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Everything posted by Elijah

  1. Very nice work Bob! The stove looks good enough to me. Your deck framing looks like it should be fun to plank on!
  2. Very nice progress Sjors. Are you planking the wales before the lower hull?
  3. Wow! I just caught up and things are looking fantastic! She is such an interesting subject, and you really do her justice with all those added details. The firewood and axe by the stove are a really nice touch. Have you decided if you are going to add sails? I think they would look very good on her! Great work!
  4. Looking great! I find it interesting that the bowsprit sits to the side rather than center. I wonder where that concept came from.
  5. Looking great Toni! How do you cut those notches into the wood for the gratings to fit in?
  6. I thought I should let you know why there have been no new updates. I've been gone for a week and yet, will be for another! I'm itching terribly to finish the ceiling planking and move on to the more fun deck details, such as the deck itself, the knees, storage chests, and all the other fun stuff! In the mean time I'll be sitting here thinking about planking rather than actually doing it. Oh, well! I guess we all have to wait sometimes...
  7. Thank you very much guys! The likes and comments are greatly appreciated!
  8. Hello again! It might have taken a while, but I had fun with it! I finished the outer hull planking. I think I enjoyed it more this time because I had a better idea of what I was doing. Anyway, here are the pictures.
  9. The kitchen looks great Patrick! Now its time to stock it with food and a dirty load of dishes ready to go in the washer !
  10. Hi Mike! I am also very interested in Marisstella kits. About your problem. It looks to me that there is an outer layer of planks that are 6mm wide and .5mm thick. It also looks to me that there is a .5mm thick strip of wood on the outer side of the bulkheads. In the circle, I think that the 4mm describes a large timber that is 4mm thick, possibly to strengthen the hull? Lastly, I do also think those three boards you show are in fact three boards, with the third having a cut away in it. I hope this helps! good luck !
  11. I'm building this one and I'll be interested to see what you do! Nice case for that Morgan!
  12. Looking good! Using string looks like it should work. Are you sure that the joints formed a straight line instead of the zig-zag pattern planks make when they meet? It would seem that a straight line might be prone to rot? Just my two cents, though I'm not sure if it's accurate.
  13. Looking good! What would you say the overall quality of this kit is at this point?
  14. Thanks guys! Mike, those in the picture are dividers. They were used to transfer the plank widths at each bulkhead to the plank. The compass is not pictured, but was used to establish the curve of the plank. I'll show some pictures of that soon.
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