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Everything posted by amateur

  1. Hi Drazen, Looks good. Next the keel, and sternpost, before attaching the last two (or three) planks. Planking almost done (for those who didn't realize: in these Dutch ships, all planks end in the rabbet in the sternpost, apart from the lower two (or three) that are running all the way to the aft end of the sternpost.) Jan
  2. your hourly wages for this job must be down to sub-zero values..... But the result is stunning: the owner of the model should be pleased: Jan
  3. Are you going to do furled sails, or sails that are partially taken in ( like in the original Heller version ) Jan
  4. There was no real progress over the last months. There will be none in th coming. As we are going to move over to a ne place, everything will be boxed up for the coming months. And no: the new place has no base,ent that could be turned into a wonderfull workshop Jan
  5. Photo's are lying yes, but most of the time I see things in my macro-pictures that aren't visible to the naked eye. So I tend to believe pictures. Still, I think you are doning a great job to the model! Jan
  6. Two tips from my own practice: Whenfairing your frames, make sure you go all teh way: the plank should make contct everywhere, most of the time that implies that the whole charring on the outside has gone when you're finished Second: dont start a new plank on the frame, but in between, and glue a part of wood behind the connection, that way, there will be a smoother run of the plank. Jan
  7. Two tips from my own practice: Whenfairing your frames, make sure you go all teh way: the plank should make contct everywhere, most of the time that implies that the whole charring on the outside has gone when you're finished Second: dont start a new plank on the frame, but in between, and glue a part of wood behind the connection, that way, there will be a smoother run of the plank. Jan
  8. Why only 'relatively happy', why not just unconditionally happy? From the pivctures it looks all fine. Jan
  9. Thanks, would never have figured out that one. Jan
  10. What is the rightmost part? The other two i recignize (atbleast, more or less) Jan
  11. Actually, i dont think this will be a rewarding kit. It looks like a bunch of slightly-out of-scale-put-together-parts. It is not size as such which is the determining factor, it is scale. Anything below1:64 is kind of fiddly. A large scale model of a small ship is easiervin that respect. Plastic is a different terrain, but not necessarily easier. Most plastic models are small scale, and therefore have their problems in painting, and detailing. Mking a convincing model out of a plastic kit is something quite daunting:) With respect to starter: I would choose a model of a relatively snall ship (not a rowing boat;) ), from a fairly known company (so you can find fellow builders) Solid hull or pob? Each their own problems. I did a couple of solid hulls when i was a kid. Problem was that the raw hulls in the kot weren't symmetrical. Took me ages to get them reasonable .... when the basic is OK, it should be easier. Jan
  12. Is this th link you meant to include http://steamboats.com/museum/lossingmodels.html
  13. I dont see major errors, but then, I've only your version which looks pretty good. Will the model be live-steam? Jan
  14. Sorry Sjors, Couldn't resist this one. Here is your lion!
  15. i used these pushpins lot cheaper, and essentially the same functionality. Jan
  16. Neither did I, but I found a discussion that only after titanic sank, there was a ruling that said that they had to be painted red/white. Before that, it was cork covered in white canvas. Jan
  17. Hi Nils, She's looking great. With respect to the buoys: the ones on the Titanic and the Lusitania were just ordinary plain white ones. Jan
  18. The joints are looking very sharp . Make sure the paint of the paper doesn't bleed out as a result of the finish you are going to use. Jan
  19. Hi Carl, Question on your tools: Where did you get your tweezers? Mine have problems in keeping the points neatly centered opposite to each oher when I try to hold something small. (resulting in potential loss of parts, as they are launched into outer space....) Jan
  20. Fun, the end of the booms, yellow disk of around 1.5mm diameter. Don't even think of breathing while you try to pickthese up. Fun: the designer made a mistake: heprinted 12 booms, while there should be 14 of them. A well, what would a kit be without small problems? Jan
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