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Mike, first off I admire your work and skills very much.

I assume you're aware I'm lofting these plans myself from several references.  To be honest I don't trust myself, lol.  I've spent many hours drawing and redrawing the head of Essex.  I'm at the point where I'm fairly certain (90%) that my head details are correct.  BUT, if I run into a problem and I've drilled the gammoning holes in the wrong place, I'm screwed.


Would you agree with my assessment or am I being TOO cautious?  I haven't glued the cants on yet so I can still drill them on a drill press now very easily, if I want to.

You can see below I want the gammoning holes in the middle of the cheeks area, and if for some reason I have errors in my lofting I don't find until I actually build the head, well, you can see where this is going.


So that's my reasoning.  But you have caused me to take pause and reconsider - damnit....😝




Wes Cook


Current Build: USF Constitution (Model Shipways)

USF Essex (Scratch build)

MS Syren (build log lost, need to rebuild)


Future Builds: MS Confederacy

Posted (edited)
On 11/2/2020 at 7:52 PM, cookster said:

Would you agree with my assessment or am I being TOO cautious? 

Sooner or later you will have to know where you are going to place those gammoning holes. Might be a good idea to figure it out now and commit to doing it while it is easier to accomplish.



Edited by Stuntflyer

Current build - Sloop Speedwell 1752 (POF)

Completed builds - 18 Century Longboat (POB) , HM Cutter Cheerful  1806 (POB), HMS Winchelsea 1764 (POB)


Member: Ship Model Society of New Jersey


The most detailed as built plans we have for a US frigate is the 1815 admiralty draught of the USF President, with rare inboard profile details. She too was someone else's design that Fox altered and tinkered with. I might maybe extrapolate proportions from her?


They are redrawn in both of Howard Chapelle's The History of American Sailing Ships and The History of American Sailing Navy. I have the original draught somewhere. I'll see if I can find it, and send you a close-up picture of the forward gundeck.


Nice precision work Wes.

I use Solidworks and ACAD at work, and have purchased TurboCad to use at home.  Its quite affordable between $100 and $300, depending on what you want.  It's also easy to pick up on if you are a ACAD user.  


Current Builds:  Revell 1:96 Thermopylae Restoration

                           Revell 1:96 Constitution COMPLETED

                           Aeropiccola HMS Endeavor IN ORDINARY

Planned Builds: Scientific Sea Witch

                            Marine Models USF Essex




Scott, I'm trying DraftSight CAD program.  I used TurboCad many years ago and didn't like it back then, not sure if I would now or not.  DraftSight looks a lot like AutoCad (same shortcuts, layout etc) so I feel comfortable using it.  I was able to get Solidworks Educator for free since I'm a member of the EAA (Experimental Aircraft Assoc) so that worked out well!


Frolick, thanks for the dwgs.  I actually have Chapelle's The History of American Sailing Navy so thanks for reminding me that is in there.


Mike, I held of on the gammoning holes, I'll drill them at a later date with my small dremel - no big deal.

Wes Cook


Current Build: USF Constitution (Model Shipways)

USF Essex (Scratch build)

MS Syren (build log lost, need to rebuild)


Future Builds: MS Confederacy


Well folks, here I am actually installing the cant frames for the last time.  With glue.  For real.  Sorry for the humor, but this has taken so long to get here and so many setbacks - to be actually doing this is a major milestone!  This is version three of the cant's.  One version for issues with my lofting, another version for over aggressive sanding, and now this V.3 which is the final version.  I've also had to remake a frame or 2 here and there for what I'll call *mistakes* and leave it at that. 


I'm getting there but still lots to go.  Also framed my first complete gunport!  The sheer looks nice and and the *fake* rabbet is now finally visible.   There's still more fairing to do on the inside of what you see below.   Using battens to fair is absolutely necessary IMO.  All the bumps and dips show up that way.  Anyway, pics.  I'll post more when I have more frames glued in.

PS - forgive the workbench situation -  it's messy but it's mine.😁

Cheers and thanks for following along!










Wes Cook


Current Build: USF Constitution (Model Shipways)

USF Essex (Scratch build)

MS Syren (build log lost, need to rebuild)


Future Builds: MS Confederacy


Still working on Cant frames, but only a few left to go.  It's getting there.  No major issues yet, I've been rough fairing as I go and so far no goofs on this version.  Hopefully I'll finish them with no major mistakes.  Lofting these was a real learning experience, my shipwright learning curve was huge AND making mistakes early on, but now finally my dwgs of the cants seem fairly accurate - I just need to make sure and leave a little excess material to fair.

I still have to finish lofting the rear cants and then build them, I hope all the experience I gained on the front ones make the rear ones go smooth.  But I get ahead of myself...







Wes Cook


Current Build: USF Constitution (Model Shipways)

USF Essex (Scratch build)

MS Syren (build log lost, need to rebuild)


Future Builds: MS Confederacy

  • 2 weeks later...

Welp, believe it or not the front cant frames are finished!  Can't believe I'm actually at this moment!  Also I finally built my overhead gantry, Ed Tosti style.  As per my usual of over building everything, it's over built - but that's OK. It works and is square and solid.

