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  1. Hi, The subject of this posting is the large scale (1:50-1:64) Sergal model of the Great Harry/Henry Grace a Dieu. This example appeared at a local auction house in Dunedin New Zealand. I paid about 45USD for it. As it dates to 1975 or thereabouts I may well be its third or fourth custodian. The photo shows the state that it is in. The box is wrecked, but the kit itself appears to be complete and undamaged, bar the castings and the large colour poster of the completed model, which are entirely missing. I posted some information about this in my new member’s introduction post (Hello from New Zealand). I said that my intention was not to build this large and rare model, but to restore it so that it was capable of surviving in my own (or somebody else’s) stash until it could be built. This build thread is thus a project that will return the kit to as close as is possible to its ‘as sold’ condition. So it’s a bit different. The response by members to this idea on the new member’s page was that the model was more incomplete than I imagined. Maybe it is, so I am going to start by posting a very long series of photos that represent a complete record the kit and its ‘unboxing’. This may serve to see if the dream is real or I am wasting my time. The box was absolutely full and the photos run to 44 images. The two internal parts boxes are shown closed, then open and then their contents item by item. The plank bundles were packed separately with elastic bands. In the photos they have notes next to them indicating plank dimensions and numbers. All comment is thus very welcome. Particularly if any members have any idea what was in the three mysterious (and empty) plastic tubes that came with the model! 44 photos follow:
  2. 'Happened to be escorting the Admiral on an antiquing expedition July 2nd, and spied among a lot of old things, a dusty old ship model that (for all I knew) may or may not have been of a particular ship ... but despite its aged appearance had been put together with some care, and had at least one 'repair' at some point. I wasn't able to spend too much time at that berth, so continued as pilot (and purser) for the journey. Besides, I didn't want to commit to $195 for an unidentified vessel. By mere coincidence, there happened to be a post on MSW later that day on a clipper named Gorch Fock ... Lo and behold, it was the ship I'd perused earlier that day while antiquing. Some quick research was done to find that an original of a German school ship launched in 1933 (ordered and mostly built in1932, before you-know who became Chancellor), ands surrendered at the end of WW 2 ... ultimately to be reacquired decades later. The Gorch Fock 2 of 1958 is still a training ship (an improved version of the original with a number of differences), while the original is now a museum ship. I couldn't then get the idea out of my mind that I should go back to rescue the model for study and restoration - at least to revisit and inspect it more closely than I was able to do on the first go around. An appeal to the Admiral (who had just acquired some choice items on said trip) brought acquiescence, so drove the gig back alone on the 3rd. to check it out. A photo 'in situ' is below: It was placed on the store counter for a better examination, and it was a solid-hull, scratch built affair other than for some cast deck fittings that were available at the time of construction. The aging, amount of dust and coloring on the sails suggested a 50 -70 year history. With careful cleaning and a few repairs - perhaps replacement of the nails used as rail stanchions - the hull would be ready for re-rigging - and I knew that the Admiral has some techniques that could breath life into old, yellowed fabric, as she has done textile conservation before on antique garments in her collection. The object of the exercise, aside from respecting the unknown builder, would be to finally to get some experience rigging a clipper (something I'd like to build in the future, but the rigging of which has always seemed daunting). There are definite features that point to this being the original Gorch Fock: the lack of an Eagle figurehead that the GF 2 has; the green lines running full length that are seen in a 1930s photo - whereas on the second version (and also how the original is now painted) the lower line is only seen near the bow and stern with white in between - most likely because there is no 'rub rail' amid ships, but ribbing does stand proud from the hull near the ends; the lack of a largish oblong engine funnel - the original had a narrower round funnel, which appears to be among a few things broken-off/missing on this example. The age of the vintage model appears to predate the GF 2 anyway, and after the GF 2 was launched Mantua came out with a plank-on-frame model kit. Now this will make three projects to 'juggle' going forward - with me hopping from one to another, but then I was always a 'browser' (or grazer). I'll add 3 closer shots bow to stern as it now sits. Perhaps 'tough sledding in July', but this model surely meant something to somebody's dad ... and the sails appear to be finely made with hand sewn edge rope that looks like 'Old Cuttyhunk' linen fishing line (used by 'old time' ship makers in the 30's, 40's and 50's - and there are reefing lines as well. We shall see.
