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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by GLakie

  1. Your cross trees turned out great Robb. This ship does have the mast-hoops, and about 9 or 10 on each mast. Here's a hi-res pic that you can use for reference, and another showing "with sails" so you can see how they're used.
  2. Looks interesting Nenad. Must be a great time.
  3. Congratulations Danny. You've done a beautiful job with her and providing us with a great build log to follow along with. Cheers
  4. Hey Piet you're back and off and running. Looks like a fairly tedious job you've got going there, but the end result is looking good. I'm glad you're back at it. Cheers
  5. I think I'd join you in a good cry if it would have happened with the ship inside. Good catch on that one Mike.
  6. That companionway is much more interesting to look at than the other one in the picture. Very nice!
  7. She looks splendid Bob. The job you're doing on her is outstanding, precise, clean, and every other adjective I can think of. I thought so months ago, and I still do. Very nice!! Cheers
  8. Lookin' really good Frank. Wow! You've been busy! Cheers
  9. Your planking looks great Tom, and as far as being "historically correct", and as sketchy as the info is on any given date, I wouldn't worry too much about whether or not the deck had different joints after re-fits, because they probably did at one point or another.
  10. I'm completely with you on picking up most of the sizes Brian, and few bags of each, because most of those sizes will end up getting used someplace anyway, sooner or later. All the parts, including the rope in these kits is nothing short of disgusting. I'm still looking for a couple wooden 3/4" x 10-spoke steering wheels for my kit.
  11. Some good machining work Matt! Look forward to what you and the boyz will come up with next!
  12. What page did you find that on? The small size blocks go down to 2 mm found here: http://www.syrenshipmodelcompany.com/boxwood-rigging-blocks.php#!/2MM-Single-Sheave-BOXWOOD-Rigging-Blocks-50-per-pack/p/24609793/category=5764703
  13. Nice idea with the battery Michael. Guess that would work for any size one needs. Gonna have to log that one as well.
  14. Glad you came up with a fix Richard. Nice! You're off and running!
  15. I completely agree about those brittania cast parts, so in that case, yeah the U-shape seems like a good choice.
  16. I would probably go with the one they show in the plans, if it is shown. If not, I think the U-shape would have been easier for their blacksmith at the time to make.
  17. I think the contrast in cable thickness will be a definite plus, and will look awesome Dennis. As I said, "probably just me". Perspective can do weird things with my eyeballs. -- Now where's my glasses?
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