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Everything posted by NMBROOK

  1. A 40mm block under the front of the jig on the Nuestra when upside down on a flat surface makes the keel horizontal The hull is perfectly true to the surface then,making marking everything out like wales etc easy Kind Regards Nigel
  2. Both are fantastic Daniel but as you might guess the Trinnidad is my favourite .I am glad you have carried over the upper jig design from The Nuestra Senora .I hope you will keep updating us of progress,if only so I can carry on drooling like Ulises Kind Regards Nigel
  3. I find the Brynes drawplate does exactly what it is supposed to do.To my knowledge this is the only drawplate designed to reduce the diameter of wood by cutting(I use boxwood)Other drawplates for jewellers purposes are designed to gradually reduce the wire diameter by forming,not cutting so these are not designed for wood.Two slightly different designs and you feed the material in the opposite way round. Kind Regards Nigel
  4. Your creativity and innovation never ceases to amaze me Daniel Excellent work Kind Regards Nigel p.s I look forward to development pics of Trinnidad although I have silly thoughts of full interior and crew now
  5. So glad you are posting this Morey You have built one STUNNING model!!!!!!!! Kind Regards Nigel
  6. Well worth the extra effort Dimitris,the railings look perfect.I agree with David,your work is first class Kind Regards Nigel
  7. The planking is actually laid with a gap.The problem with beveling is that you will end up with uneven grooves when you sand the hull smooth.Here is the link to the build,the modelers name is Sergey Kutuzov.(the translator started working again ) https://www.shipmodeling.ru/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=67&t=8350 Kind Regards Nigel
  8. Reading someones build log on one of the Russian forums,I found another technique for caulking.Apologies that I cannot name the builder,the translator keeps going into meltdown and my keyboard doesn't have a Cyrillic function. To cut to the chase,the planking is laid with a 0.2 to 0.3mm gap between each strake.After sanding and cleaning the sanding debris out of the grooves and a couple of coats of oil,wax is applied into the gaps.This is the stick form used for repairing scratches in furniture.This is done cold.The wax is then consolidated with the end of a needle.I realise this is similar to Dimitry Shevelev's technique except he uses a bitumous finish to highlight the caulking and age the surrounding timber.After removing excess wax another coat of oil is applied.Just wondered if anyone has tried this?I am considering doing a mock up and giving it a trial run.For me,this is about the nicest caulking I have seen.The timber is Pear and the wax is dark brown(numerous shades are easily available)Incidentally the build is 1/84. Kind Regards Nigel
  9. I have seen a very accomplished builder use one on one of the Russian forums for nailing ply subdecks down.The builder in question is a master carpenter,so probably more a case of convenience rather than necessity.It's Alex Banarov that uses a staple gun when building layers of veneer on a plug as part of his composite hull building technique Kind Regards Nigel
  10. My congratulations Mark,if a little belated on the completion of another fantastic model I wish you plain sailing and calm seas with your Royal William build Kind Regards Nigel
  11. Gosh,I haven't been around all that much lately Patrick,sorry to here of your stones,but glad to hear they are history and your back in the swing of things I shall be following your progress with something a little different to your other subjects Kind Regards Nigel
  12. Outstanding Marsalv,I love it!!!! Kind Regards Nigel
  13. Excellent work Michael You have obviously mastered the lathe now as well as the mill I am still sat on the fence as to whether to buy the Proxxon or go all out and buy a metal capable lathe.If I buy the wood one,I will still want a metal turning one Kind Regards Nigel
  14. I don't think I belong in the same category as Mr Shevelev,but thank you anyway Heinz Kind Regards Nigel
  15. Just playing catch up Bob Your build is coming on great,I like your deck fittings Chuck's grating kits are something I must consider when wanting some light coloured ones Kind Regards Nigel
  16. No,I certainly don't think it is going to make any difference in the greater scale of things Mark Kind Regards Nigel
  17. I am sure someone else will probably chime in Mark.As you know I have the plans and did scratchbuild the stem,keel and a few frames before putting the build on hold until my domestic situation resolves itself.From memory(the parts are in my storage unit)the prow tapers in both directions,downwards and towards the figurehead.I believe the section at the top touching the hull should be 8mm thick,but this tapers working downwards and forwards.This explains why your kit parts didn't match up.From memory (again) this is shown on the bow view on the sheer plan. Kind Regards Nigel
  18. Quite simply outstanding work Heinz Personally I am not a big fan of too much paint on my models,if I were to build Victory,it would be a similar approach to yours. Your caulking technique is not dissimilar to Russian masster Dimitry Shevelev's technique.He leaves a small gap,but after sealing he uses a bitumous wax to provide the caulking and ageing. Kind Regards Nigel
  19. Thank you for the heads up Keith.I have been waiting for something like this to come out after recent finds put into doubt the configuration of this ship.I have duly ordered a copy from Amazon Kind Regards Nigel
  20. Staggeringly beautiful work Giorgio The finished colours of the Pear are fabulous.If I may ask,if you use Shellac,what tone do you use?I am thinking of using this for the first time on a model,but am torn between the blonde and button flakes. Kind Regards Nigel
  21. I concur with George,superb attention to detail Michael I feel that not only have we witnessed you model grow throughout your log,your skills and ingenuity have grown at the same time Outstanding work,a true pleasure to be following along Kind Regards Nigel
  22. Absolutely fantastic work Nils Your hull plating looks amazing,almost a shame to paint,it looks fabulous in it's natural silver Kind Regards Nigel
  23. Thank you Ulises,my old bookmark didn't work with the new format.I have redone it now Kind Regards Nigel
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