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Everything posted by Jörgen

  1. They are lacquer based quite close to alclad ,that is the problem with the fumes. However, the airbrushing with them is a pleasure. They cure very hard and cover very well. They are pre thinned in the bottles so it is only to spray. It works very well to use the Mr hobby levelling thinner on them. You can do the smallest dots or line with perfect blending result and they never clogged like water based paints. Also the cleanup is very easy. But a vent or respirator is needed. Here are two reviews on them, one from Flory models in Uk and one from Dogs models in US. Sorry WBlakeny for posting all these things here but I want you to have a really good start with the airbrush and it can't be easier than this.
  2. Agree with CDW. Try the airbrush with the new MRP Paints http://mrpaint.sk/ (only drawback is the smell) and the result will be perfect.
  3. I will follow Hennie. It is a beautiful ship. Good luck with the build.
  4. I took a closer look to the photo of the kits in the book shelf. All these AOTS book makes me jealous..........................
  5. Ofc I am also in Love these 1:350 kits. Have self started on the Revell Bismarck but it is little on hold while I build other things...
  6. Very nice and elegant planking technic. Please continue with photos and your comments. They are very helpful. Must learn from you here since my planking is much more "rought" with water soaking, drying, preassure, superglue and sanding..
  7. And i am stealing from others. The frame spacing is from AOTS Alert and actually is exact 1cm. I have changed the tree nailing to the 24 hole instead. It works good and saves me from a lot of frustration over broken sticks. The gap between 24 and 22 makes a big difference. I am planking the hull at the moment but it is a very slow process. To many family things takes the time from the shipyard. our small children get sick over and over again from the preschool. Fells like a never ending story......
  8. Congratulation on a Outstanding build. Very beautifult done! Maybe a Bismarck now?
  9. Does these new colours aply to other English ships at that era or only victory?
  10. I follow Cheerful and will use the Rigging Period book. Also follow AOTS Alert and ofc the different builds here. Don't know how the mix of all these resources will end up to
  11. I totally agree with Popey. I think it is impossible to ghet them historicly correct even with years of research so I don't put so much effort to that. I build Sherbourne to learn as much skills that I can so I can use it on Vasa. My goal is to build good looking models and I think for age of sails ship models it is better for example to have a "clean" model rather than a realistic weathered one. But ofc, that is totally up to the builder to decide. But again on realistic, read the discussions about right colours on world war 2 aircrafts for the right shade of sky or RLM 02.....
  12. And many that are finished! It is goldmine to have so many references of very nice models to learn from. Trying to keep an eye of all of them.
  13. Hello Sjors. I will follow this if there still are some room left. Really want to see this model take shape.
  14. Thank you It is quite fun that we actually are at the same point in the build and also little bit do the same things on the kits (so far). Could be very nice to exchange ideas.
  15. I don't know how much Lady Nelson differs from Sherbourne but I started my planking just under the gun ports to get the lines right and then I planked the upper parts down to the whale. Now I am about to plank the lower parts just like you and it seems that I can keep full width of the planks on all my 14 4mm planks and just taper them to 2mm in the bow. So minimal work to shape the planks.
  16. Thank you as always Tony . I think I will keep it. When I put a 1:64 figure behind the transom he can actually just look over the edge so the high fells natural. And I think it is just little bit smaller than Dirk:s transom and it looks really good on his Sherbourne.
  17. Hello again. I had the idea of a bigger update on the tree nailing and other things but I need to make a short update and ask you all about your opinion. Is the transom to small? I don't really follow the Sherbourne plans and I want the stern to be more like Cutter Cheerful. I will use smaller letters (2.5mm) so they will fit. For me I like the look from the side and the inside but I am worried the transom look to small from behind. What do you think?
  18. Its good you warn me about soking the planks. Will try with heat only when I get there. Doing some treenailing on shearborne at the moment......
  19. Hello Duncbe. Nice build you have there. I am so happy to see another sherbourne. I will follow you if it is ok?
  20. Congratulations, very nice build Tony. Always feels good to be finish with a project (For me I wish it happened more often..)
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