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Bounty Launch by CaptainSteve - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:16 Scale - SMALL

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Just one word for now ... "Tree Nails"

(actually, that's two)

Current Build:  HM Granado Bomb Vessel (Caldercraft)

My BathTub:    Queen Anne Barge (Syren Ship Models)       Log:  Queen Anne Barge (an build log)

                        Bounty Launch (Model Shipways)                 Log:  Bounty Launch by CaptainSteve
                        Apostol Felipe (OcCre)
                        HMS Victory (Constructo)
Check It Out:   The Kit-Basher's Guide to The Galaxy

Website:          The Life & Boats of CaptainSteve

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Just one word for now ... "Tree Nails"

(actually, that's two)

That should keep you busy for a while. Looking forward to the results.

The heart is happiest when the head and the hands work together.



Current Builds:

HMS Halifax 1/48 POF Lumberyard Kit

Model Shipways Glad Tidings

Acoustic Guitar Build FINISHED

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Just one word for now ... "Tree Nails"

(actually, that's two)


Just use trenail, trennel, or trunnel.   :)   

"The shipwright is slow, but the wood is patient." - me

Current Build:                                                                                             
Past Builds:
 La Belle Poule 1765 - French Frigate from ANCRE plans - ON HOLD           Triton Cross-Section   

 NRG Hallf Hull Planking Kit                                                                            HMS Sphinx 1775 - Vanguard Models - 1:64               


Non-Ship Model:                                                                                         On hold, maybe forever:           

CH-53 Sikorsky - 1:48 - Revell - Completed                                                   Licorne - 1755 from Hahn Plans (Scratch) Version 2.0 (Abandoned)         



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  • 2 weeks later...

"A-trennelling we will go ... a-trennelling we will go. 

Trennelling ... trennelling ... trennelling ... trennelling ...

Life is but a dream !!"


CaptainSteve's already tenuous grasp upon sanity hath been sorely tested these past two weeks. For he hath been occupying every erstwhile free moment in cutting many a toothpick into even smaller pieces ...




Thence he didst taketh up his drill and madeth verily great numbers of tiny, tiny holes in which to place these pieces ...




And, thencewise, whereupon that was doneth, he didst commenceth the whole process over again ... and again ... and again. All the while singing the refrain at the top untoest his self.





But, just when it didst seemeth darkest, just when it wouldst appeareth that our hero's grasp on reality musteth surely fail, he was able to discovereth his Inner Porcupine !!




Whereupon, finally seeing light at the end of the trennel tunnel, he didst taketh up the Fearsome Clippers of Toe-Nail Destruction to trim that Porcupine ...








"They be subtle," our Hero didst sayeth. "But the detail be there ... and it be good, methinks !!"


At this stage, it twouldst be pertinent to point out that nobody has informed CaptainSteve just yet that the outer hull couldst beeth in need of a good trennelling, as well.

For the sake of our Hero's sanity, let's just keep that matter betwixt our own selves, for the time being !!!

Edited by CaptainSteve

Current Build:  HM Granado Bomb Vessel (Caldercraft)

My BathTub:    Queen Anne Barge (Syren Ship Models)       Log:  Queen Anne Barge (an build log)

                        Bounty Launch (Model Shipways)                 Log:  Bounty Launch by CaptainSteve
                        Apostol Felipe (OcCre)
                        HMS Victory (Constructo)
Check It Out:   The Kit-Basher's Guide to The Galaxy

Website:          The Life & Boats of CaptainSteve

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A job well done Cap't. Now go to the nearest port grab a wholesome wench and a keg of good Jamaican rum and have a rest.

David B

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Just back from the port, whereupon I didst avail the company of a (not so) wholesome wench - I prefer 'em that way, DG ...



Getting back to my Launch, were I to use the same toothpick method employed on the interior for the outer trennelling, I feel this would mess with my distressed planking. Thus, in order to create trennelling on the exterior of this Launch - and also to preserve my sanity - I will soon pull out the syringes I recently purchased and make some attempts at faux-trenails.

Although, as I shalt soon be making the long-awaited residential adjustment (just signed the lease), the next update may take a bit of time.
Pics soon ...

