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mort stoll

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Everything posted by mort stoll

  1. I would use the Arnot primarily with Chapelle as a back up. Keep up the great work. Mort
  2. Hi Chris, I used the copper eyebolts for the breaching rings on the cannons. I bought extra from CMB - no (affilation) You're doing a great job. Keep up the great work. Mort
  3. That walking tour is a gold mine of information. It was a huge resource in the construction of my Victory. Cheers, Mort
  4. You're doing a great job. Keep up the great work. Where did you buy the Vanguard capsan and chain pump kits? Thanks, Mort
  5. My Victory has finally arrived at her permanent home at my son’s office. My granddaughter painted the background. All the best, Mort
  6. I had French Drains installed in the basement and around the house. worked out very well.
  7. For the past few months I’ve been recruiting a crew. A Fellow New Jersey Club member showed me how to paint the figures. They add a presence to the model I think. I tried to show them doing various maintenance tasks. I hope I didn’t over do it. All the best, Mort
  8. Does anyone have any idea where I can get naval figures in 1/72 scale for my Victory? I've been searching the web and various sites without success. Thanks, Mort
  9. I put a very thin coat of cement on the plate and hull. Thinner is better and I also use the 3oz can of Weldwood Cement. It keeps the odor contained and has a brush attaches to the cap. Mort
  10. 4 inch by 4 inch or whatever size you're comfortable with. Does that help?
  11. When I am copper plating I put the contact cement on the entire section of the hull I intend to copper plate and the copper plates. I wait 10-12 minutes until the cement is tacky to the touch, apply the plates and then repeat the process of applying the cement to the hull and the plates. I usually do a 4X4 area at a time. Hope this helps, Mort
  12. I've always used contact cement with a small fan to blow the fumes, towards an open window and always wear a mask. It works very well. I put a thin coat on the hull and a thin coat on the plates and wait about 10 minutes. I then attach the plates to the hull. The contact cement is still not completely dry so I can adjust the plate if necessary. If necessary I can later - after the cement has totally dried - read adjust the plate or plates if necessary by gently applying heat in the form of my Kammerlander Plank Bender or a simple soldering iron on the low heat setting. Keep up the good work, Mort
  13. Want to thank everyone for all the likes. They mean a lot coming from you. Graham I neglected to thank both you and glenard in my above post, sorry for that. Rob your Stefano is a thing of beauty. Ryland your work is immaculate, your workmanship amazing. Jason had your Snake and Diana logs been available when I built my Snake and Diana my builds would have been so much easier. KHauptfuehrer I have your build booked marked so If I do build the kit in my closet it will be a valuable reference. All the best and thank you, Mort
  14. Forgive me but I would be remiss if I didn't mention Heinz746, Jerry, Kevin,Gil,Sjors, Shipyardsid, Helli and Robert29 for your Build Logs which were a TREMENDOUS help as I have dyslexia and spatial issues. All the best, Mortr
  15. Lanterns, anchors and anchor buoys mounted last week. The White Ensign hoisted Friday. She’s complete. An overwhelming project but well worth it. At times it seemed she’d never launch - especially with my embellishments - but she’s definitely worth it. Mort
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