One area of concern I'm not happy about is the cant frames vs hawse hole placement.  I drew and redrew that area and finally thought I'd reached my best compromise between the cants (and Hackett's design of them) and the hawse holes location using Baker and Fox's placement of them from 1809.  After seeing the completed frames and roughly laying out where the holes will punch the cant frames I'm not happy at all.  I will not however be going back and redoing the cants again.  3 times is enough.  No one but the experts will know and at this point if I tear them out again I may loose my mojo and bail again.  Don't want to do that.

So, my shipyard and shipwrights will move on with the build.  I'll show some pics later of the area of concern, right now I'm not going to dwell on it.

Cant frames are 90% faired, they look pretty good now.  Port sills are fair and a temporary deck clamp I installed looked good.  Remember the port side will be planked over so if it looks a little rougher than starboard, it is 😉










And let me introduce my overbuilt Gantry Extreme 3000...  You can also get a view of the build board I made - and more workshop clutter - seems that a theme with me LOL.





Happy Thanksgiving everyone! catch you next time

Wes Cook


Current Build: USF Constitution (Model Shipways)

USF Essex (Scratch build)

MS Syren (build log lost, need to rebuild)


Future Builds: MS Confederacy

Posted (edited)

I knew there was a ship model in there somewhere....

And thanks for all the likes!


Edit to add: I just ordered a 3d (resin based) printer.  (Black Friday sale!!)  First project(s) will be some 1/48 crew members for fun, then the Indian Figurehead.  Down the road will be carvings n such for the stern - but that will be much later... And of course whatever else I can come up with.  Probably carronades - or at least one for a mold master and cast the the rest.  Not sure on that yet but I'm sure I can come up with plenty of things to try out!






Edited by cookster

Wes Cook


Current Build: USF Constitution (Model Shipways)

USF Essex (Scratch build)

MS Syren (build log lost, need to rebuild)


Future Builds: MS Confederacy

  • 2 weeks later...

just a quick update, I'm still working on the square frames.  I also added a deck clamp and fake deck hook.  I say fake because neither this clamp or hook will be seen so I didn't spend the time to make prototypical ones.  For the upper deck I will be framing in protypical fashion.





fake deck clamp and hook for gun deck.  I'll be adding fake beams as well to support the planking.



I also finally started lofting the stern and eventually those pesky rear counter timbers...  Hopefully all that I learned on the front cants will pay off here.  And I'll soon have to decide on what stern arrangement I want to use since no historical data is available for Essex's stern in 1814.  3, 5, 7, 8 windows?  Still don't know yet.


Oh, and I received my new 3d printer so I need to play with that too!



Thanks for the likes and thanks for looking in!

Wes Cook


Current Build: USF Constitution (Model Shipways)

USF Essex (Scratch build)

MS Syren (build log lost, need to rebuild)


Future Builds: MS Confederacy

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...

Hello everyone, I'm finally back with an update.  It's been a very busy spring and summer, my apologies for not updating regularly.

I have made more progress on Essex, I now have roughly 1/3 of the frames permanently glued in place.  Fairing them is an ongoing process and won't be completed until all the frames are glued in place.

At some point soon I'll be adding more of the "fake" gundeck clamps and beams.  Anyway, a few pics and I'll try and post more as I get more frames added.









Wes Cook


Current Build: USF Constitution (Model Shipways)

USF Essex (Scratch build)

MS Syren (build log lost, need to rebuild)


Future Builds: MS Confederacy

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

well, I'm still adding frames.  Also, I finally got my 3d printer up a running.  I've printed a few things so far only as tests, but so far I'm pleased.


Here's Pirate Cap'n Green Legs in his 1/48th scale glory.  This was just a test (got it from Hero Forge), I do intend to model up a proper US navy figure at some point and print him out.





I also drew up and printed a 12 lb long gun, which Essex did carry at Valparaiso.  My plan is to finish the model ( trunnions and such) then print a master, and make a mold(s) and cast what I need.  



I don't plan to make a separate thread just for 3d printing stuff, but if there winds up being enough interest or questions I may.  It just depends.

I also received the CNC router I ordered a week or so ago, so I'll need to work with that at some point and make some stuff.


Anyway, more build pics.  Till next update....







Gratuitous cannon pic...





Here's the side that will be planked over, I realized I don't show it much.





Edited by cookster

Wes Cook


Current Build: USF Constitution (Model Shipways)

USF Essex (Scratch build)

MS Syren (build log lost, need to rebuild)


Future Builds: MS Confederacy


Here's a few more of the tools and some tricks I use.

I print out the deck profiles on cardstock, then use them as template when fairing the frames.  I did not do this on my version 1 of frames and that's one one of the reasons I screwed them up and over sanded.  These patterns really help!



When framing the gunports, I set the sill in it's location, then use a gauge block I cut to place the header.  This way it's accurate every time AND sits square to the sill.



