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Everything posted by GLakie

  1. Hi Michael: I've just been browsing your build here and I've always been fascinated by the amount of intricate detail in this ship. You sir are doing a splendid job with her. I'm looking forward to seeing her progress if you don't mind my popping in and pulling up a stool. Cheers
  2. Looking sweet Piet! Nice touch with the sliding hatch lid. Pillows and blankets------and don't forget the wet-bar. Cheers
  3. Hi George. I'm not sure how much scratch building you plan to do but in my case, since I'm building the MS Constitution Kit, the amount of wood I intend to replace with a harder wood, would cost about 1/2 of what I'm spending on a Jim Byrnes saw. And as I'll be building other ships and replacing most of the Basswood that generally comes with them, this little saw will have paid for itself when it's all said and done. My budget isn't anything to write home to Mom about either, but after saving for a couple months, I'm making it happen. Also, you're right about getting what you pay for so consider these things before making your decision. Cheers
  4. Hi Tom. Glad to see you up and running. Mind if I pull up a barrel and follow along? Built that very same model twice myself--- about 35 years ago. I'm sure yours will turn out way better though since you have all the guys here to draw knowledge and learn from. Here's a link I found over in Fletch's build log, posted by JSGerson, of some really great pics of a scratch-built Connie depicting her in the 1812 era. In fact that model was used for the base in the designing of this Revell model. http://www.modelshipgallery.com/gallery/misc/sail/constitution-48-sm/con-index.html Cheers
  5. Farther down in the paragraph it actually says: "The Ship is shown in its probable 1797 appearance (copper plates omitted) with details which were later removed or altered". Personally though, I think it's a magnificent looking vessel no matter which era she's depicted in. Cheers
  6. William P. Bass' book shows the hull with a 8-window config., but only until about 1805-1807. After that it gets sketchy. Cheers
  7. She looks better every time I pop in to have a look Piet. It's amazing how much all those little extras you're doing to her adds to the over-all look of her. Cheers
  8. Nice clean job you're doing there Augie. The more I see of this build, the more I want to add this kit to my future builds------yup, done! Just can't get past the great detail in her. Cheers
  9. Just checked the site and it seem they're up-grading the site. So far I'm not finding either ship, so they must still be re-loading the info. Not sure but maybe later they'll be back up to full capacity. Cheers
  10. Been watching quietly from the sidelines Sjors, and your "Aggie" is looking mighty nice. Great job on your hull sheathing and the stern decorations------beautiful. Can't wait to see her with all her fire-power in place. Hope you and Anja had a great holiday! Cheers and Happy New Year!
  11. Happy New Year Nenad! Cheers
  12. I hope you and yours have a Happy New Year as well Rich! Cheers
  13. Mishaps and oops' are inevitable with this kind of construction Tom. Not a big deal though. The bowsprit looks like it fits real nice and she'll be ship-shape in no time. Cheers and I hope you and yours have a Happy New Year also
  14. Absolutely beautiful work Ed. Cheers and Have a Happy New Year
  15. Some mighty fine looking sails there Captain! The authenticity is fantastic. This deserves a celebration with a dozen, or more quarts of grog for you and your crew, on this New Year's Eve! Cheers and Happy New Year
  16. As it happens, I was browsing the Byrnes Model Machine website and went to the "About Us " page and found that Jim's been working on a scratch-built Connie, depicting the 1797, as she was launched, version. So when I talk to him on Thursday, when they return after the New Year, I've already made plans to ask a couple questions about stern configuration and where to obtain whatever plans he's using for his build. As for the number of windows, like Fletch, it does make better sense to me to use the 5-window design, and eliminate the need for a lot of extra fabrication. Cheers and Have a Happy New Year
  17. Fairly easy read there Captain, even for my hamster-driven mind. Interesting document, giving weather conditions and dates, besides supplies being brought on board. Cheers
  18. One of my favorite ships and you're doing a fine job. Cheers and Happy New Year
  19. She's trimming out nice Piet. All you need now is satellite TV. Hope you and yours have a safe and Happy New Year Piet!
  20. She's coming together nicely Patrick. Glad to be here watching her progress. I could be wrong about this, but I think you have the unique distinction of being the only one building the MS Connie with a full gun deck. As I think I mentioned before, I'm pondering over how much kit-bashing I'll do to mine, but definitely, will be planking the gun deck and buying cannon and carriages for it. Not sure about the stern and galleries yet, but watching this one will inspire some new ideas I'm sure. This is going to be epic, and I'm happy to have a front-row seat. All My Hopes for a Safe and Happy New Year
  21. Pretty slick there Danny! A technique I may have to borrow down the road if you don't mind. Cheers and I hope you and yours have a Happy New Year
  22. Can't speak for anyone else, but for my purposes, it will only be used for wood. Light use only. Cheers
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