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Everything posted by amateur

  1. Not that I know of. Those Dutch caps are a bit tricky, as the aren't flat on the topside. Most kits make them too narrow, they were quite wide. I'll check whether I can find some pics.... Found a pic on a Dutch forum, showing the cap on the main mast. About three times as wide as the topmasts thickness. tow groves for thet top-rope, and the front part attached wioth two bolts. This designs holds for almost all caps, although those on the topmasts and the flagpoles also may have an irons band to hold the mast in place, in stead of the wooden piece shown here. Startting from a square piece with the right height and thickness, rounding of the top-side may be the best (only?) option wou have making them. Jan
  2. Looking good. Any respons on number nine? Jan
  3. 'cap' or 'mast cap' Jan
  4. Hi Chris, Although Edt's anchors are great, Dutch anchors did look a bit different. No iron bands on the wooden parts being a very distinctive one Jan
  5. How does one's buildlog disappear: not building.... Actually I did some rope-work thes summer (not too much, there was also a garden to attend) (btw: still missing picassa..... and needing glasses ) Jan
  6. I don' t know which dremel you have, but the smaller sizes: .3-.9 mm tend to break quite easily, especially when used by hand in a powerfull drill. Especcially the smaller sizes should be bought in multiples (unless you can cope with the frustration of not being able to continue as you last drillbit in the correct size snapped)) Jan
  7. mmm....disappointing.... we expected destruction in proper Dafi-style But the new netting is definitely better than the old one. What material is it? Jan
  8. At first, ithought it was the old billings (dating back to the late sixties/early seveties. The kits was designed before or during thesalvation of the wreck, almost completely missing the true design of vasa. Some googling around, i found out that it is a kit for chzeckoslovakia, also dating from that periode. I would say thta it is perhaps fun to see whether ornot a ship van be constructed from thiese parts, but it has nothing to dowith wasa whatsoever. (And i very much doubt whether the decals and the plastic parts can stillbe used after 50-odd years in a dusty attic.) Jan
  9. Are you following Ketting wirh a fore-deck, or do you take the model as it is, without a forecastle-deck? That deck in the reconstruction is quite a debate, most scholars taking the view that it should not be there. Jan
  10. Hi Juzek, Which drawings do you use? Ketting or Corel? Jan
  11. That's a nice twist Do you have a picture of her in that rig? Jan
  12. Can you explain? New research showing tha she had no masts? Jan
  13. And the more practical question: are you able to represent these lines in the scale you are working with? Sometimes less is more With respect to your question: I guess it depends on the situation. When a ship is sailing, everything is there. In port during (un)loading, the sails are not removed, therefore these lines are not. During winter-stops, I guess most lines are removed, as the weather does have a (negative) effect on the quality of the lines. So everything needed to have the yards in place will remain, everything else is removed. Sometimes you see a model with full rigging, but without sails. In that case the lines are prevented from running loose with the help of knots and toggles. I like the look of it (although: only when blocks and lines are in scale), but I never saw a picture of these clippers fully rigged, without sails. in your case, I would take Cutty sark as she is in dry-dock as your reference: Standing rigging lifts and braces in place, all other removed. Jan
  14. Thats essentially what it is: two lines eized at the ends, forming a little eye in between. Jan
  15. Ofcourse you can fake the splice by a seizing. My point is the way you can seize the lines: one eye, with two standing lines. Jan
  16. Eyesplice, or horseshoe, I dont know what the correct one is. In your model it will look the same. Jan
  17. Option c, two llines with a sort of eye-splice i will look for a pic. Give me second. Jan
  18. And in most cases the yards are lowered when there are no sails attached. Jan
  19. Yes, completely. I was affarid that you would not model nelsons place of death. Would be an ommision to this otherwise great build Jan
  20. Make sure you cut enough for the middle gun deck (Assuming the lower one will ever be finished) Btw did you ever consider the thought of rippi g out the lower deck in order to install the orlop deck? Jan
  21. His photobucket-account did not change for a long time. I wonder whether something happened (or maybe he is just awfully busy in (re)writing HMS-Victory's building instructions....) Jan
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