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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by GLakie

  1. That over-all shot of her looks fantastic Mike. You've been doing a splendid job on her.!
  2. Looks interesting Ken! Never really seen a card model being built from the start. Let me check for a little wiggle-room to set in and observe.
  3. It might be a camera perspective thing Dennis, or just me , but from here, those guy-wires look just a bit too thick for the scale of what they're holding. Ah - like I said, maybe just a low-res, camera perspective thing.
  4. Thanks for sharing your methods with us Michael. Cheers
  5. Glad to see things in the shipyard slowly getting back to normal Grant. I know it's not easy. Your painting with wood method is just stunning, and nicely executed. Cheers
  6. I located a couple links you can reference Ken, in the "Masting and Rigging" section on the main page. Hope these help. http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/10904-help-with-ratlines/#entry330604 and http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/9400-rat-lines-revisited-a-different-approach/#entry277539
  7. I'm sure you'll like Chuck's rope Ken, as I've heard really good things about it. I'll be looking forward to what method you come up with for those ratlines. I've yet to find a build where the builder doesn't dread doing them, probably because of the monotonous nature of them.
  8. The bow not being tapered makes that a lot easier. Don't have access to my plans for around another week or so, so I couldn't check them for reference. Cheers
  9. Sounds like it will be a good time going through ancient structures. Have fun on your vacation Nenad. Cheers
  10. Good luck with your surgery Dave. I hope when they're done, you can hear flies coming at 40 paces.
  11. Some of these kits leave something to be desired when it comes to many things, but the rigging plans on my own come right out and say to use my own judgement when it comes to belay points, and to drill extra holes and add pins, and dump more than one line on a pin, but to just try and be logical about it. And in there own words, "It was a judgement call by the Captain, and you're the Captain". As far as the line goes, kit-supplied line isn't very good anyway, and with all of the great work you've already put into this beautiful ship, I'd get better rope, and keep a record of the changes. Cheers
  12. Nice job on those dead-eyes Nenad!
  13. The deck planking is something I've been hashing over in the back of my mind trying to figure an easy way to put them down, but so far, no cigar. It'd be easy if they ran straight but the tapers at the stern and bow are going to be fiddly. I'm looking forward to seeing how you're doing yours. You're doing great so far Tom. Cheers
  14. I'd have to agree with Peter Nenad. Maybe taking the plunge and buying those tiny blocks and deadeyes will save you a lot of time and frustration in the end. Cheers
  15. Those decks are looking busier than ever Dennis. Can't wait to see them in the hull.
  16. Glad you came up with a quick-fix for the shimming problem Dennis. That's quick thinking on your feet, and running with it. She's coming together nicely.
  17. You continue to impress Dennis, and you're giving the attention to detail that this "old lady" deserves. Cheers
  18. It sure doesn't look like very much time was spent on any of the deck furnishings, but maybe it's the end result of a restoration to the model.
  19. Very nice Danny! I know there's a lot of different methods to making rope-coils here, but I'll be interested to see which method you choose to do them.
  20. That's a nicely made skylight Chuck.. You said you made a kit out of it, so does that mean it will be available for purchase, along with the other additions to the Cheerful? Cheers
  21. Good to see you back at her Sjors! That's a lot of gun-port lids and holes to drill! Have fun.
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