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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by GLakie

  1. Thanks Clare: It will no doubt be a while before I'll be ready to get a kit anyway, but I like to check things out ahead of time to eliminate surprises. I've been really liking the Higaki Kaisen's design, as well as the rest, but that one would be my first pick I think. Who knows? Maybe by the time I'm ready to buy, they'll have the texts translated. Thanks again
  2. Thanks Mark. I'll investigate what OCR is, and how much they cost.
  3. Very nice Dave! You'd never guess it was paper there. Hope everything went well with the Doc! Cheers and Happy 4th! Kind of noisy here right now.
  4. I'd like to follow along as well Clare. Been interested in the Japanese sailing vessels for a while now, and getting a kit or two. The one question I have is wouldn't it be possible for me to print pages of the manual, then scan them into the computer and use Google Translate to read the text? Cheers
  5. Glad to see you back at it Matt despite some minor distractions. Thanks for posting the "how-to's" and the pics, as they're a big help and a load of knowledge, especially for beginners like me. Happy 4th to you my friend, and careful with those explosives! They could give you a couple acres!
  6. Beautifully done anchor Danny! Some nice iron-work! A skill I need to learn (beyond just sweating copper pipe)
  7. Sorry you had to undo and redo Mark, but it's your B-Day and I'm with Wayne on this one. Pull up a frosty and an easy-chair and enjoy the day.
  8. I'm sure they'll turn out fine Larry. I expect to be going through all these "trial and error" scenarios myself when I start mine, and everything will be a first time for me as well.
  9. Bilge-pumps look great Robb, and good call on adding more hoops for the railing. Have a Happy 4th!
  10. You're doing a magnificent job on her Sherry. I just happened across this build and I'm amazed at the level of detail you're achieving in this scale. Very nice! Cheers
  11. She looks great Dennis! I hate summer colds. There just the worst. Try to take it easy, and get over that stuff soon!
  12. More amazing work Tom! Nice job on making the stanchions. They look much better than the kit-supplied ones. Have a great week-end!
  13. Ditto on the Wood Slicer! I haven't had this band saw long enough to do much other cutting, but I've used this blade for some re-saw tests, and can say it works great and I'll be buying a couple more for spares. http://www.highlandwoodworking.com/woodslicer12resawbandsawblades705to137.aspx
  14. That'll be a nice touch Jay. Just add a little worcestershire sauce and you'll never know the difference.
  15. That piece looks great mounted up to her Vince. Are you using a small mini-torch to heat up the metal?
  16. Can't say I'm familiar with those yet, but they sound like the advantage to bi-metal would be in better heat dissipation. What kind of cutting are you doing? Scroll, re-saw, ect.?
  17. This looks like it will be a beautiful ship when it's complete, and make for an interesting build to follow. The room's filling up fast, but I've found an upper tier seat. I'll just polish up the lenses on my spy-glass. Cheers
  18. Brilliant work Danny! Is one lantern all you'll need, or do you have to repeat the process?
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