulkheads. And then see what makes the most sense.


I promesed this build would be a long way to a finished model. I'm doing this well, haha 😇

Edited by Baker
  • 2 weeks later...

First a non Ship related item.
Recently my photos are reduced with this tool. The first time you use it is a bit of searching, but after a few times of practice this goes pretty smoothly


The length / width ratio can be found in the MR book by Haynes (thanks to Chapman 👍).
There is a waterline drawing in MRNS. It also shows the positions of the sections on the keel.

This drawing is enlarged and hopefully these water lines will fit


Bulkheads whose position corresponds to the sections in the MRNS book are adjusted.


The MRNS book sections (black) are in place. The intention is to use the water lines to bring the remaining bulkheads into a better shape


The difference in bulkhead 11 and section 10 is here good to see


Very early at this stage, designing flags


Thanks following and the advice


Part of the bulkheads are adjusted and ready. An opening is made in the middle.20230301_125443_1280.thumb.jpg.27484c338003ffcc6f4d7a044320a06e.jpg

Start aligning and attaching the bulkheads to the buildslip. The buildslip is first leveled flat


Aligning the bulkheads with the laser


Making sure that the screws remain accessible 


The rear part is ready

The plywood keel has been sawn through (a mistake was made at the front). The final keel will be installed at a later stage.


Supervisor Felix has full confidence in this project 😼



The stem (problem) 

So now I know why the water lines from MRNS were not correct.  The rason was  "a wrong" start with the stem.  So this problem will be solved first.


The stem on this drawing is enlarged.


The difference is clearly visible.


The new piece20230303_104513_1280.jpg.9381ebdac1488b648928a81c01bd8b96.jpg



Adjusting the front bulkheads and repositioning. (Mister Bosch is a very handy little thing for this).

And my assistant is also there (on the right between 11 and 12)


All bulkheads are bolted to the buildslip. And the water lines from MRNS are pretty accurate now. :Whew:


Thanks for following

  • 3 weeks later...

Now that the bulkheads have approximately the right shape, it is time to add the extra supports between them



Then the bulkheads and the supports are chamfered 


now my favourite part, fillerblocks


These will be installed in the hull part below the cannon deck


Number 1 in place 


Thanks for following

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