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Everything posted by BobG

  1. Really well done so far, jawiki, especially for your first build!
  2. Chris Watton of Vanguard Models. I think it's fascinating to watch Chris and Chuck separately develop each new model in their line of kits.
  3. That's some fine work on very small, storage racks, Harry!
  4. ...and you have lots of modelers eagerly awaiting whatever is next also! It's always exciting to watch you and Chris create a new model.
  5. Thanks, Doug, my oral surgery went just fine but I've been skiing, riding my bike and getting my spring garden in lately. I have too many things that I love to do. I need to carve out some time for working on my model!
  6. Gorgeous model of the America, Gary! All of your other models look great also. Nice work!
  7. Beautiful work, Doug! I'll be happy if my Flirt comes anywhere close to looking as good as yours.
  8. Gosh, Glenn, I can't imagine it gets any better than this...amazingly beautiful!
  9. I was unable to attend this workshop, Kurt. Will it be available for viewing on the NRG website at some point in the near future for NRG members?
  10. Do you, or anyone else, know of a good, illustrated book or internet resource for the standing and running rigging for smaller vessels that would include illustrations for various rigging configurations for gaff sails and different types of topsails?
  11. I'm sure that you're the only one that will be able to see any "mistakes"...she looks perfectly stunning to me!
  12. I'll be back at it next week, Glenn. Thanks for checking in. I had some oral surgery a couple of weeks ago. Then this week I've been up in North Lake Tahoe with my wife and son and I've been skiing with my son after being away from it for 25 years. I've been having a blast...forgot how much I used to love to ski. I sure am tired after a full day on the slopes though. Maybe being 75 has something to do with it. I plan to continue to ski as long as I can from now on and, if I make it to 80, I get to ski for free!
  13. Fantastic work, Yves! I can't get over how big this model is also...😲
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