  3. As if I didn't have enough to do, a guy from the Men's Shed that I play at 2 days a week has brought in a damaged model yacht for me to fix. It's not really in terrible condition - a break in the mast, two breaks in the boom, bowsprit broken in at least three places and part of it missing, a broken part of the stand. And needs cleaning. It's a decorator model, solid hull. I've worked on it for about a day so far, allowing for breaks while the glue dries, and have made a new piece for the stand and repaired the mast and the boom. I left the sails and rigging in place as I was worried I wouldn't be able to work out how to replace them. A bit of a problem with tangled ropes as I fixed it, but I think it should sort itself out with a bit of patience. The bowsprit was beyond repair so I told the owner to buy a piece of dowel the same diameter and I'd make a new one. I'll post photos when that's done. Fortunately I was able to find some woodstain that matched the existing, so it's looking like it should all work out OK (touch wood!) Steven
  4. I'm restoring a pirate ship built in the early 1900. the ship was built by three inmates in a Georga prison. The ship is 5.6 feet long 14 inch wide and 5 ft high. no sail plank on frame construction the ship was quite dirty. I also had a Fiji mermaid to restore. a small ship that needs work and new sails and a raft I removed all the cannon and deck furniture. and rigging wash the ship with soap and water.
  5. Hi everyone. I am based in the UK and am taking on what I expect will be a substantial project. I am not new to modelling, as a teenager, I built numerous Airfix kits, starting out just assembling them out of the box and finishing up filling my bedroom with Aircraft and Warships completed with detailed paint jobs and made to look as realistic as I could. Joined the Model Club at me Secondary School where we built balsa and tissue flight ready models, I made a free flight glider and later on a Powered Cesna for Radio Control flight. I was born in 1958, and my father, who was a keen modeller, died in 59 so have little to remember him with. Some time in 57, after the Cutty Sark was opened to the public, he started a model of the ship, built from scratch, and finished it before his death in 59. The model was sold, not by me and a sore point, but was restored to me about 5 years ago, but was in a sorry state. It had lost all its rigging and the deck fittings were either missing or damaged. Over the last few years, I have wanted to restore her to her former glory, and I had immediately gave her a fresh covering to her deck and re-did the painting on the hull. Then I stalled. I had no plans to look at and much of what I had got back showed that Dads versions were a little crude. I wanted to restore her but also wanted to improve on his version, thinking that there are much more in the way of resources available to me than were to him. However, I do not want to turn this into a totally new model and intend to use as much of the original parts as I can. Its been a while since I did any detailed modelling so am a bit out of practice and have never taken on such a daunting task, so appreciate the article on reviewing build logs of newcomers to the hobby, but I hope that my reason for selecting such a complex task is clear. I am lucky in that I live in London so have access to Greenwich. I did visit the ship when I was i my early 20's, long before the fire of 2007, I watched the tv coverage of the fire when getting ready for work, ending up being late for work as I could't take my eyes of the images on the screen. I keep promising myself a revisit now she has been restored and is once again open to the public but never seem to get the time. The hull is very similar in size to a 1:90 scale and my budget is limited, so much of what I need to make has to be from scratch. There are some things that I am just not going to be able to fabricate so will have to buy them, such as Deadeyes and Blocks and others will just have to have simulated as I can afford to buy 70-80 Chainplates. So I will be doing my best to stay true to the ship but I also have to stay true to dads vision of the ship, so forgive me if I have to take a bit of poetic licence when recreating some things.
