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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by GLakie

  1. For a ship with this much ornamentation, it sure doesn't seem to have taken very long to get this far. I know I'd be forever getting it done, but you're flying right through it Dave. Very nicely done! Cheers
  2. That's a ripe old age for a fridge Nenad. Hope you pick another one up soon before your food goes bad in that heat.
  3. Blocks have different uses and different ways they're secured and specific to different time-periods. If those plans are incomplete or lacking detail, you can take a look here for rigging blocks. http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/forum/16-masting-rigging-and-sails/ Just scroll down through the categories and find the right application about blocks. On the first page is one about attaching blocks to spars. Hope that helps some.
  4. The railings and ornamentation look splendid Dave! Have a good time at the Galleon and get lots of pictures.
  5. Looks splendid Richard! Definitely looks like a real boat to me too!
  6. Congrats on reaching this milestone Brian. Those shrouds look splendid, and I like that jig you used for the dead-eyes. Clever! Cheers
  7. Heck of an undertaking there Danny! At least it doesn't look like a "basket case" so I think you'll have her in top-notch order in no time. Already got a "front-row" seat for this one.
  8. Good catch on the fix Grant. The repairs look good, and unless you point it out, I don't believe the average person would notice it at all. Cheers
  9. Bet you're a little excited to get started on the rigging. You're off to a great start, and it shows. No need to explain about laying everything out, as I'm sure the explanations will help most of us, including me Brian. Cheers
  10. She looks great with her deck furnishings in place Larry! Bouncing around and working on different things like that has a two-fold reward to it. It keeps you from getting bored with it, and you get to see what she'll be looking like and a better over-all view, a lot faster. It's good you'll be seeing your folks. See them whenever you can because you won't always be able to. I wish I would have seen mine more when they were around, because it's been about 20 years since I lost them both. Cheers
  11. Nobody's in a hurry here Dave. Take some time, heal up, and we'll be here when you're ready.
  12. It's going to make a great display in the daylight, but even better at night when it's lit up. Very nice Dennis!
  13. Some of the guys are also drilling a small hole through a dowel length-wise, then shaping them into a cone and wrapping it with the thread like you did. On a length of dowel, it would be easier to make a few at a time.
  14. I was watching a program on the History channel the other day called "Rogue Waves", and was kind of amazed to find out that according to recent satellite observations, that rogue waves happen quite frequently on Superior, and that's what they now thing broke her in half. Same goes for Lake Huron which has hundreds of wrecks at the bottom.
  15. Nice job on the planking and achieving the weathered look. Looks very authentic. Cheers
  16. She's taking shape quite nicely Dennis. Starting to take on her iconic profile that we all know. Cheers
  17. Here's a source for reference pics of the Niagara that John (Texxn5) took while he was visiting the ship and museum. There's some really good, close-up photos on his website here: http://www.charleswmorganmodel.com/us-brig-niagra.html
  18. Those lanyards might have been coated with a thinned out version of a tar solution protecting them from sea-spray and the like, but still leaving them "workable". I actually think they would have been belayed to themselves, or the shroud, just above the upper dead-eye though. Don't know for sure, but if I'm wrong, some will correct me I hope.
  19. Yup - This guy got up and bumped his head. However, after trying to find an available copy, (most were out of stock) I did find this and it's still pretty pricey. http://www.tower.com/vasa-i-archaeology-swedish-royal-ship-1628-carol-olof-cederlund-hardcover/wapi/100000916
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