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As Joe mentioned above I was honored Saturday at the Northeast Ship Model Conference by having my Syren chosen first for the People’s Choice Award.  I really didn’t expect to win as there were many beautifully built ships there. I need to give credit to all those who have offered advice and encouragement on this site and to Chuck for putting together a great kit for those of us with limited knowledge of ship building to follow.





So obviously I’ve finished my ship and the last few details were the flags and the rope coils for the anchor buoys.  I didn’t use the flags provided with the kit because they were too shiny.  I printed my own out on plain white computer paper and then glued and folded them as Chuck describes.





Anchor buoy rope coil and anchor cable





Nautical Research Guild


USCG Harriet Lane - Model Shipways



U.S. Brig Syren - Model Shipways

New York Pilot Boat 'Phantom' 1868 - Model Shipways



What a journey!  It’s been approximately 18 months since I began this build and now that it’s over it seems like I just started.  I’ve learned a lot about ship building over this time and come to know many knowledgeable people on this site.  I’d like to thank you all for your encouragement and kind words and for all the 'likes'.  I’d also like to thank my biggest supporter, my wife.  She has been very understanding these past 18 months by letting me do something that I've wanted to for a very long time (I can’t wait to see the list).  I’d also like to thank Chuck for designing a kit and writing an instruction manual that even novices like myself can follow.  The kit itself for the most part is well made and the only pieces I substituted were the cannonades.  I think they should provide a bit more rigging line though.


Again thank you all.


(need to get a better backdrop)






Nautical Research Guild


USCG Harriet Lane - Model Shipways



U.S. Brig Syren - Model Shipways

New York Pilot Boat 'Phantom' 1868 - Model Shipways


WELL DONE Sal. I can't wait to see it in person for the final go around. I hope you bring it to our next meeting and I hope I can make it. I hope that when I finally get started on my builds they come out this nicely. 



Current/But Not immediate Build Logs


I am still gathering the tools I need but starting preliminary work. Nothing to show just yet.


Fair American

Armed Virginia Sloop.


Thanks wyzwyk and I do appreciate the feather.


Thanks Jack and likewise it was very nice meeting you and Ryland at the conference.


Thanks Jimmy, I was planning on bring it to the next meeting for the guys who didn't make the conference.


Thanks Dirk, you've taught me a lot through your own build and comments  


Nautical Research Guild


USCG Harriet Lane - Model Shipways



U.S. Brig Syren - Model Shipways

New York Pilot Boat 'Phantom' 1868 - Model Shipways


Yeah I hope to be there. 

Current/But Not immediate Build Logs


I am still gathering the tools I need but starting preliminary work. Nothing to show just yet.


Fair American

Armed Virginia Sloop.


Congratulations on the award Sal !  She is a very beautiful build. I have enjoyed following along & I am happy for you and a little sad that it is ended.



 Current build: Syren : Kit- Model Shipways


Side project: HMS Bounty - Revel -(plastic)

On hold: Pre-owned, unfinished Mayflower (wood)


Past builds: Scottish Maid - AL- 1:50, USS North Carolina Battleship -1/350  (plastic),   Andromede - Dikar (wood),   Yatch Atlantic - 14" (wood),   Pirate Ship - 1:72 (plastic),   Custom built wood Brig from scratch - ?(3/4" =1'),   4 small scratch builds (wood),   Vietnamese fishing boat (wood)   & a Ship in a bottle







Again congratulations Sal. And thanks to that Wacko Wolf alias Joe for posting all the pictures of the outstanding models exhibited at the show.  The chow was good too.



New Bedford Whaleboat build. Kit by Model Shipways



I've been making progress on my model and according to the instruction booklet I should be painting it, at least parts of it.

Are acrylic's ok ? I did apply a sanding sealer. but I want to stain the untreated floor boards which are walnut.










Thanks Tom, maybe next time.


Thanks Jesse, it is a little bittersweet, it’s nice to have finished but I will miss working on her.  I do need to build a case so that should keep me busy for a while.


Thanks Bob and Jack, appreciate the nice words


And thanks for all the likes


Al, thanks and I did have something in mind but that was before I won the award.  I think now I’ll just retire from ship building, you know, go out on top. :)  ;)



Just kidding, I had acquired a set of plans from my club a while back of a Hudson River paddleboat called the Armenia.  What drew my attention to her was the interesting mechanism amidships that I’ve come to learn is called a ‘Walking Beam Engine’.  As of now I’ve just started to do a little research on her and am in the process of redrawing the set of plans I have to a larger scale.  So this is what I would like to do but am not sure if my skills match my desires.








Nautical Research Guild


USCG Harriet Lane - Model Shipways



U.S. Brig Syren - Model Shipways

New York Pilot Boat 'Phantom' 1868 - Model Shipways


I knew you would figure out your next build LOL. I am sure Bill from the club can help you with the research for this. See you at the meeting in a few weeks. This is going to be a wonderful build and I know you will do an excellent job on her.  


