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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by GLakie

  1. Not a 100% sure Ken, but I believe they're called "Futtocks".
  2. She does have nice lines and the symmetry is great. Well done!
  3. Don't think I can help then Greg. Off or on was my best suggestion.
  4. I like your method of doing all the stays, jibs, and sprits first before hanging the yards, that would undoubtedly get in the way.
  5. It's going to be pretty cool with the lights in it Richard. Your daughter's going to love it.
  6. You might need to turn off that "auto-correct". There should be a way to do it in your settings menu.
  7. Wow Dennis! I step out for a few hours, and come back and find the ship's almost done. You're going right to town and she's looking mighty fine! Cheers
  8. I'm going to echo what the other guys have said John. She's beautiful.
  9. Nice work Brian. The swivel looks great setting between the shrouds. And the precision of the bowsprit foot and strap, are outstanding. Very nice. Are you saying Dirk's a bad influence?
  10. The blocks are looking good. That's a tough one Robb. Is there any kind of an index or glossary someplace on the plans or instructions, that explains odd symbols? Might have to wait for one of the other guys to chime in. Jesse probably knows since he's built this one before.
  11. I agree with you about the "Macro shots" to a point Nenad. But they have both, pros and cons. The pros are they show you every flaw, and the cons is that they show everyone else too. They also often show in detail, your great building techniques. Cheers
  12. Nice fix Brian. It seems like that was one of those rare occasions where perfect symmetry actually worked against you.
  13. Thanks for sharing Steve! The larger sizes would also work for the mast bands. Great idea!
  14. Nice job Nenad! That dead-eye looks dead on!
  15. Just found this myself Dennis. She looks great from what I've seen so far. I'm going to have some catching up to do myself.
  16. You've done a great job Brian , and it's just the angle of the shrouds messing with you. I'm no authority, but if there's nothing else going on the top of that main rail, besides the swivel-gun, you might be able to save some work by only removing the offending dead-eye on each side and re-design the pivot's post by filing it back almost flush to the main rail on a slight angle, and extending the post out on top of the rail towards the center-line with a short piece of wood. The pivot-pin will still need to be moved inwards and mounted down through the rail, but it would solve the problem without removing all the dead-eyes.
  17. The posts and rails turned out nice Jay. Your method for making all the belaying pins identical in size seems to have worked out great. What was that method anyway?
  18. Have 'em give me a call Matt! I might have a couple of suggestions for 'em.
  19. Thanks Danny! By the way, I think it's a good thing you're doing for the family's keepsake purposes, and by no means would I consider this a lost cause or "folk art" as has been previously suggested. Cheers
  20. Yup! It's all about the journey, not so much the job for me too. I intend to approach this hobby completely different than what my work was about. Having to get up really early, if I went to bed at all. Having to be at a certain place by a certain time. You wanted it when? My summer job was construction, and more often than not, involved concrete. Sidewalks, driveways, porch-tops, ect. Once a "pour" starts it doesn't stop until the job is done. Worked once on a grain elevator that was 212 ft high, and around 115 ft wide. Took us 2 months to get that one poured, vibrating and setting re-bar as we went. Made a bunch of money, but it almost killed me. Anyway, the last thing I want to do in building model ships, is make it more like a job, than a hobby.
  21. Looks huge Danny. That fore-mast has to be about 5 ft. What is the width, height, and length of this one?
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