When fairing (sanding) I use these sanding blocks intended for autobody work.  They are great for fairing outside the hull.  Inside is a little trickier, but they can be cut down if that helps.  The 2 round ones you see below were cut from a single block so I could sand the tighter radius as the hull turns.





Oh, and I finally printed the full length deck plan.  That's a 24" rule as a reference.IMG_1933.JPG.e721878c5ed9aba5a3dd1cf5a3c67d63.JPG




Another cannon pic...



Wes Cook


Current Build: USF Constitution (Model Shipways)

USF Essex (Scratch build)

MS Syren (build log lost, need to rebuild)


Future Builds: MS Confederacy

  • 2 weeks later...

very quick update, still working on square frames - but only 7 to go.  yee haw....    Looks like I have rear cants and fashion timbers in my near future, wonder how much trouble I'll have with those....

Thanks for looking in!


PS - if we ever have a messiest workspace/table area contest, I want to enter. I'll win for sure, LOL





Wes Cook


Current Build: USF Constitution (Model Shipways)

USF Essex (Scratch build)

MS Syren (build log lost, need to rebuild)


Future Builds: MS Confederacy

  • 9 months later...
On 10/30/2020 at 5:15 PM, cookster said:

On a positive note, 3d printers have gotten more affordable so I think I'll be investing in one of those at some point.  32 Cannons come to mind immediately, plus so much more little items for the model.

Her 1814 fit is reported as being 6 12pdr guns, plus 40 32pdr carronades -  for a total of 46 ordnance.
Not her nominal 32 guns, or her previous armament of 26 12 pdr guns and 16 24pdr carronades.

I have no idea where the (movable) guns on their truck carriages were mounted, only that 3 were pointed out of the stern quarter and saw heavy action while fighting the Phoebe, when no guns from the broadside could be brought to bear - the carronade slides being fixed to their fighting bolts they are unsuited to shifting, unless they have specific modifications to their carriages to ease shifting to the chase port - and cannot be trivially set to fire from an improvised port, as they *need* the fighting bolt to restrain their very harsh recoil - being roughly equal to a full gun of 24pdr, rather than the much lighter recoil of a gun of a smaller calibre (such as the similarly powerful 12pdr gun with very similar muzzle energy for a 7.5ft 12pdr gun and 32pdr carronade), but a recoil energy which is ~3.7ft tons for the carronade, compared to ~1.33ft tons for the gun.

Posted (edited)

Essex had two 12's on the forecastle, two on the quarterdeck (the aft-most port?) and two on the main deck, probably at port number seven (amidships), as implied by the gunner's and carpenter's post-action damage report. Essex's "long guns" were actually rather small, they being only about six feet long (Columbiads? This I read a long time ago in an English sea ordinance treatise from circa 1850), so they wouldn't have been too much of an encumbrance on the quarterdeck. So I'm guessing that they ran the main-deck gun pair No. 7 all the way aft out the cabin windows, and ran one of the quarterdeck guns out a taffrail port.





Edited by uss frolick

6ft is around the same length as most field guns. The short length is a problem on board only with there being more an issue of higher recoils and with keeping the muzzle outside the port during oblique fires than a meaningful loss of range and effective penetration distance. RN frigate artillery tended to be the shortest pattern of Blomefield naval artillery in each calibre (though his naval guns were longer than his mobile field/siege artillery in iron in most cases - he did also have a 6ft iron 12pdr at 21cwt in his land pattern guns).

The shorter length will make some difference - around 5% decrease in range at 5 degrees, 4.5% decrease in range for in the penetration through a 21" framing model and around 7.5% decrease in the range at which 21" of timber can be penetrated into a semi-infinite timber bulk. ( a shorter distance than perforation of a 'finite' frame and plank target), but this is dwarfed by the difference in performance to the heavier artillery present - both the 18pdr guns (though not the weaker 18pdr carronade), and the 32pdr carronades used on all three vessels - these latter are so much more powerful that their net 'value' in delivered energy is superior to a 12pdr gun at all distances over 400yds, despite an up to 10:6 advantage in their hitting space over the carronade at 400yds.

  • 4 weeks later...
4 hours ago, uss frolick said:

It’s been almost a year since we last heard from you Cookster. Hoping all is well.

I hope all is well with him also.  His last login to MSW was last November.

"The shipwright is slow, but the wood is patient." - me

Current Build:                                                                                             
Past Builds:
 La Belle Poule 1765 - French Frigate from ANCRE plans - ON HOLD           Triton Cross-Section   

 NRG Hallf Hull Planking Kit                                                                            HMS Sphinx 1775 - Vanguard Models - 1:64               


Non-Ship Model:                                                                                         On hold, maybe forever:           

CH-53 Sikorsky - 1:48 - Revell - Completed                                                   Licorne - 1755 from Hahn Plans (Scratch) Version 2.0 (Abandoned)         



  • 1 year later...

I'll add my voice to those concerned about your health and well being.  Loved your build log on the Model Shipways Constitution, and was sorry to see you stopped posting - hmmm, that was about the time you started this build..  Your workmanship and attention to detail are outstanding.   Hope to hear from you soon'.




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