Edited by CaptainSteve

Current Build:  HM Granado Bomb Vessel (Caldercraft)

My BathTub:    Queen Anne Barge (Syren Ship Models)       Log:  Queen Anne Barge (an build log)

                        Bounty Launch (Model Shipways)                 Log:  Bounty Launch by CaptainSteve
                        Apostol Felipe (OcCre)
                        HMS Victory (Constructo)
Check It Out:   The Kit-Basher's Guide to The Galaxy

Website:          The Life & Boats of CaptainSteve

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Just found your log, I wonder if our mutual friend is reading along. Good innovative techniques and good steals from other builders. Enjoy your move and I'm sure I'm not alone in hoping to see more of your build soon.

Al "San Fransisco I ", Bashed Al "Santa Maria", Scratch-built  Chinese Trading Junk

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Just back from the port, whereupon I didst avail the company of a (not so) wholesome wench - I prefer 'em that way, DG ...



Getting back to my Launch, were I to use the same toothpick method employed on the interior for the outer trennelling, I feel this would mess with my distressed planking. Thus, in order to create trennelling on the exterior of this Launch - and also to preserve my sanity - I will soon pull out the syringes I recently purchased and make some attempts at faux-trenails.


Although, as I will very shortly be making the long-awaited residential adjustment (just signed the lease), the next update may take a bit of time.

Pics soon ...

I am looking forward to seeing the "faux-trenails" progress but I thought we might see the puffer fish effect. :D Good luck with the move. It's always a stressful thing to do. Every time I have moved I said never again. :rolleyes:

The heart is happiest when the head and the hands work together.



Current Builds:

HMS Halifax 1/48 POF Lumberyard Kit

Model Shipways Glad Tidings

Acoustic Guitar Build FINISHED

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  • 2 weeks later...

Although, as I shalt soon be making the long-awaited residential adjustment (just signed the lease), the next update may take a bit of time.

Pics soon ...


Excuse me, but would you mind cancelling your house move and continue building your Bounty Launch? 


I think it is just a little selfish of you considering I was enjoying reading your log so much but I guess I can be patient if you think your whole life is more important than entertaining me ...


(All the best with your move!)

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Hahaha ...


Good to see you are (nearly) back on deck with us, Bindy !!

:D  :D  


Sorry, it's a fait accompli by now ... and one I'm looking forward to being done with. Once the house move is done with, I'll make some progress with the faux-trenails.


As such, not a lot has been achieved boat-wise for awhile. No pics as yet, but the whales have been trimmed and stained, the back-rest is in, as is the forward grating.


Oh, what do people think of an idea I have to install the thwarts slightly lower in my Launch than the plans call for ?? I'm thinking of fitting them to the underside of the trenelled thwart riser.

To me, it just seems they will sit a little too high if placed on the same line as the bow grating (as per the plans). 

Edited by CaptainSteve

Current Build:  HM Granado Bomb Vessel (Caldercraft)

My BathTub:    Queen Anne Barge (Syren Ship Models)       Log:  Queen Anne Barge (an build log)

                        Bounty Launch (Model Shipways)                 Log:  Bounty Launch by CaptainSteve
                        Apostol Felipe (OcCre)
                        HMS Victory (Constructo)
Check It Out:   The Kit-Basher's Guide to The Galaxy

Website:          The Life & Boats of CaptainSteve

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  • 5 weeks later...

Hello all,


I've been a lurker on this build log for a while now; since I started my own launch build this past spring ad used much info from it.  I got the hull planked and everything was running smooth until last night when I decided to use my air brush to paint the poor thing.  It came out most hideously and in an attempt to save the mess I decided to fill the sink with water and use a wet rag to wash off the ugly paint job.  Not a good idea.  The paint came off, no problem but over the next hour the glue let go on about half of the planking and everything else warped to about the same shape as a dogs hind leg.  This was a combination of wood and super glues.


I'll not try to fix it but simply feed it to my burn barrel out back.  That barrel has seen a half buit MS Niagara and a MS Stage Coach (I think I had 4 pieces of wood assembled on that one before I gave up - long story) in the past 12 months.


The moral of the story is, don't get your boat wet :(


I enjoyed the log, though.  Keep up the good work!

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Oh my, Rshaw. I can definitely sympathize with you. Over the years, I've scrapped a Billings' Vasa kit, an old paddle-wheeler/sail hybrid that I cannot remember the name of, as well as a Mamoli kit of the Constitution which I was given for free (but which had numerous pieces missing). All of these have been pillaged, ransacked and salvaged to become my Davy Jones' Locker of spare parts.


