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Everything posted by clearway

  1. looks good so far- looks like there might be some nice 'tween decks detail to be added judging by the open frames? Keith
  2. Hi again all, got the fore shrouds rigged- also got blocks/ deadeyes/ thimbles on the main breast/ backstays attatched. Thanks for looking in everyone. Keith
  3. will look a lot better with the change in the direction of the plates. Keith
  4. looking good- as regards the boom- on all fishing boats i have seen there is normally a boom rest on the wheelhouse roof (i added this to my norden) for the boom to rest on. My dad worked on danish seiners and says the topping lift was hauled till the boom was clear, the sail set, then the boom was dropped back into the rest tightening the sail. The sails were to stop the boat rolling too much and damaging the fishing gear. The seiners were anchored in place while fishing. Keith
  5. Looks great - well done Boyd- how long did it take to stop smiling after the last bit went in? Keith
  6. looking good Boyd- looking at the bow photos reminds me i need to start thinkong about rigging the bowsprit on mine! Keith
  7. Ty Boyd- i have always had an interest in ships and memorised all the names for various bits n bobs! Must admit in the middle of all this was thinking maybe Boyd has the right idea Keith
  8. Thanks all for the views/ comments as always- rigged the main topmast ratlines, breast stays, backstays, and travelling backstays (though wont be rigged to the channels til most of the running rigging is in place). Also finished rigging the main topmast stay/ preventer stay, and made a start on the snaking on the mainstay/ preventer stay. have fun all and keep up the good work everyone. Keith
  9. I know Boyd- just playing devils advocate! We have had a bit of snow (2-3 cm), but luckily the cumbrian hills stopped most of it as we are right on west coast- saying that i have to get back home yet from Workington to Whitehaven and my house is about 700 foot above sea level- its the wind that's the biggest problem as its about - 8 centigrade. As we say in cumbria "arl finned out when as ga'an yam" Keith
  10. Nearly there Boyd! I replaced my Vics anchors with the caldercraft ones- sure we can't persuade you to fully rig her? Keith
  11. Ty Steve - though it is a beast and would be a bit wary if doing it as a first build- for a different look Boyds (shihawk) billings victory is also pretty good in the natural wood finish. Keith
  12. Cheers Boyd- was distracted by 1/35 german armour again over xmas! however have now made a start on the main topmast ratlines- scary how long we been plodding away with this one m8 Keith
  13. looking good so far- i have this in my stash but will leave it til my billings HMS Victory is nearing completion! Keith
  14. Hope the admiral is up and better soon. as the model stands i think it is a drift netter- found this diagram and hope it helps explain better Keith
  15. You cant get anything past the boss! Back to the winch/ net set up- on a danish seiner my dad worked on for years the winch was controlled by a handwheel in the wheelhouse (pilot house to you guys over the pond) and the ropes were guided over the side by rollers mounted on the starboard capping rail- hope this helps Keith
  16. Sorry for delay in reply to your question about winch detail- having comp probs grr!- i didn't bother adding detail to the version i built out of the box. I think the deck mounted winch will be an upgrade that was carried out to make it easier to bring lines/ nets in. In Europe a lot of smaller fishing boats like this just had the warping drums to help bring nets in hence the weird looking set up on the engine cover infront of the wheelhouse. Keith
  17. The ratlines continue! also the shrouds on the foremast are in place, but the deadeyes wont be rigged til i rig the snaking and the main stay and preventer stay are rigged. Once the ratlines are rigged on the main top shrouds and the breast/ backstays are in place. til later all have fun- three sleeps til santa! Keith
  18. ah good ole Norden- buit this one three times- one as a trawler with a scratchbuilt winch and wheelhouse, and one with just a modified wheelhouse- the third was just out of the box- keep up the good work. Keith
  19. Thanks for the views all-the joy continues! started on the ratlines then i can start on breast/ backstays on the main mast. Only two more mondays left til the big day!! Keith
  20. thanks for the views lies and comments everyone Rigging moving onwards and forwards. the main futtocks rigged and the main top shrouds now needing adjusted and tied off along with the main topstay and preventer stay. fore shrouds started along with temp forestay- really need to think about rigging bobstays and shrouds on bowsprit and finishing the jibstay. take care all. Keith
  21. Hi all and thanks as always for the views and likes everyone. Now have the main stay and preventer stay rigged and the ropes for the main futtock shrouds and topmast shrouds in place along with the topmast stay and preventer stay. have fun as always folks (yikes only 5 mondays till you now what!) Keith
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