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Everything posted by GLakie

  1. Looking forward to see what you come up with Buck! If your other details are any indication, this should be good! Cheers
  2. Rule # 576 ----- The leaking of too much vital bodily fluid is unhealthy and unwise!
  3. Well, I failed to also mention it was a period thing, with the chain coming later, but with Constructo's version, I think the focus is the over-all ornate beauty of the ship, being unpainted and with light and dark wood designed for aesthetics, rather than historical accuracy.
  4. I have to agree. Went over the log myself, and decided right then to come back and refer to it for various phases of my build, when I start it. Excellent reference material.
  5. Bill: I believe the anchors at the bow are called "bower anchors" themselves, and the term I think you're looking for is "anchor rode" From what I've read, chain was used as well as cable rope, for the "rode", leaving it to the captain to decide which.
  6. It's getting better and better with every pic Rich! Nice job!
  7. Your ratlines are looking good Dale. About those "mice". I can only relay what I've seen and read about them, and it's pretty much everything you already know about them. As far as size goes, since my plans don't specify any size at all, I would guess, as long as they're large enough around to stop the line ahead of it from sliding past it, it would be large enough.
  8. She looks great Augie! Nice, clean, square planking around all those gun-ports. Cheers
  9. She's looking better all the time John. You just gotta love those blocks. Night and day compared to the kit-supplied ones.
  10. Now that looks just like the giant wave-climber I remember from the movie, with most of the trawl rig set in place. I'm glad the yokes worked out after all.
  11. It looks like the newer batch turned out nicer with cleaner, smoother lines Dave. Those look like keepers!
  12. What can I say Ed! You're a magician with wood!
  13. Glad you're feeling better Dennis. Now that you're back at it, I'm sure you'll sort out the changes with no problemo! Cheers
  14. Beautiful job Rich! She's looking more complete all the time. Cheers
  15. Just happened across your Syren build here Sal, and she's looking marvelous! Your planking is turning out fantastic. I know I'm a little late for the party, but will pull up a stool and cigar now if you don't mind. Cheers
  16. I agree with Augie! From the perspective in the first pic, she looks to be about 4 feet long. Definitely a sizable ship and you're off to a great start with the planking Mark!
  17. Looks like a nice start. They say having a plan ahead of time is half the battle. From what I've read so far, I would think the keel, stem and stern post should be in place so the planks have something to butt into. There are planking tutorials in the Building, Framing and Planking section here: http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/forum/14-building-framing-planking-and-plating-a-ships-hull-and-deck/ Cheers
  18. On my Connie, the plans call for 5 degrees on the Mizzen, 3.5 on the Main, and 3 for the Fore. Don't know if it's by design, or if it's for the modeler's benefit when rigging though.
  19. Amazing job for how small it is Buck. Looks pretty good to me. I can imagine they did get banged up quite a bit. Hence the used look. Cheers
  20. I hear that Dave. I'm only 60 and some of my older friends look at me and say things like "Why would you take on a project like the Constitution as old as you are?" I just look at them shaking my head and tell them "Why not? I ain't building the real thing, and I'm too ornery to die any time soon. What makes you think it won't get finished? Besides, it's when I stop keeping busy, that'll be the end for me." Ain't gonna happen!" I'll probably live to be 130, and THAT will be our maker's punishment to me for all those suggestions of his I ignored when I was younger.
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