Here's hoping you decide to take the plunge and jump back into another build .... just remember to keep the thing AWAY from water this time !!!

Edited by CaptainSteve

Current Build:  HM Granado Bomb Vessel (Caldercraft)

My BathTub:    Queen Anne Barge (Syren Ship Models)       Log:  Queen Anne Barge (an build log)

                        Bounty Launch (Model Shipways)                 Log:  Bounty Launch by CaptainSteve
                        Apostol Felipe (OcCre)
                        HMS Victory (Constructo)
Check It Out:   The Kit-Basher's Guide to The Galaxy

Website:          The Life & Boats of CaptainSteve

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  • 1 month later...

Arrr ....


Shortly after my residential adjustment, I discovered that receiving mobile data was to be a non-event, due to close proximity to some high voltage power-lines just across the street. No problem, thought I. All I had to do was sign-up for fixed-line broadband and all would be good.


Instead, what ensued was to be an all-out fight with a certain internet provider ...

That matter is still to be resolved, but I have returned and hope to be posting again very soon !!


In the meantime, I would greatly appreciate it if everyone could just stop working on their models for a short time as I plow through some 23 pages of notifications and try to catch-up with everyone's amazing work here on MSW.

Edited by CaptainSteve

Current Build:  HM Granado Bomb Vessel (Caldercraft)

My BathTub:    Queen Anne Barge (Syren Ship Models)       Log:  Queen Anne Barge (an build log)

                        Bounty Launch (Model Shipways)                 Log:  Bounty Launch by CaptainSteve
                        Apostol Felipe (OcCre)
                        HMS Victory (Constructo)
Check It Out:   The Kit-Basher's Guide to The Galaxy

Website:          The Life & Boats of CaptainSteve

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  • 1 month later...

Avast and ahoy once again, Me 'earties !!
Well, the new workshop has been set up and methinks it be time CaptainSteve got back to work - afore he be charged with Dereliction of Duty!!
When last we left our Hero, he was contemplating affixing the gunwales. He soon found it necessary to remove the back-board piece, realising that it would be waaay more logical to fit this piece after the wales were in place.




Our hero didst manage to acquire a handful of tongue depressors, which were used to solve the problem of holding the gunwales in place whilst the glue was drying.


Once this be done, he couldst be about re-fitting the back-board.




Current Build:  HM Granado Bomb Vessel (Caldercraft)

My BathTub:    Queen Anne Barge (Syren Ship Models)       Log:  Queen Anne Barge (an build log)

                        Bounty Launch (Model Shipways)                 Log:  Bounty Launch by CaptainSteve
                        Apostol Felipe (OcCre)
                        HMS Victory (Constructo)
Check It Out:   The Kit-Basher's Guide to The Galaxy

Website:          The Life & Boats of CaptainSteve

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O’course, with our Hero having been away for so long, surely he couldst noteth be stopping there.

Indeedeth not !!!

He didst turneth his attentions next unto the thwarts. Here he was pleasantly surprised to learneth that he didst noteth suffer, as others had afore, from Short Thwart Syndrome. In actuality, as he doest plan to install them ‘neath the under-side of the thwart risers, he was most fortunate to discovereth that the majority of them be over-long.


And, thusly, here they be. Stained and distressed and awaiting installation …

But, alas, it be here that we must stoppeth again, temporarily. For, in order to complete the thwarts, our Hero must divine some method of blackening the metal for the mast partners properly. 


CaptainSteve has met with much resistance in his attempts to acquire a workable metal-blackening agent. So, forsooth, the thwarts musteth remain uninstalled until our Hero canst findeth a reliable trader in alchemical supplies.
“The closest that I didst findeth be this stuff,“ he didst declare.

“It be called ‘Oxidising Patina’, and ‘twouldst, I suspect, be a close cousin to ‘Blacken-It’. But, alas and alack, it be all that I couldst getteth me hands upon.”
“Indeedeth, I didst trial the stuff,” said CaptainSteve.

In the test above, our Hero didst try the Patina on 2 types of aluminium foil, a piece of scrap brass (similar to that supplied in the Launch kit), and a piece of foil from a drink can.


