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Everything posted by donrobinson

  1. Thanks Bob, hopefully when the time comes the first cut will be the right cut Hey Dave, that's what I was looking for "riffle file". Not only do I need reminder notes for myself now I need name tags on my tools
  2. Good Day All, Thanks for all your gracious comments, likes and checking things out. Not much has changed other than scraping, sanding, planking and painting . I did a little cheating when I planked the bulwarks, rather than using the planking strips I cut and shaped veneer strips. I did this as I knew I was painting and to go from five planks at the bow to three at midships seemed like a lot of work that was not necessary. With the painting and stanchions placed every 15 mm the illusion of separate planks would have been hidden at any rate. After bulwarks were planked the scuppers then needed to be re-cut. I did this using a 1 mm end mill bit in my rotary tool followed by some filing with a needle file and the other thing I can't remember the name of right now . Next up is the final planking of the deck :) on top of the .5 mm planking goes a central plank and after that I will be happy to see that all planking on this ship will be finished. Not much to see but I hope you enjoy ] Mystery tool is the second from bottom
  3. Thanks so much Christiano for stopping in and for your compliments. I will check out those sites and Thanks for that also. I see you have a few MarisStella kits in your stash, they really are great kits. I have the Stefano, that is started and the Pasara which is still on the shelf there is still room on the shelf for the Liburnian Monoreme and the Saint Jerome . Now that winter is almost here I hope to do more work on my ships and to actually make some real progress.
  4. Hi Mike, on mine there will be a main hatch and two smaller ones fore and aft. I am thinking the main hatch will show a fair amount of the interior the two smaller ones maybe a bit more limited as they have companion ways on them. If things work out (and they rarely do) I should be cutting open the deck by the end of the week and will have a better idea. I will be sure to post as soon as I cut the deck open so you can see for yourself. It is in my opinion what will be seen will look nice and add to the looks of the overall ship. And besides an extra layer of planking is always a fun thing
  5. Thanks for that Dave. I was just wondering as I have always used full length planks, so far, and was just thinking ahead a little( not really much of a point as I won't remember anyway ).
  6. The Holly looks real good Dave. Just out of curiosity, do you edge bend your planks before or after cutting to length?
  7. nice pictures, she would be a fun boat to sail in
  8. Bloodwood is aptly named as it is splintery and pierces the skin with ease. It is a very oily wood that makes quick work of sandpaper, especially on power tools.
  9. I have seen teak used and it looks good, it would be great on larger scales..........let's say 1:24
  10. A short time ago I bought a 1" x 6" x 4' basswwod board for $20.00 the equivalent in balsa was close to $100.00. If you are using it just for filler blocks any dry stable wood will work. Using a softer wood such as basswood aids in the shaping and sanding but you certainly are not limited to just it or balsa. Balsa has the advantage of not only being very soft but also comes in blocks whereas most other lumber is usually limited to the standard dimensions and you may have to laminate to get the proper size required.
  11. Looks real good Dave, I really like the rosewood and surprised it worked out so good given the larger grain it sometimes has. You keep giving me all these good ideas, I think it's about time you gave me some memory so that I can put these to use someday
  12. Myself, you already have done a great job of making them and you may need them for some of the rigging and we are always buying their junk so let them suffer and leave them in . I think they will look good Frank.
  13. Hey Frank, she is looking great. The windlasses make for a crowded deck no doubt. I guess safety was not a priority, they probably did not even have steel toed flip flops
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