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Everything posted by amateur

  1. Not a log, but to show I did some modelling these last weeks... This guy is sitting on one of my shelves for ages (not as long as my others, but still....) So I decided to give him a kind of boost this week. Modelling at the dinigroom table has it advantages when it is cold upstairs The model is made by Scaldis, a dutch company. She shows MS Axeldijk, one of the ships of the HAL shortly after the war (she is a coverted victory ship, as you will probably see) All in all the model is around 55 centimeters, still workable, but small enough to drive me mad with the tiny pieces of paper. No scale 1:500 PE models for me And no, I don't know why my iPad turned some of my pictures 45 degrees .... Jan
  2. With all those interesting builds, there isno time to do something myself...... Jan
  3. Great. Would definitely like to give this a go. Still trying to find a type of paper that is good enough to do these kind of models, but also acceptable to my printer..... Jan
  4. The carvings are nice, but why did you choose not to model rge knights head on the main knight? Those carved heads were quite typical for the ships in this period. Jan
  5. Great! New updates coming! (although I have to admit: cheating on your side takes a while to accept on our side....) Jan
  6. I thought something completely different: these ships must have been quite daunting for new crewmembers: how much drills did you need to find your way in this maze of turrets, gangways, decks and guns. And not only in broad daylight in harbour, but also at see, in darkness, in the heat of battle. Glad I wasn't there (nor on any other battleship in action) Jan
  7. I'm following with interest. Still contemplating my possibilities is such a model (Although greatly hindered by lack of space, and lack of powertools, not to mention time.....) Jan
  8. Do they have to be working, or just 'cosmetic'? I did some hinges, using just using ordinary white paper, painted black. (yes, closed ports.....) Jan
  9. Ithought so. Time flies when you' re having fun
  10. But he still needs the upper gundeck before the masts can be stepped...... And considering he is only into his fourth (?) year for the lower gundeck, I 'm not sure whether we normal mortals will see this beautiful ship fully rigged..... Jan
  11. I never had white pva glue fractured. It remains slughtly pliable for quite some time. Sounds like bad ju ju.... Jan
  12. file, caliper, and some eyeballing (but I'm not an expert ) Works fine as long as there are not too many yards. The drill didn't work for me: problems with centering en getting the whole thing stable. Jan
  13. Hi Marcus, Some ofthese ships had a second (small) mast set up, like the haringbuis. Mainly to help them keeping position while at work. Notvery common on these ships, though.... Jan
  14. This one, for instance You see the typical design of the bomschuit: it is like a box... They were designed to get ashore at high tide, so that they could be unloaded and serviced at low tide. This because many of the fishing villages at the northsea did not have a harbour (completely impossible to dug a harbour in the flat sandy beaches. Jan
  15. Could you be slightly more specific? Ship, kit, scale, problem you have so far..... Jan
  16. I checked on the internet, it is different: the model is only showing the inside! Great model to look at when finished! Jan
  17. Airships are also ships Question: the drawings show the construction as build (the framework of the body, the ribs in the wings, with the cut-outs to keep the weight low) Is the kit also 'as build', or is it only showing the outside of the plane as it was? Jan
  18. That's a serious drop in quality..... Areal shame. Unlessthis is tobe used to plank the inside of the hull (which it isnot, i presume) you have an issue there. Jan
  19. You mean you never break the tip by letting it go down on the floor? (Or did you just by an increadible amount of those things in 1984. ) Jan
  20. Hi Daniel, What is the size of the Statenjacht? (My memory says I asked before, but I cant find the answr....) Jan
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