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Everything posted by amateur

  1. Hi Marcus, I shouldn't have used the word 'sail...' It was just the ferry (which gave me the opportunity to have a look at all surrounding ships) big and a bit noisy when you sleep on the lower deck Jan
  2. Hi Kees, Take care of yourself! btw: We sailed from IJmuiden to Newcastle last week, and I spotted Pelikaan in the buitenhaven of IJmuiden. She almost looked like your model (only more dirt and rust, and way oversized ) With respect to the hull colour: even in life size, the colour is changing with the sunlight. Difficult to describe, and I think that even with the colour-code right, it will not look like the real thing.... Jan
  3. Do you mKe your own photoEtching, or do you buy 'off the shelve'? Jan
  4. The advantage is that a bunch of oars on deck would look a bit bulky. The disadvantage is that your model needs some casing to protect the 'fragile' oars.... Jan
  5. For those of you who don't know: the lion is on the statenjacht Utrecht Jan
  6. We'll never, ever complain again over fiddly detials on our massive 1:100 scale ships. How many magnifiers do you use for this? Jan
  7. How are you going to do the ratlines ? It's increasibly small, fragile and looking good. Jan
  8. Hi Hans, That is a great looking ship! Two questions: am i correct in assumin a hulllength of around a meter? And second: when doing admirality, are you considering not to plank the hull? Jan
  9. Hmmm..... Wondering... How does fully detailed look like in your definition? I wouldn't label this as schematic. More like: quite detailed. Jan
  10. Hi Kees, Looking good! Are you going to do the interior of the brigde on this one, or will there be faked glazing? Jan
  11. If kitmakers would provide enough rope and decent blocks, there is no need for bulk-pakages ...... The problem is that many provide kind of lousy rope, and blocks that fot their rope.... Jan
  12. And could the american producers please, please have a european agent? Getting kits around/through custums without damage (sometimes they open rattling packages with metal in them..) and at reasonable cost can be difficult and time-consuming. Jan
  13. With respect to scale: the current market seems to ask for large scale models, to give the opportunity for detailing. Although i understand that wish, for me this is the reson not to go for a kit next. I am (still) strugling with the rigging of a Corel kit of Prins Willem, but another kit resulting in a 90centimeter model is a nogo area: i simply don't have the space to get another one in. Next model is restricted to 40 cm max, either a relatively small ship at 1:50/1:96, or a slightly largership at 1:96/1:192 There used to be a Dutch firm that did some small ships, at 1:100. Resulting models about 25 centimets (that's 10 inch for you non-metrics:)) Rather basic kits, solid hull, partly precut, basic rigging, but great starter-kits, with quite a lot of detailing-options. Firm went backrupt, and no one else continued the range. Price of these kits was relatively low, which made them perfect starters for younger builders (toy shops where the main outlet for the firm). I did them all (one still unfinished after 25 years....) This is what i mean: my third kit, at age 16, 30 years outside a glass case Jan
  14. In Den Helder (netherlands) there is a nice example of such a transition-ship SS Bonaire, steam/sail, nicely shaped hull, etc. Would make a nice kit. Jan
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