  6. This build log is a restoration of a model built by my mother. This model was what inspired me to pursue a lifelong hobby of model making and a fascination with tall ships and sailing. My mother is 87 and was diagnosed with Alzheimer's last summer and the past year was spent cleaning out her house and getting her affairs in order. Of the items I was entrusted with is her collection of model ships she had built back in the early 1970's. My mother was a professional artist who ran a commercial art studio and taught both fine art and life drawing. In 1975, she was commissioned to paint a series of nautical themed placards for some publication, I cannot remember what, and she started to build plastic model ships to use as reference. The first one was the Revell Thermopylae because she loved the color combinations she could use on it. The kit is not painted to represent the actual ship, but painted in a way to experiment with patina and color depth in 3D instead of on canvas. She got about as far as installing all the standing rigging before she got intimidated and frustrated with forming and tying the ratlines and moved onto a model she enjoyed building and finishing, the Revell Spanish Galleon. So for the past forty-six years, this model sat on top of a china cabinet, collecting dust, and taunting, no begging me to someday finish her. So, after moving it 2000 miles across country from her home to mine, in which the bowsprit got broken, and most of yards had fallen off, I now have it here in my studio and after washing off four decades of accumulated dust, have what I think a diamond in the rough, or a test of my sanity. A few things I will need help with and will need to consider. 1. How far do I want to go with restoring the masts? The main and mizzen lower masts are warped, from what looks like exposer to direct sunlight. Would I try to reform them, or do something I have been dying to do and try and make my own from scratch? 2. Paint restoration - This model was painted mostly with oils and I do not have access to the original paints, so I must be careful not to create any blemished I cannot touch up. 3. Originality - I am a stickler with detail and originality, so I must stay focused on restoring the model and accept many of the building defects that are in it. 4. Time - I have many other projects and things in my life going on, so I expect either this to be a fast moving project, or one that could take years. 5. I have four cats, one is still a kitten and one a teenager who is a shop cat in training. So rigging may be an adventure. Here she is after just coming home, The busted bowsprit. This is nothing new to me, I've busted the bowsprit off of both my Constitution and Alabama, so I'm quite good at repairing them. Stern end with the warped Mizzen mast. Midships and after a bath. The model is extremely well built, and the paint finish is protected with a varnish, so I put the whole model in the tub, sprayed it down with Windex, and sprayed her off. Lots and lots of dirt came off. Full view I put the bowsprit back in place. LOL The Bireme I built back when I was in High school and gave it to her for Christmas. It needed a little work from some damage during the move. And her beloved Spanish Galleon, with a lot of Artistic Licensing. I would love to here suggestions on how I should go about planning. I am a little overwhelmed at were to start. I guess systematically removing the spars and rigging. I do have the original box, all the parts, and instructions along with copious notes she took while she was building this model. Scott
  7. I have fond memories of this sitting on a tall dresser in the spare bedroom growing up, climbing to the top of the dresser to marvel at it...at least until my parents made the room mine then up into the attic it went. After getting stuck in a hot attic for the last 25 years I am finally in a place to work on this. I just bought my first house and in the sweap to get things for myself I claimed it, now I just need to fix it up a bit so that it's not falling apart. The goal is to not destroy anything that I can't fix, which means the rigging has to stay and I'm trying to keep as much of the paint on it as I can. One good thing is the sails and cannon covers are made of metal. I think tin? Whatever it is it didn't rust at all and where the paint flakes off it's shiny underneath. Plan for them is to let them be as much as I can. The major damage is the front mast and railing is a bit busted. The way the front piece looks it's missing half of it, so I'm going to have to make a new piece. I'm thinking of making it out of some thin wood to match the other half. Also the hole in the center makes me think I'm missing a pointy bit, like the rear has. Sorry that it's sideways. These bits have fallen off, but shouldn't be too hard to put back The other major issue is the 2mm of dust coating everything Look at this little lady drowning in dust. I don't have an air compressor, but I did get this little rechargeable paint sprayer in a craft kit. I haven't used it to paint with yet so it's clean and has a gentle air stream. 2am is really not when I should be writing a log...so off to bed
