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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by GLakie

  1. What Bill said! Having both Scotch and a little Irish in my family I'll just relay what my Grandfather used to tell us. "You're Scotch enough to get out there and make it, and Irish enough to get out there and spend it."
  2. She is beautiful Bob. --- OK----You talked me into adding this one to my "must have" list.
  3. Just ran across your Le Soleil Royal and she looks wonderful! I think the way you have the starboard side rigged seems very realistic and highly detailed Henry. As far as the historical accuracy goes, you would be in a better position than me, to answer that question. But I agree with Dennis as far as showing the run in and run out variation. Cheers
  4. You've definitely done your research Jay. I'll be following along with great interest. I agree with Tom, as having a cross-section with the full-size model will show viewers what's below decks and make for an amazing display.
  5. I don't think anybody gets bored with these pics John. All I can say is keep 'em coming!
  6. She's looking fine Nenad. Did you use a rope machine for your rope, or twist yourself?
  7. Nothing like real daylight to show off all those details john. Outstanding!
  8. Amazing Dennis! With all this fine detail on her, are you going to make a little replica of Clooney to stick behind the Wheel ?
  9. Sorry the Sculpey didn't work out the way you wanted Tom, but glad you've sorted it out. The stern looks great.
  10. The boat stations and rigging look great John. Have a great trip and we'll be here waiting for your return! Cheers
  11. Just spent some time going over your log Bob. She's a fine looking craft and I like how well your deck turned out and the nice touch with the brass rings around the windows. Very clean look. Cheers
  12. Hey! Happy Birthday Frank! Hope you don't over-do-it with the grog and feel rougher than a cob tomorrow! Cheers
  13. Sorry to hear about the mistake Dale, but I guess it's all part of the process. I expect there'll be plenty of them when I start mine.
  14. This looks like such a fun build, now I'm having second thoughts about starting the other one, in favor of this one. So confused!
  15. I like how you're demonstrating your fabrication of all these scratch-built parts Dennis. Very informative. Both sets of lights turned out great. She's coming together nicely. Cheers
  16. Wish I could help Captain, but like you, my skills in the actual "hands-on" aspects of seamanship are lacking.
  17. For some of those clamping and gluing projects, what I found that works pretty good is drywall screws, just until the glue dries. Then I'll run them back out and bore a 1/4 in hole and plug it with a darker, or lighter dowel for contrast. Looks good and adds a little extra holding power. Could also leave 'em proud and round them off just a little for that tree-nailed look. Just a thought.
  18. That'll make a nice base Piet. By looking at the sledge, I'd guess around 5 feet? It's a big'n. Cheers
  19. Just a practice run Nenad! Trial runs and/or practice runs are almost always messy, but never anything to be ashamed of. Redo's are a common occurrence in almost all of the builds here.
  20. I hear that Sal. When I do my MS Connie, there'll be around 2,500 of 'em. Not really looking forward to it.
  21. I like your rivet-stamping jig for the sheathing Sal. Especially the variation in patterns and the research involved. Nice!
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