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Everything posted by GLakie

  1. She looks good with all her "teeth" in place Ken. Something like securing lines is more or less a "Captain's" choice. However, I do think the inner-most tackle would need to be secured for re-coil purposes. The rest were probably just coiled up and laid on the deck, or over the carriage someplace.
  2. The capstan looks good Nenad. At this scale, making tiny little parts is almost impossible, but I think when you take scale into consideration, you've done a fantastic job on her. Cheers
  3. That's some more very nice iron-work Danny! It's gotta be nice to have all the "toys" for making parts from scratch like this. ---- (re-vamping my old list) Cheers
  4. Somehow I knew you'd be doing some scratch-building sooner or later Dennis. I have no doubt the sky-light will turn out better for it. She's looking better and better with more deck structures being added to her. Cheers
  5. You're doing an excellent job rigging the sails Frank. She's beautiful. Cheers
  6. I'm seeing a couple different size belaying pins there. ---Probably camera "fooltography".
  7. Nice job on those jack-screws Larry. They didn't add those in the kit did they? You might be making the swing over to the "Dark-Side" ?
  8. It's amazing how many guy-wires there are. When looking at her profile, you don't really pay any attention to them.
  9. She looks great Nenad! Nice touch with Salvador!
  10. Nice work on the pin-rails Tom. Your perseverance is paying off handsomely! Cheers
  11. It looks like after getting the bugs worked out on that machine, it's taking quite a bit of the "fiddly" out of those tiny little bits Mark. Glad you've got it tuned up and tweaked, so it works well for you.
  12. Hi Richard! Good idea with the pins in channels for support and holding off on the paint until later. She looks fine!
  13. You're doing a splendid job on her Michael! Nice bit of splicing work.
  14. That would give it that "hundreds of years old" look Matt! Cool!!
  15. Ken's got a point there Matt. As nice as it looks, brass will tarnish. -- Unless, of course, tarnishing's a look you might want in the end. Cheers
  16. Spectacular work there by you and the Nutz bros Matt! You really out-did yourselves with that windlass. I agree with Steve on the blackening. It'd be a shame to cover all the beautiful brass-work there. Cheers
  17. I think you're doing an awesome job on your mini-detailing Nenad. It's one of those things that the more you do it, the easier it becomes, and sooner or later, it will become an automatic thing. Cheers
  18. I know what you mean about that Mark. I do the same thing when just picking up lumber, usually, unless I have power-tools on my mind.
  19. She's coming together nicely Clare, and with so many pre-milled and not laser-cut parts, is something that makes for an attractive prospect for future buyers like me.
  20. You're lucky with finding the cleat Robb. Usually they end up in another dimension never to be seen again. Ok---At the bottom, right next to your "Post" button is the "More reply Options" button. Before you start with your post click that, then at the bottom, notice the "choose file" button. Click that and go to your desktop, or navigate to wherever your pictures are located on your computer, and click "open", then "Attatch This File". That will locate a small thumbnail of the pic right there with a "Add to Post" or delete option. Relocate your cursor where you want the pic and click the "Add to Post". Cheers
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