  8. Hello everybody, I recently got this model of a small boat, entirely made from bone. It is about 35 cm long and completely equipped with a collapsible mast, sails, 6 oars and one long oar for steering, a rudder, harpoons and knifes etc. It is a beautiful work of art. Very nicely crafted. it has some damage and is quite dirty. The stand is made of bone as well and bears the name LUZ. Here are some photos of the model: I had a look in the internet and found some similar models in a couple of maritime auctions. On one or two models the name LUZ appeared as well on the stand and it was mentioned, that the guy, who built these models was called Albertino Sousa Luz and that these ships come from the AZORES. Does anybody of you know more about the background of these models? Was there a sort of manufacture for whale-bone-models? Or did the owners of the whalers made them for themselves, like some captains of sailing-ships did in the past? I would be grateful of some background information. Matthias
  9. My late uncle built this model in 1956, and I'm wondering whether it is possible to learn which company made the kit. After he recently died, I asked his caregiver to set it aside for me. As you can see, she was not very careful about protecting it until I was able to pick it up. Also, what is the best glue to use on these damaged masts? Something that sets quickly? I can't see how I would be able clamp them in place. I'm going to do my utmost to restore this model the best I can because I can't even think about throwing into a landfill.
  10. I built this model of the Great Harry back in about 1970 when I was a teenager. I'd previously made models from plastic kits and carved from solid blocks of wood, but this was the first time I'd tried a plank-built model. It was based on the reconstruction in Björn Landström's excellent book The Ship, which showed a copy by the author of the Anthony Roll illustration of 1545, and the author's conjectural reconstructions of a midship section and a side view of the ship above the waterline. All of this was before the raising of the Mary Rose, so it was based on far less information available than we have now. I drew up a set of plans and proceeded to build the model. I got the hull complete and painted, added masts and spars and sails, and was adding shrouds, deadeyes and ratlines (nowadays I'd do this before I added the spars, but I've learned a lot since then). I even had a couple of figures on deck and another in one in the mizzentop. Unfortunately I'd made the stern far too wide and when I saw another picture of the ship by the same author, showing her with a far narrower stern, I decided to pull the stern off and fix it. Then life got in the way. Suddenly I had to move to the other side of Australia, about 4000 km (2500 miles) away and never got a chance to revisit the model. It stayed in its box, getting progressively more damaged as I repeatedly moved house. I've lost track of a lot of the stuff that broke off over the years, the sails went dark brown and started to rot. Finally, after all these years I've had the chance to revisit and, I hope, return the ship to her former glory.
  11. Hello everyone . yes i have put cutty sark on the shelf, but i have got hands in a model of a kdy 15 - junior boat. Denmark's oldest class boat constructed in 1928. kdy stands for Royal Danish Yacht Club. The club was founded on July 3, 1866, and 15 is sail arial. the boat was intended as a school boat for young people in the Danish sailing clubs. for that, it quickly got stuck on the name Junior boat. And in my childhood in the 60's, they were to bee seen in every marina. In the 70's, it was also launched in fiberglass. Today there is a long time between you see them now other and more fashionable boat types have taken over. In 1986 to 1990, I was the owner of one - NR 274 "Beat" built in 1961 for Hvidover sailing club. over 400 of them have been built over time, but today it is "adult" men who sail them according to the pictures that are on the web. The link below is for an enthusiastic junior boat's website http://kdyjunior.dk/?page_id=269&file=SeasonsEnd2012/
  12. Hi all, Just joined the forum. I have a couple of half finished things to finish off, so apologies if I'm not starting from the beginning. First up is my old Cutty Sark model, started in the eighties that was pretty near finished, but I'm now re-rigging. (Next will be my Corel Wasa, that is much less progressed) The model was nearly done, save for some rigging details on the fore mast. However, in order to take it with me to Australia, I took the whole rigging down, so I'm restarting from this point. (Added picture of model some 5 years ago, before packing and transporting to Australia) Just starting on the mizzen now:
  13. I recently came in possession of two models in certain states of, well, being. one is just in a early state of building, and has been in this state since as long as I can remember. At some point I'll start an other log when I come to finish this one. the other is also older then I am and used to hang in my parents home... until it came down. After the unfortunate event she ended up in the attic. After another unfortunate event about a month ago she is now in my workshop, and I hope to restore her to the state I remember. The original build took place around 1973 on board the ship my father was serving his apprenticeship on. With the two models also a pile of picture albums came in which found these two.