To say that the results were disappointing wouldst be an understatement, although the brass strip didst take on a nice copper tone.

Current Build:  HM Granado Bomb Vessel (Caldercraft)

My BathTub:    Queen Anne Barge (Syren Ship Models)       Log:  Queen Anne Barge (an build log)

                        Bounty Launch (Model Shipways)                 Log:  Bounty Launch by CaptainSteve
                        Apostol Felipe (OcCre)
                        HMS Victory (Constructo)
Check It Out:   The Kit-Basher's Guide to The Galaxy

Website:          The Life & Boats of CaptainSteve

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Hi Steve,


Glad to see you making progress again.  She's looking real good.  The decking in the second from last shot looks so real!





HM Bark Endeavour (First Wood, On Hold)

Borodino (1:200 Card, Current Build)

Admiral Nakhimov (card 1/200)

Mazur D-350 Artillery Tractor (1:25 Card) 

F-8 Crusader (1:48 Aircraft, Plastic)

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Oh yes, our Hero hath acquired a few new toys recently … tho’ a table saw isn’t one of those (yet). That one be still coming. However, he didst getteth his hands upon one o’ these contraptions:

It shouldst prove most handy when the time doth cometh for sail-making … although, to date, CaptainSteve must admit that he hast never, ever used a sewing machine afore.
As well, he didst pick-up some of this …

… just the perfect item in case I doth ever get around to making a replica Bligh to ride in my replica Launch.


Current Build:  HM Granado Bomb Vessel (Caldercraft)

My BathTub:    Queen Anne Barge (Syren Ship Models)       Log:  Queen Anne Barge (an build log)

                        Bounty Launch (Model Shipways)                 Log:  Bounty Launch by CaptainSteve
                        Apostol Felipe (OcCre)
                        HMS Victory (Constructo)
Check It Out:   The Kit-Basher's Guide to The Galaxy

Website:          The Life & Boats of CaptainSteve

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Whilst awaiting table-saws and blackening agents and the like, our Hero hath turned his attentions to other matters, such as making the Carpenter’s Toolbox.


"The job not be finished yet," said CaptainSteve, "but here be a few pics for ye."





It seems our Hero was greatly inspired by Capt RatFink's work, and has vowed to also create an open tool-box.





O'course, an open tool-box be meaning the need for tools to be going in that tool-box. Firstly (and stolen shamelessly from RatFink's build), a rack for storing chisels.



To date, a wooden mallet, a saw and an axe have been created ... 


... with a brace 'n' bit drill in the works ...

Edited by CaptainSteve

Current Build:  HM Granado Bomb Vessel (Caldercraft)

My BathTub:    Queen Anne Barge (Syren Ship Models)       Log:  Queen Anne Barge (an build log)

                        Bounty Launch (Model Shipways)                 Log:  Bounty Launch by CaptainSteve
                        Apostol Felipe (OcCre)
                        HMS Victory (Constructo)
Check It Out:   The Kit-Basher's Guide to The Galaxy

Website:          The Life & Boats of CaptainSteve

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Hi Steve,


Glad to see you making progress again.  She's looking real good.  The decking in the second from last shot looks so real!




Thanks, Slog. It feels good to have been able to spend a day in the ship-yard again. 

I spent quite some time working on making those floor-boards look weathered.

So, am glad ya like 'em !!

:dancetl6:  :dancetl6:

Edited by CaptainSteve

Current Build:  HM Granado Bomb Vessel (Caldercraft)

My BathTub:    Queen Anne Barge (Syren Ship Models)       Log:  Queen Anne Barge (an build log)

                        Bounty Launch (Model Shipways)                 Log:  Bounty Launch by CaptainSteve
                        Apostol Felipe (OcCre)
                        HMS Victory (Constructo)
Check It Out:   The Kit-Basher's Guide to The Galaxy

Website:          The Life & Boats of CaptainSteve

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Thy copy cat!!! :)


That's right, Keith. 

Mario's ideas ... your ideas ... ain't none o' them safe !!


