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Everything posted by GLakie

  1. Gotcha! I asked because there was a discussion about it here a while back, and I wondered if you had used them before. Do you think a ceramic tile would be good enough to use as a base for soldering small parts?
  2. Looks great Ken! I especially like those seizings. In the process of going over your book. I've made it up to the small parts fab section. I noticed there's no discussion about using a heat-sink yet, and was wondering if you've used them for any of your work?
  3. Very nice Clare. Thank you for posting explanations for the individual pages. With a build like this to reference, it'll make it much easier for guys like me to pull the trigger on buying these kits, and then building them.
  4. Ken, you're doing a job on this like you've done a dozen or so before. Are you sure this is your first ship? There's some really great detail in those tiny cannon.
  5. 39 C? A little too hot to do very much Nenad. I agree! Stay in a cool place, like a cool garage, or an air-conditioned bar. Catheads look great Nenad. Cheers
  6. They look good Robb. I would stick with whatever design the plans call for here. The chain plates will take care of the support when the shrouds go up. As far as interspersing text with pics. Just put a space down from the main paragraph, insert your pic, then type your text. Or if the text is short, type the text first, then insert the pic, if you want the text next to the pic.
  7. She looks marvelous Dennis. Lighting------One would think with all the different finishes out there, they would make one that would either absorb light, or block it all together, so it doesn't show through the panels.
  8. Jay you're good at making jigs, and I'm thinking maybe a small, curved jig with a half-moon shape, or a something like a bent dowel, that you could wet the hammock, stretch it over your jig, and spray it with starch when it dries, to hold the shape? Things like this must be what they're calling "fiddly bits".
  9. What Augie said Sherry. The lights set her off beautifully.
  10. With your engineering skills Dennis, I know you'll have those ill-fitting parts problems hashed out in no time.
  11. I hear that man. Been a quart or so low for a while now myself, but I've gotten used to it.
  12. Careful with the extra holes Larry. They can cause vital bodily fluids to start leaking out!
  13. Hope so Ken! So far, the only soldering experience I have is with sweating copper water lines. A few helpful tips and pointers would be a blessing.
  14. They look great Ken! Very nice work. As a side note, I've got your book on it's way. Can't wait to check it out.
  15. Those look fine to me Robb. Their mates on the other side should be identical, so making 2 at a time, shouldn't be a problem.
  16. Ditto on that! It's an amazing build and I don't know how I missed it for this long.
  17. I'm with Sam Dennis. Kind of a scary prospect doing it in sections, but you know better than I what's best. It was really noisy around here 'til about 3:00 AM, and I know the stress levels of animals all over the area were high. Glad it's over for the most part!
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