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Landlubber Mike

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Posts posted by Landlubber Mike

  1. 22 minutes ago, Egilman said:

    Oh brother, you know you want to.... {chuckle}

    I kinda do as the diorama possibilities seem much more extensive than what is typically done with ships, planes, and cars which is what I currently build.  But have too many future projects scattered in piles throughout the house and not enough time with 3 young kids in the house.  I’ll just have to retire early and live to 100 🤓


  2. In between projects, I've spent a little time on the Yaeyama, which is coming along pretty quickly.  Five Star does a really nice job with their PE sets, and while 1/700 is challenging at times, it's been a lot of fun.  The instructions are sparse, to say the least, which adds to the challenge.  Only four pages, and not all of the parts are shown on the pages - not to mention, generally no directions on how to fold things.  Definitely not a kit for the first time builder.


    I added a bunch of additional details at the bow:

    • The deck cleats are from the kit.  
    • The bollards are resin bollards from I believe Five Star.  They are probably only a couple of millimeters long and about a millimeter wide, so cutting them off the resin plug wasn't easy.  They look pretty good though, being three-dimensional versus PE.  
    • For the pole at the bow, I constructed the pole and the supports using insect pins.  Brass at this scale is just too flimsy, and insect pins I believe are made of stainless steel so won't have to worry about bends.  The lantern at the end is a PE add-on from Five Star I believe.  
    • I also added two AA guns.  I had some extras that were pre-painted on the fret from my 1/700 Hatsuzakura build, so added them to the bridge deck.  




    I ended up re-doing the railing around the searchlight platform.  The kit gave you the option of doing plain railing or railing covered with canvas (thanks @lmagna!).  What bothered me was that the railing I initially installed fully circled the platform.  How would someone reach the searchlight, let along get up to the platform?  So, I replaced it with the canvas railing, with a tiny gap and ladder going up to it.  I couldn't tell from pictures whether this is historically accurate, but seemed to be a potential possibility so went with it.





    Also added the Type 99 AA gun.  This came with the kit minus the top of the three cylinders that at the near end of the barrel.  The instructions say to add a 0.4mm rod so that was pretty easy -- but not sure why they don't include that as part of the package.  I even have a spare Type 99 AA gun set from Five Star and that set doesn't include all three rods either.  





    I also added the fore and rear masts.  Here is the rear, which apparently I need to bend the very top back into shape (looks fine to the naked eye, but looks rough under high magnification):





    Along with painting the bottom of the hull in hull red, I also added a number of ladders to the build, and here is where things stand now:





    I'm getting close to the point of masking the linoleum and painting the rest of the ship.  There are a some cylindrical parts that are aligned vertically on both sides of the hull.  Not sure what they are, and the kit doesn't provide them.  So, I probably will take some rod or sprue and shape them.  I'll probably also add the hull side access ladder as art of the diorama scene.  I hate adding details that can get easily broken off, but at some point they need to be added and I just have to remind myself to be more careful around the model.


    Thanks for looking in!

  3. That’s really amazing work Chris.  As I said before, you have gotten really good at these card kits!  I still can’t get over that these are in card - especially with all the compound curves involved.  Great job!


  4. I haven't done many cars, and I've been struggling with what to do.  Your situation is why for the few I've done, I've stripped the chrome and repainted.  I've used Vallejo Metal Colors, and was thinking about trying Alclad and Zero Paints for comparison.  I've used Molotov chrome pens, but it can be a little tricky as you can't go back over what you did or it gets screwed up (haven't tried it in the airbrush yet).  Also haven't foiled yet.  What I think is tricky is trying to get a consistent chrome finish across all chromed parts - a little hard when you're using kit parts, foil, Molotov, paint, etc. in different places.

  5. Well you know more than me!  Or at least can guess about them more than me 😀


    What impresses me about the IJN ships is the variety - tons of different types, especially on the auxiliary side.  Pretty amazing what they were able to build when they didn’t have the natural resources we had.

  6. Thanks Lou!  I haven't come across that site before, looks like a great resource!  I should have consulted you first before spending hours scouring the internet, buying a Japanese magazine (in Japanese) and trying to decipher things using Google translate, etc.!


    Unsure if that rear structure is a big potty or radio room.  Seems that the cross-mast was removed in the later versions.  I noticed also that about the guns pointed straight up.  At first I thought it was only when pulling into port for safety reasons, but it looks like that was the positioning when out at sea too.  Those barrels are massive!


    Thanks again!

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