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Everything posted by trippwj

  1. Good answer, Mobbsie - solid story! Given the acre of planking you have to do, I am not at all surprised it is taking awhile!
  2. Popeye - your AmericA is looking fantastic! Are there any skills related to these models you don't have?
  3. Have fun - glad to hear you are supporting the wild creatures of the frozen north!
  4. Looking good, Craig. Looking to you for ideas as I have just started the framing on mine.
  5. Nice job on the channels and chainplates - they look very good!
  6. Looking good, Kevin. How many finger nails did you pull before confessing your sins?????
  7. Sjors - I do not think that Google Translate would be able to provide the translation of the phrases and specific words used by Andy - at least, not on a page accessible to someone as young as you. Definitely into the "R" rated verbiage! I also suspect that the moderators would frown on the use of subtitles for those terms.....
  8. Mark - OUCH seems the word of the day! Glad it was not worse - did the liquid libation soothe the aches adequately? On the bright side, no one has asked for pictures!!! Best wishes for a speedy recovery and return to building the pumps!
  9. Is there a difference? Nice job on the replacement replacements. They look very sharp - getting ever closer to that day when you need to hide the wabbits so they don't scare the ratline gnomes away!
  10. Thanks, Adam - glad to have you back aboard! Good to see the progress on the Mayflower as well. Captain Augie, Sir - going to stick with it and give it my best shot! I think I can fix the bevel on frame 2 without any major re-constructive surgery (in this case, I need to take a bit more off - the best kind of mistake to make!! Would hate to need to add more meat to that bone!)
  11. Dangit, Andy - maybe you need to tackle them thar minuterer masts during the evening? They seem to be somewhat off-colour and not receptive to abrasion during the morning. :( Or, perhaps, use a more ninja like approach when you sneak up on the buggers. :ph34r:
  12. Pretty much, Keith. Here is what the plans give you Since the laser cut frames are from square stock when viewed end-on, the bevel needs to be carved on both the inside and the outside of the piece, as you can see in the admittedly rough sketch below. At this point, I have the first 3 frame pairs mounted and have noticed an "oops" on the starboard side frame 2 where I messed up on the bevel. Not sure if I will redo it or not since it will be covered by the ceiling. Need to ponder on that!
  13. Carl - Harriet is pouting on the shelf above my workbench and still calls out for attention, but making her wait a few days. Sometimes ignoring them makes them that much happier when you pay attention again (yeah, right!). Enjoying the early parts of framing this one - only time I need the magnifier is when i am reading the ruler for measurements!
  14. Dang...need a dislike button here! Vaguely minty smelling mast almost sounds like a song title for some odd reason! Sorry to see that, Andy, but have faith you will overcome and achieve a glorious colourful result (spelt it corektly this time, too!)
  15. Andy - your masts demonstrate a magnificent grasp of the idiosyncratic application of innovative and illusory technical nuances to achieve a subtle yet accurate appearance. The workmanship remains of the highest quality while your intuitive use of color and application of artistic skill brings a harmonious brilliance which perpetuates the illusion of reality. Inexorably, you continue to provide an education to those of us yearning for enlightenment. Translation - looking really good, I like the mast bands and will continue to watch and learn from your build. Pretty good for a yankee, eh?
  16. Paul - I continue to be in awe of the level of detail you are attaining on this build. It is VERY impressive and well implemented!
  17. Rigging is looking good, Augie! Are the yardarms strong enough for various disciplinary uses (just wondering....) Face the same follicle impairment as you. I just tell the kids that my hair stopped growing when I was 5 foot 2 but I continued to grow an additional few inches...right up past it. Enjoy your visit!
  18. Hey there, Keith. All of the frames are laser cut but require some shaping - they are essentially the right shape but need to have some taken off the leading edge on the outside and the mirror bevel on the inside to allow for planking to sit fair. The first 5 or 6 frames need a goodly bit of trimming but less and less as you move aft.
  19. Well, decided to take a break from working with tiny stuff on the Harriet Lane to spend a bit of time on the ECB. After getting the rabbet carved into both sides on the keel, I started working on frames last night. It took me a bit to get my mind around the geometry of carving the bevels, but once that light bulb started to flicker it suddenly made sense. Installed Frame 1 last night and frame 2 today. General view from above the bow looking aft to show the general approach.set up. The crew is hard at it. Bow on - the foreman is checking out the alignment. From the port bow From the starboard bow The span (distance from center line) for each frame is transfered onto this leveling timber (my own term for it - pretty technical sounding, huh?) which then provides a check on the spacing as I clamp the frame. Frame height is set by measuring the height to the underside of the leveling timber, and verified across the frames by using a level to check for plumb. Two frames down, about 23 to go! They get easier from here with a lot less bevel after frame 4. Many thanks!
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