  14. History and info found to date: 1. The Fullerton was a four masted barkentine purchased by Union Oil to ship oil from Los Angeles to the Hawaiian Islands. Still trying to find actual date, etc. of where her keel was laid and who built her. Her maiden voyage was on April 13, 1902 with a load of 16,000 barrels of oil stored in 16 wooden tanks according to a L.A. Herald article of that date which includes a fairly good description of her vitals at that time. Length of 170 ft, beam of 42.5, depth of 21 ft, displacement of 1600 tons. Her first captain was a Captain McDonald. There is a record of a court case involving the first officer who was injured while the Fullerton was under tow by a steamer on December 21, 1906 on a trip to Hawaii. The court records show her with a gross tonnage according to the "government register" of 1554 tons and net of 1494. Another court action took place as the result of a collision while anchored during a fog with a passing ferryboat on December 13, 1909. Court documents indicate her length at 235 ft. (possibly including bowspirit???). The case was before the courts for about 5 years before settled in the Fullerton's favour by the US Court of Appeals, 9th Circuit. Union Oil is not mentioned in either of these case documents so not sure if they still owned her at the time. While I have found some similar looking photographs of a 4 masted barkentine, an actual photo of the Fullerton has eluded me thus far. I have found and requested an archive of several Union Oil documents which are available from UCal so will see what they come up with. Some other questions: 1. Where can I find some directions on how to make the rope ladders? Going to need a few so would like to make them myself. 2, The main deck is a full piece of brass plate which had deck painted on it which has lifted in patches. Should I try to just patch or completely remove the paint to repaint? 3. Does anyone know who the "government register" mentioned in one of the court cases might refer to and where to possible contact them?
  15. My father built a model of the Malek Adhel after returning from his time in the CCC. He began it in February 1938 and completed it in February of 1940. It took him 2,500 hours. After retiring, he gave it to my older brother. My brother’s wife hated it and the ship along with it’s custom made case went into the basement. The case was destroyed, the base warped, the masts, bowsprit and rigging badly damaged. After years of neglect, my brother asked me if I wanted it, (I did not). I ended up with it anyway. Now that I am retired and have some time to devote to the project, I have decided that it is time to get to work on it. I have replaced the damaged spars and I planed the original base and routed the edges, (he chose a beautiful piece of wood). I also have an antique display case for it. My father did an amazing job, especially considering that he was only 20 years old when he started building it. He made his own little lathe and used to borrow his mother’s washing machine motor to operate it. My grandfather hand cut the lettering from a thin sheet of gold using a jeweler’s saw. Most of the standing rigging is still solid, but the running rigging is very fragile and will need to be replaced. I do have the original blueprints and the 1938 Popular Science articles, but I was hoping that someone might be kind enough to post some closeup pictures of similar boats and rigs. Thank you in advance for any advice and pictures.