Joe :D


Go MSW :) :)


As Joe mentioned above I was honored Saturday at the Northeast Ship Model Conference by having my Syren chosen first for the People’s Choice Award.  I really didn’t expect to win as there were many beautifully built ships there. I need to give credit to all those who have offered advice and encouragement on this site and to Chuck for putting together a great kit for those of us with limited knowledge of ship building to follow.


Congratulations Sal on being voted first place for the People's Choice Award. There were a lot of excellent ship models on display and that award is quite an honor to receive.  It was a pleasure seeing you and your Syren at the Conference.  You have built a beautiful model and your build log will be a great reference source for future Syren builders.



Member - Hampton Roads Ship Model Society

            - Ship Model Society of New Jersey

               - Nautical Research Guild



Current Build - Armed Virginia Sloop, 18th Century Longboat

Completed Build - Medway Longboat


Sal, regarding the Armenia, contact the Hudson River Maritime Museum. It's in Kingston NY not far from me (maybe 15 miles). They should be able to help with any research. They have a pretty good collection.


Hi Sal,


WOW, another first for our club and a very special award for you as the Syren was only your

second build. It was a pleasure following this thread, but more importantly, getting to know you

and watching the Syren come together at our meetings. Congratulations.


Concerning the Armenia and that wackado walking beam contraption. I purchased Bluejackets 

Portland from Nic at the meeting Saturday. I too will likely struggle assembling that mechanism

as the kit components are lacking in detail and instruction. Perhaps we can work on this together.


John Elwood



Thanks Thomas, your build of the Syren was a big inspiration for me, your work is magnificent.


Thanks Richard


Thanks Ryland it was nice meeting and talking with you at the conference too.


Thanks Jack I'll definitely check the museum out.


Thanks John and it will be a pleasure to work together on the ships, talk to you at the next meeting.


Nautical Research Guild


USCG Harriet Lane - Model Shipways



U.S. Brig Syren - Model Shipways

New York Pilot Boat 'Phantom' 1868 - Model Shipways


Hi Sal,


As I told you on Saturday there was never a DOUBT in my mind that you would win. I've only said this a few other times, to guys like Dan Vadas, that you inspire me to be a better modeler. That this was only your 2nd build still blows my mind. That we are members of the same club and that I can freely access your thoughts and help is invaluable.


You have truly created something beautiful and with a great build log is fantantastic. You should be very proud.





Connecticut Marine Model Society

Nautical Research Guild

Model Ship World

"So we beat on, boats against the current, bourne back ceaselessly into the past" F. Scott Fitzgerald - The Great Gatsby

"If at first you don’t succeed.......skydiving is probably not for you”



Congratulations, very well done a beautiful build

Posted (edited)

Sal, you had me scared for a moment! I'm glad you were joking, but please don't do that again :(:D! Let's see the case!

P.s. Congratulations on the award! You should put it in the case next to the model!

Edited by Elijah



Current build(s):

Continental Gunboat Philadelphia by Model Shipways



Completed build(s):

Model Shipways Phantom



Member of:

The Nautical Research Guild

N.R.M.S.S. (Nautical Research and Model Ship Society)

  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Sal -


I would like your opinion / advice on something.   I am at a point in my SYREN build where I am almost ready to install the hammock cranes and boarding panels, and I am wondering if it would be better to install the chain plate assemblies and deadeyes first.  I know that most SYREN builders follow the Gospel of Chuck and do things as outlined chapter by chapter, and I recognize that there is a lot of experience and experise behind this. Following the instructions, the chain plate assemblies are installed much later than the hammock netting.   On the other hand, my gut is telling me that those hammock cranes and netting etc will be very fragile and vulnerable to damage from my fumbling fingers as I try to secure the chain plate assemblies to the hull.


So, Sal, with twenty - twenty hindsight, what is your opinion?  After completing your SYREN, would you advise installing the chain plate assemblies first, or following the build sequence in the Instruction Manual, or does it really make a difference...?


Thanks in advance for any light you might shed on this.  And hopefully some of the followers of your build log might chime in as well.



current build: SYREN

nearly done:  Fair American, Benjamin W. Latham

future builds:  Emma C. Berry

completed builds:  Rattlesnake, Newsboy, Sultana




after going back and reviewing what I had done I don't think there is any reason you need to install the hammock cranes and netting at this point. I don't see a problem with waiting until after you install the deadeyes.  And your gut was right they do get in the way, I bent a few of the cranes and snapped the wood rail a couple times while working around them.


Nautical Research Guild


USCG Harriet Lane - Model Shipways



U.S. Brig Syren - Model Shipways

New York Pilot Boat 'Phantom' 1868 - Model Shipways


Sal -

Thank you for your prompt reply, and for confirming my fears and suspicions.  I am planning to simply insert the step where I install the chain plate assemblies and deadeyes before I install the hammock cranes.  I have holes drilled for the masts and can temporarily step them to insure the correct alignment of the chain plate assemblies.   I think I will be a lot more comfortable doing it this way.



current build: SYREN

nearly done:  Fair American, Benjamin W. Latham

future builds:  Emma C. Berry

completed builds:  Rattlesnake, Newsboy, Sultana

  • 6 months later...

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