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Everything posted by GLakie

  1. Those fitting look great Yancovitch. Especially nice job on the Brodie Stove. I agree about the wheel, as that one looks a little "fat".
  2. Can't wait to see her with her teeth Matt. Just be sure to hide the explosives from the Boyz lest they be tempted to run some trajectory tests, and inadvertently blow themselves up. Cheers
  3. Those pallets look fine Nenad. As someone who used to haul pallets of material on my truck, yours look better than most of the ones I've seen. Cheers
  4. She looks great Clare, and thanks again for posting the individual steps.
  5. The port-side's looking great so far! Glad you've worked your way through the difficulties concerning the stern Mark, and can continue to move along with the rest of the planking.
  6. Really nice work getting that splice just right on the bowsprit Michael!
  7. Splendid work on those difficult head-rails Sal. She looks great.
  8. I can definitely see where this method will make for a strong and true assembly during fairing and planking. Very nice.
  9. Glad to see the boyz hashed out their differences Matt! You and the crew have been busy and doing a h**l of a job I might add. Cheers
  10. Sounds like a well researched and thought out plan Jay! Look forward to seeing things as they progress.
  11. Don't know why it should be a problem Grant. I do the same thing with my external HD that only holds a Terabyte. Just have to plug it in when I want access to it.
  12. Nice work Nenad! At 39 C, it's too hot to do anything except maybe raising your arm up to mouth level with a beer in it! That's even too hot for any self-respecting bear.
  13. She looks splendid Brian. The color scheme really makes her stand out. Like the workshop too. Fairly simple in design, but very practical and organized.
  14. The galleries are looking splendid Vince. Looking forward to the next update!
  15. That planking has a real nice, smooth roll to it now Mark! "By George, I think you've got it"! Cheers
  16. Seems like too many inconsistencies in his book to just be a coincidence Jay. Kind of glad I haven't invested money in his book yet.
  17. Your planking looks great Bob! Thanks much for sharing your methods with us.
  18. They also found stress cracks in rivets, that shouldn't have had any, in the locations they were found. Meaning they found sub-standard quality metal was used in her construction. When she hit the ice-berg, they said it didn't "tear" her open like many had thought, but rather, the scraping of it broke numerous rivets, and loosened plates enough to let massive amounts of water in. Between that and the bulkheads only stopping so much water in one compartment, and consequently, letting consecutive compartments flood beyond it, is what sank her in the end.
  19. That capstan looks fine Nenad. Very nice work!
  20. Might be able to help with this picture Jay. If you save it to your desktop, then zoom in, it should give you an idea where it actually is now.
  21. I've seen those Titanic programs on the History and Nat Geo channels as well Dennis, and some of those were 2 hrs. long and got heavily into the structural design aspects and detailed info as to how she must have broken up. It's not on "On Demand" though. Tried to find them just now, and no cigar, but I'll keep looking, and let you know. Cheers
  22. I know what programs you're talking about on H2 Dennis. Watch that channel all the time myself, and the next time they pop up again, I'll yell at you.
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