  16. I have the honour to have been asked to restore an old, and very tired model thought to date from the late 19th Century. Nothing is known about the ship, bar it's name, so I can only work with what I have been given. You will see that it is 3 masted, and there are 21 yards. The rigging that is left on the ship is wire, and some has been snipped off rather than undone. I will follow advice given me so far and thoroughly record and clean the model first. I also will be measuring and recording the rigging to try to work out where it went, and what more is required. I have some experience of building, though minimal compared to many on this forum. I will therefore be very interested and grateful for any advice along the way. Thanks Stewart for your faith in me, I will do my best. Builds to date Panart Royal Caroline 1/47 Completed 2011 Jotika HMS Vistory 1/72 Started 2008, still to finish ships boats
  17. Restoration scratch built Flying Cloud, This is my first clipper ship restoration . I'm not an experienced modeler. Scale ? Measurements 55 1/2" bow sprint to stern, 41 1/2 keel to top of Main mast 8" beam. original build possibly 1930"s just started taking apart and documenting one step at time. Finding things I did not expect like use of fine chain to attach yard arms to masts
  18. Hi Guys, This is a first for me in that I have taken on the task of restoring a Harwich Bawley. The boat must be getting on for 20 - 30yrs + and it is not in the best of conditions. A Harwich Bawley is a shrimp fishing boat built around the turn of the century, they were built in and around the Harwich area hence the name, this particular boat was built by Cann's of Harwich who are the same builders of my Thames Barge Edme. It is approximately 38ft long excluding the bowsprit with a beam of 14ft, there was a boiler in the hold which was used for cooking the shrimp so they where able to go to market directly from catching. The shrimp were caught by means of a beam trawl. The Maritime Museum was contacted by a guy in Enfield nr London who was offering the boat for free and so off we went and picked it up. When I got the boat home I found the sails were just falling apart, you only had to look at them and a tear appeared, also most of the rigging just parted mid run with the slightest of touches so a lot of the work was going to be the top half. I have a few pictures. The Sails, as you can see they are in a dreadful condition Some other parts of the rigging A little more There are more but they will have to wait for now. I'll post more very soon. Be Good mobbsie
  19. Last week I had the opportunity to acquire a model made in Germany in the 1920's. My interest in this particular maker/makers/guild models came from the Shipwrights of Central Ohio (further referred to as SCO) club's restoration of the Great Harry. I think the Great Harry is a neat model even though it's a decorative model. The model I acquired was a wreck but very reasonable priced. I told both my wife and son that I was off to buy a plastic pink flamingo as decorative ships have about the same amount of respect and appreciation and have very little value even when restored. I have a modest amount of respect for this model as it's almost a hundred years old and it does hold a historical footnote in model ship history. This is a fanciful, caricature model of a Carrack warship. Because it may not truly represent any particular ship I leave her unnamed at this time. I can't determine what country's navy this model is supposed to represent from the heraldic shields and painted sails. If someone can provide any input, please do! To me she looks a lot like the Mary Rose per the attached period painting because of the heraldic shields she carries amidships. The maker/makers only had pictures from books to work with and buyers would only have had vague mental images of those same pictures, this would have given the makers a lot of latitude. These decorative ships came home with tourist from overseas as souvenirs. It's not hard to imagine that friends and neighbors liked "that ship" they saw on their well traveled neighbors mantel and the stories that went with it. They may not have been able to afford a trip abroad but dad and son wanted a model ship and they could afford to buy a kit. This model sat on the mantel of a well used fireplace. The sails were/are covered with creosote and the original paint and wood have been penetrated. What the heck, it gives it character. The photos are of the model as acquired.
