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Everything posted by WackoWolf

  1. If anyone would pick up on the light's being on the wrong side it would be Andy, good eyes Andy. It's just like Port is spell with 4 letters and left is spelled with 4 letters. LOL
  2. You eye to the detail is outstanding by all means. This is excellent. I am always looking for a update from you. Please keep the pictures coming and Thank you for sharing this Beautiful model with all of us here.
  3. WOW. She is beautiful, excellent detail every where. I love it. Thank you for sharing this with us, keep the pictures coming.
  4. Now that is nice and worth the price all day. Thanks for sharing with us.
  5. What Jud has said is 100% right on, they would have cause more damage then they would have done good. Maybe someone can put some light on how this should have been other than just looking nice. Just my 2 cents.
  6. Kevin, The copper work is beautiful. Keep up the excellent work, I am always watching for more updates.
  7. Kevin, Glad your back in the shop again. You getting there a little at a time. Excellent work on the guns. Looking forward to the next set of photo's. Keep the pictures coming and Thank you for sharing as you always do.
  8. They have a write up about this kit in this months issues of Ships in Scale, nice write up. Check it out if you can, my issue came yesterday.
  9. Bill, They don not offer this in the US, you would have to get someone to get the issues each month and send them to you. Sorry, I have sent emails to the company before and the answer is always the same, not in the US. I wanted the HMS Hood
  10. Beautiful planking. Another one, excellent. Keep the pictures coming and Thank you for sharing with us.
  11. Excellent work and detail. Keep the pictures coming and Thank you for sharing.
  12. Tim, That came out beautiful. Excellent work on the detail. This is going to be one Beautiful build when you done. Have been watching since you started and will be waiting for more updates. Thanks for sharing.
  13. The brick is unbelievable. Thank you so much for sharing the pictures with us. Wish I could have been there.
  14. Your doing an excellent job with her. Taking your time show in the work that has been done. Keep the pictures coming. Thank you for sharing.
  15. Beautiful work, love the detail. Keep the pictures coming. Thank you for sharing.
  16. I agree with what Brian C said. Excellent work Kevin.
  17. Also you can use "Finger Nail Polish Remover". I am sure your wife or daughter has some.
  18. Let me know what you find for the software. I also would like to know how you make out with the machine once you get all the bugs work out.
  19. You have ask a good question. But I do think that your going to find that the answer might come down to what you decide (the answer can go both ways). I will be watching to see what people say. Thank for asking. Do start a build log.
  20. Remco, Nice idea on the clamps, I have also ran into that same problem. Now I know how to go about solving that problem. Thanks again.
  21. Antony, If I remember right you once said you had SoildWorks, can't you use that software?
  22. Nice catch. That is one in a million. Congrats.
  23. Sometimes power tools can cause you more work than doing it by hand. You did the right thing in my option by doing it by hand, now you have no re-work because of doing it by hand. I have all the power tools and when it comes to drilling or sanding I rather do it by hand, and trust me my hands hurt almost every day.
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