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Everything posted by amateur

  1. When redesigning, are you also to get rid of some of the historical mistakes Mamoli had in some of its kits? (e.g. the famous Friesland-kit, although beautiful, had some serious issues.) Jan
  2. Don't ask.... don't ask.... sorry... couldn't resist any longer..... Are the binding strakes really parallel? Jan
  3. Hi Ed, I understand the mechanism of the chain release, but how did they get these anchors overboard? Was there some kind of tackle, or.... I can't image they just worked them overboard, the risk of damage to the hull would be fairly large.... Jan
  4. At scale 1:2000 it is not your noice, but the air of our breathing. Jan
  5. Perhaps you should delete the other one. Is a bit confusing for some of us And when you are working on it: perhaps check on the little typo's in your title (unless they are there to illustrate how thick you fingers are, and how much admiration whe should have for you, still taking on a large project like this one ) Jan
  6. You thought you could start without us?? No way, we'll track you down. I would have loved the shipyard at Durgerdam, ofcourse, but as you have a Rotterdam connection, I can understand you don't want to build a wharf from the region of Amsterdam Knowing your love for detail, and working parts, I would have tried a more 'workable scale'. But we'll see how you tackle hinges at 1:2000 Jan
  7. Hi Cog, From what I've seen, it is two per ship (one on either side). Quite a lot of info here: www.sumwing.nl[\url] (unfortunatedly, dutch only) Kees: are you also going to attach the chains, or is that undoable at this scale? Jan
  8. There is some on her launch in maritiemdigitaal, but I did not found a buildpic, as yet. http://www.maritiemdigitaal.nl/index.cfm?event=search.getdetail&id=101139028 http://www.maritiemdigitaal.nl/index.cfm?event=search.getsimplesearch&saveToHistory=1&database=ChoiceMardig&needImages=YES&searchterm=Rdm+musi Jan
  9. 4 or 5 coats to fill your imperfectione is too much: your model is not a house I use litte woodshavings to fill the gaps betwee planks. Glue them im place, cut off everything tah is above the level of the surrounding planks. Jan
  10. Typo in the link. Without the typo it s open at Musi, build http://www.rdm-archief.nl/RDM-NB/RDM-278.html Jan
  11. Guess again http://www.visserijschepenuitalphenaandenrijn.nl/sch-398 But perhaps I'm way off (at least, the name does fit, but the year is one year too early....) Jan
  12. Ah well, i already thought it was small..... You did a very nice job on this ship. Actually, the ship might be obscure, but i like the lines and colours of the Kaiserliche Marine. Jan
  13. Garlic netting Ever seen how The grocerystore sells its garlic? He is trying to eat a full set of nets for three trawlers. Enough garlic to feed an army Jan
  14. The item being a lamp ? Or is it 'your wife's ship' Musi? (for those of you who don't know Musi: http://www.rdm-archief.nl/RDM-NB/RDM-278.html ) Jan
  15. Frontpage for the msw 2017 calendar Those barges are really nice ships, and your model does full credits to them! Jan
  16. You could show us, perhaps we can suggest a solution to your tediuos work ? Jan
  17. Don't forget to mirror the dolphin on the last six oars..... It's unbelievable what you do atthis size..... Jan
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