  20. Hello to all who followed me here from my prior build log of the James B Colgate, and to all those who are interested in the bone and ivory ship models made, mostly, by the French prisoners taken by the British navy in the Napoleonic wars. I was recently asked to repair an attractive example of the type that had some substantial damage over the past centuries, as well as suffering some repairs, good and bad. In this log I will detail my progress and, in addition to some techniques that I have used before, I will ask for additional ideas from the collective wisdom of our community here. So here she is in the photographs sent for me to consider doing the restoration. I asked for digital shots of the entire model and close-ups of the damage. First, the overall look, including the wooden base, the primary damages, and the large glass case. With the case removed you can see the extensive damage. The bowsprit, mainmast and mizzen are all clearly broken and the associated rigging in disarray. The balance of the standing rigging seems to be mostly intact except for the mizzen stay which is broken just below the crowsfoot. Sitting on the base are the flag and staff for the stern. In close-up here is the bowsprit, with the jib boom broken at the level of the bowsprit cap and the Y-shaped martingale hanging, literally, by a thread. I don’t recall seeing that type of martingale on any of the POW models whose photos I have seen. Even at this stage I thought it was probably a later replacement. The mainmast was snapped just below the crosstrees at the base of the t’gallant mast. From the way the rigging lines retained the kinks and bends I was pretty sure that they had been hardened in some way. This could indicate that much of it might have to be removed and replaced. The mizzen was similarly snapped below the t’gallant top. In addition the mizzen t’gallant mast was snapped as well about halfway up its length, just where the hole was drilled for the t’gallant lift. Here the rigging was also kinked, but more worrying was the mass of overlapped rigging lines around the doubling. I have seen this before when prior restorers have simply looped new lines over old ones and glued the mass together. Based on these pictures I gave the client a very vague ballpark idea of the cost of repair to see if he was serious about going forward. I told him that if he was, I would need to see the model in person and evaluate it in detail before giving him a firm price. After a few months of thinking about it he brought the model to my Brooklyn studio and left it with me for examination. In this posting I examine the hull and its fittings. The model was uncased and the glass cover removed. It was made of ¼” thick fish tank glass and I was surprised at how heavy it was. By my bathroom scale it weighs some 19 pounds! This probably contributed to the damage. Anyone lifting the cover will have a hard time unless he is prepared for the sudden weight. Trying to lift it clear would be difficult and the lower edge might well have contacted and broken the tops of the masts. In any event, the model matched the photos, which is not always the case. With the jib boom in approximate place the model measures 15 ½” x 12” x 4”. By measuring the spacing between ratlines (3mm) and the height of the bulwarks (11mm) and the height of the rope rail amidships (15mm), I determined that the approximate scale is between 1/80 and 1/100. I could not be more certain because none of these has a standard height and the modelmakers were not quite exact in rendering them. Two of the cannon and their carriages were loose, and a third was found detached on deck. The hull and deck are planked in bone with ivory (elephant or whale tooth is unclear) making up the balance of the structure and carved details. She carries 40 guns, 12 in each broadside on the gun deck, 5 on the quarterdeck, 3 on the forecastle. This is a lot for what appears to be a small ship. She is certainly not a match to any of the 40-gun ships in my library. She sits on a series of wood keel blocks with a larger built up central cradle. Three metal pins, two seen here and one in the center, go through the blocks and into the baseboard. When received the model did not sit vertically, but listed a bit to starboard. Ahe bow there was a nicely carved figurehead of a female bust with a Greek-style helmet and a pugnacious expression . It looked to me to be in the wrong place, slid down below the hair rail. Behind it was a mass of greyish putty hiding some additional damage. There was a similar mass on the port side Despite its small size the lower gun deck cannon are made to retract. Here they are retracted, then extended. The retraction mechanism can be seen through the open main hatch. The cannon barrels are mounted on a moveable wood strip. The client also sent a video taken of the interior through a borescope. It is poor quality but it does show the presence of some springs which would push the cannon out. Unfortunately the cords to operate the system are missing. On deck just ahead of the mizzen mast is a carved seat for the officer of the deck. This is a particularly French detail, even though the model carries English flags. The locations for the detached cannon can be seen against the far bulwark where the prior glue has yellowed. Hidden behind the rigging is a metal post where the capstan should be, and a single stand for the ship’s wheel, although the wheel and second stand are missing. A ship’s boat hangs in davits at the stern. The thwarts for the boat have been repaired before with a glue/varnish that has yellowed with time. Just ahead of it is a curved boomkin for the main yard brace, but no lines are tied to it. The rudder is clearly a replacement. It is too thin and too white, while the pintles and their straps are not properly set on the rudder. That was my detailed examination of the hull. In the next segment I will document the detailed examination of the masts and rigging. Lots of problems, as you might expect. Be well, stay safe. Dan
  21. Can anyone give me any info of a Dutch yacht called Prince of Orange have a feeling it might have been a state yacht Henry x
  22. The Shipwrights of Ohio has been chartered to restore an old model of a British carrack of the 16th Century. It sports four (or five, if you count the bowsprit). The mizzenmast and bonaventure midden masts have lanteen sails. While there are Spanish carracks of similar design, they only influenced GHs construction. This model has few lines in place, has broken woodwork and is in sore need of cleaning. It is missing a few pieces that will have to be reproduced. Club members are researching, drawing rigging plans, inventorying, and cleaning. Stay tuned.
