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Everything posted by Elijah

  1. That is a nice technique! The simulated sheaves look pretty convincing.
  2. Wow! That binnacle looks great! Did you take any more photos of the process? It looks good enough to me to be featured in an NRG article.
  3. I'm wondering, if I cut some squares from a length of wood and positioned them on the jig so that it would raise the plexiglass from the wooden jig, would that work? That way, none of the gluing surfaces would be touching anything.
  4. I agree! are those even copper? They look too good. How are they made?
  5. Hi Mike! The planking is looking very nice! Those are some very odd methods for oxidization mentioned above. maybe a light airbrushing or drybrushing would work? I'm no expert on this matter, so neither is guaranteed to work!
  6. Hello again all! I'm guessing you're surprised to see another update on this log. Really, this is just the best space for the case I'm building for the phantom. I have been working on the case off and on for he past few months. I bought the plexiglass and built the base, and I'm nearing the point of assembling the plexiglass. I built a simple 90° jig to hold the plexiglass while cementing. I have yet to buy a cement, and I'm still trying to find a good space to cement he plexiglass. I'm thinking in he back yard would be a well enough ventilated space, but if you think not, let me know! I also bought some polish for the plexiglass, as it is covered in miniscule scratches. Anyway, here are some photos!
  7. Nice work Patrick! How do you keep all those chairs from sliding around? Are they glued down?
  8. Nice! It sounds like that should work! What would you use as the protective finish? I'm going for a not very shiny look, so satin sounds about right.
  9. Thanks Mike and Chuck! Do gel stains have a glossy finish similar to furniture, or do they have a semi-gloss better suited to represent the boat as it was?
  10. Nice work! The mono-filament idea for nails looks very nice! What's your source?
  11. Thanks Ian, JP, and Jesse! I have yet to finish the wood, but I think it looks fairly nice.
  12. Finished the ceiling planking! I don't think it's perfect at the ends, but I don't plan to tear it all out and get new wood. It was a fairly simple process of soaking, bending, and gluing. Anyway, here are the pictures.
  13. Sorry, it's been a while since I've checked in. Your coppering looks fantastic! Nice work!
  14. The natural lighting looks very nice on her! I can't wait to see her finished!
  15. Nice planking EJ! Have you been doing a lot of spiling on a hull like that?
  16. Nice work on those ratlines! They look very good. Just out of curiosity, in what situations do you use those files in the background?
  17. Nice work Marc. I've never seen drill bits like that before! They look like they would be hard to replace.
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