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Everything posted by KeithAug

  1. Vossie, My mother told me not to frequent bars like that. Eberhard, John, Pat thank you for your appreciation - I hope the more difficult remaining part continues to please.
  2. Hi John - I do understand "up the coast". A number of years ago my son was on a parent funded "elective" (university work experience vacation). He and a group of friends hired a car in Sydney having booked a sailing week in the Whitsunday Islands. Being the inhabitants of a small island they had no idea of how far they had to drive!!!!!
  3. Jon I note your extensive refurbishment plans and conclude this will be like "Trigger's Brush".................................................I probably need to explain. Trigger was a character in a comedy called "Only Fools and Horses" (from the saying "only fools and horses work'). Trigger's brush is now famous as explained below:- It was one of the funniest scenes in arguably the best loved British comedy in the last three decades. A lovable imbecile sat in a café with his mates, basking in the glory of his recent award for saving his employers (the local council) money by using the same broom for 20 years. On cross examination from his sceptical friends, it soon becomes apparent that the broom had been the recipient of 17 new heads and 14 new handles in that time. However, that didn’t stop the amiable simpleton maintaining it was the same broom he received when he started sweeping roads.
  4. Gary, I say "never let the perfect be the enemy of the good". The deck looks great and your staining techniques are very interesting, but tell me how do you do it so quickly?
  5. She is a pretty little thing and nicely made. I think you have quite a good little model already.
  6. Dan - it is comments like this that make feel I never want to attempt a liner. I will be watching your production line with interest.
  7. Planker's Progress 5 - Day 10. I got to the point on the underside of the bow where the planks were very flat where they intersected. I needed to change strategy so I introduced a "keel" plank with the intention that further planks would be butted against it. I also inserted a small block at the top of the rudder which will be sanded to give the hull in this area it'd final shape. The problem I was having with planking (as recorded in Planker's lament) was to the right of the inserted block. Here the curvature is acute and the planks were being distorted more than was good for them. I pressed on rather than rethinking and ended up cutting out a section 3 planks wide by 6 inches long and redoing it. I must remember that rework is slow - much better to do it right first time. In the next photo you can see that the extent to which taper planking has filled out midships relative to the bow and stern. As I proceed I will have to start sorting out the aft end of the keel where stealers will obviously be necessary. I finished day 10 with a planking count. So I make that 9.6 planks a day - good job I am not on piece work- obviously some way still to go.
  8. Yes I looked at that and thought how much easier it would be if I could tongue and groove my planks. I'm not really up to it though on .055" thick planks.
  9. Yes Eberhard - Thank you for the video, I found it very informative - what a lovely yacht.
  10. Planker's Progress 5 - Day 9 I had a bit of a frustrating day today so I took it out on paper:- Planker’s Lament. I scratched my head and gave a sigh. The plank won’t go. It lies awry. Its tortured course. From stem to stern. Describes an arc of some concern. Concave, a twist and then convex. Its aim, I’m sure, is to perplex. I scratch my head again and sigh. And wonder where the time went by.
  11. Jon An interesting little project which I will follow with interest. Seems to me that the new will be much more extensive than the old!
  12. Dan It is always a good Sunday afternoon when one of your updates appears. Lovely work on the funnels.
  13. Isn't it annoying when your fingers are just too big. Very nice work despite your finger problem.
  14. Planker's Progress 4. It's now day 8 of planking and I am about half way. Most of the time isn't actually work, as glue drying and thinking take their toll on productivity. I continue to work my way up the stern and I am managing the symmetry reasonably well. I have started to cover the rear of the keel in preparation for the next stage of planking. I am still cutting the fine angle at the plank ends with a razor saw but increasingly it is becoming a compound angle with the saw cut currently deviating by about 15 degrees from vertical. At the bow I am starting to move on to the flatter section and in consequence the port and starboard planks are overlapping along the line of the keel. As I complete a plank I sand the end flush from the opposite side and then notch it out to take the next plank ( a bit like interlaced fingers). 80 planks are now in place. Over the next couple of days those awkward hull / keel intersection planks will go on (hopefully).
  15. Funny you should say that - I just sat down for a cup of tea and as I mused on todays progress I thought "I have spent most of the day wondering how I was going to do the next bit. Welcome to the indecisiveness club!
  16. Ah I see, only 3 years to go. Tweezers - I bought a set, my son bought a set - the manufacturer probably never knew why his sales took off.
  17. Eberhard. Yes I will need to manage the "flow" of the planks quite well particularly at the hull/keel intersection. The mahogany I am using beautiful close grained stuff but being 100 years old it is somewhat brittle and hence does not like challenging shapes. Thank you for your earlier help with SV Eduard. We obtained a copy of the book you recommended and also turned up an image from the family photo library. My wife's grandfathers Masters Certificate specifically states he was licensed as a Master of fore and aft rigged vessels. She was an elegant looking vessel - at least until UC-70 got her.
  18. Paul. She is looking good for a 4 year old. I once took 20 years to complete a model so you have a way to go until you can claim she is a veteran build. 12 deg C in my workshop for the last week, I assume you are benefiting from the same mild conditions? P.S - we must have all bought those nice cheap tweezers.
  19. Thanks Pat. Im hoping it will look much better when sanded. I need the finish to be very smooth.
  20. Doing is better than thinking when the brain matter reaches a certain age.
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