  23. At our Historical Village and Museum here in Hervey Bay, Queensland, Australia, we have been given a model of the "Krait", approx 4 foot long. We intend to use this model in a display related to operation "Jaywick" as we are just across the water from Fraser Island where the Z Force trained. This model lacks authenticity which I have been asked to provide and apply. The last model I made was a balsa plane around 75 years ago but I am handy with wood, metal and rope, also woodturning. The pics attached are of our model plus the one in the Australian War memorial. I can't expect to achieve the AWM model standard as I only have 1 1/2 months to complete this. The main areas are: The rigging, including timber ratlines Sail halyards, sheaves etc. The cabin to be planked The deck to be planked Adding missing deck hatches Adding screen at rear of canopy Repainting in more authentic colours I am sure more will come to mind as I progress. Any and all help appreciated, especially regarding the planking and ratline attachment.
  24. After nearly 4 years of searching, I have finally received information on the identity of the model shown below. It was found in an antique shop in upstate NY by a member of the Modelshipwrights of Western New York much as it appears today. Sadly the member has died and I purchased it from his estate as it is a superbly built scratch model of faithful reproduction. I just could not let it fall by the wayside in the estate liquidation. With the help of members of the Hampton Roads and New Jersey modelers group it was found in the National Watercraft Collection publication by Howard Chapelle. Plans (lines and deck layout) reside in the Smithsonian archives and I have requested a copy to support my restoration. The pictures attached are from my cell phone and as I cannot call myself an amateur photographer they will have to do until I invest in better equipment. The pictures do not do justice to the quality of this model so I add further description. The model is about 27 inches at the waterline with a breath of approximately 6 inches. Given the information in the National Watercraft Collection second edition it would be 1:24 scale as that seems to be the size of the full scale vessel or 55 feet (WL). She is constructed of boxwood.It appears to be fully ribbed internally. I might add that the model has some years of age as the wood has mellowed to a rich creamy tan color. Everything about this model shouts it is the work of a master modeler. All planking, joinery, fittings, rigging and detail are flawlessly done. All deck fittings are scratch built from ferrous metal. All blocks and rigging treatment are of fine execution. The decking and planking is treated with simulated tree nails. The builder must have familiarized him or her self with construction details that can be found in Chapelle's e book, The Migrations of an American Boat Type, as they are so well reproduced in the model. It needs some work, as in its travels some items are missing or in need of repair. These include some cabin and engine room hatches, the repair of the main well amid ship that has stared to come apart, rigging that needs repair or replacement and it sorely needs a new mounting and case. I would like to document its restoration work for the sake of tje former modeler in hopes that someone out there may recognize her and possibly identify the person who built this fine model. Work will begin when the Smithsonian plan shows up. Joe
  25. Hello, This is a restoration effort on the Sergal 1/78 scale HMS Victory originally constructed in the mid-1980's. My Uncle originally constructed the ship and it has been in the family ever since. As age caught up with my Uncle and dimentia started to take hold, he decided to do an "after the battle scene" and with a propane torch reduced the ship to what you see in some of the photos. When I found the kit, my Aunt was getting ready to throw it in the trash. Seeing that the hull was in pretty good shape, I knew I could not let the ship get thrown away. After obtaining the original plans, extra parts and books I have begun the restoration. I have been a modeler for many years, but this is my first opportunity to work with wood ship kits. Having read through some of the build logs on here before the crash, I know there is a lot of experience and knowledge here. Feel free to let me know if you have any advice or direction. Thanks for following my restoration/build log! Mark
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