Current Build:  HM Granado Bomb Vessel (Caldercraft)

My BathTub:    Queen Anne Barge (Syren Ship Models)       Log:  Queen Anne Barge (an build log)

                        Bounty Launch (Model Shipways)                 Log:  Bounty Launch by CaptainSteve
                        Apostol Felipe (OcCre)
                        HMS Victory (Constructo)
Check It Out:   The Kit-Basher's Guide to The Galaxy

Website:          The Life & Boats of CaptainSteve

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That's what we do... plagiarize ideas.  :)   At least you are not thwarted by the twarts just black stuff.  Is this about to become a "when all else fails, paint" solution?  Twarts and gunwales looking great.  And that toolbox...  it's great!!!

"The shipwright is slow, but the wood is patient." - me

Current Build:                                                                                             
Past Builds:
 La Belle Poule 1765 - French Frigate from ANCRE plans - ON HOLD           Triton Cross-Section   

 NRG Hallf Hull Planking Kit                                                                            HMS Sphinx 1775 - Vanguard Models - 1:64               


Non-Ship Model:                                                                                         On hold, maybe forever:           

CH-53 Sikorsky - 1:48 - Revell - Completed                                                   Licorne - 1755 from Hahn Plans (Scratch) Version 2.0 (Abandoned)         



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That's what we do... plagiarize ideas.  :)   At least you are not thwarted by the twarts just black stuff.  Is this about to become a "when all else fails, paint" solution?  Twarts and gunwales looking great.  And that toolbox...  it's great!!!


Mark, I'm trying to avoid that situation ... but my paint-brush hand is gettin' a little twitchy !!

I figure that at this scale, it just wouldn't look right ... so the hunt continues.

Edited by CaptainSteve

Current Build:  HM Granado Bomb Vessel (Caldercraft)

My BathTub:    Queen Anne Barge (Syren Ship Models)       Log:  Queen Anne Barge (an build log)

                        Bounty Launch (Model Shipways)                 Log:  Bounty Launch by CaptainSteve
                        Apostol Felipe (OcCre)
                        HMS Victory (Constructo)
Check It Out:   The Kit-Basher's Guide to The Galaxy

Website:          The Life & Boats of CaptainSteve

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That's what we do... plagiarize ideas.  :)   At least you are not thwarted by the twarts just black stuff.  Is this about to become a "when all else fails, paint" solution?  Twarts and gunwales looking great.  And that toolbox...  it's great!!!

That is what is fun about this hobby.  The sharing of knowledge and the techniques to do what we can.

David B

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  • 3 weeks later...

Whence last we left our Hero, he was searching for alchemical suppliers in order to acquire a blackening agent for metal pieces.  The answer came whilst searching thru Dan Vadas’ HMS Vulture build and learning that he uses Liver of Sulphur to blacken metal.

Further, this stuff was easy to purchase in Oz (just check out OverTheRainbow here) !!




“Verily doth this stuff stinketh unto thee highest heavens,” proclaimed CaptainSteve.


“But within a matter of minutes, me mast partners be suitably blackened !!”





Thus, finally, Our Hero couldst moveth onwards and upwards, and the installation of bench thwarts didst take place.






“Noteth that me thwarts they be positioned ‘neath the thwart-riser,” CaptainSteve didst helpfully pointeth out.  “’Twas not the way of the Plans, but methinks this doth looketh better,” he explained.
With the thwarts in place, our Hero didst use a strip of scrap to fashion some thwart-knees …




“There be more ‘ere than whats me will be needin’,” said CaptainSteve.




For now, these just be dry-fitted for demonstration purposes. What your Captain now wishes to know is … how shouldst these be coloured ??
They currently be the pale-white of untreated pine. On the one hand, I couldst stain ‘em the same colouring as the thwarts and risers. Probably best, what with this being just a work-boat …
But, I be sorely tempted to colour them the same blue-grey as was used to paint the interior o’ me Launch. ‘Twouldst make for a nice contrast, methinks.

What sayeth the Horde ??

Edited by CaptainSteve

Current Build:  HM Granado Bomb Vessel (Caldercraft)

My BathTub:    Queen Anne Barge (Syren Ship Models)       Log:  Queen Anne Barge (an build log)

                        Bounty Launch (Model Shipways)                 Log:  Bounty Launch by CaptainSteve
                        Apostol Felipe (OcCre)
                        HMS Victory (Constructo)
Check It Out:   The Kit-Basher's Guide to The Galaxy

Website:          The Life & Boats of CaptainSteve

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