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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by dgbot

  1. Congrats on your granddaughter Michael and what you are doing with your skylight. Beautiful work. David B
  2. Girgio your Ingomar is really looking good. She is shaping up into a real beauty. David B
  3. Congrats on a great project. Jesse. Your ocean came out great and your model is wonderful. David B
  4. Well done now comes the fun part. Moving your model without breaking all that work. I forgot how many bowsprits I have had to replace over the years. Did you dip the chains or airbrushed them? David B
  5. You have done a tremendous job. Your model does the Endeavor justice as a great racer as well as a fine yacht. David B
  6. Your Niagara is really shaping up nicely. I like the attention you are giving to the details. David B
  7. Well done Jesse. I have always wanted to try an SIB but have never got the courage to try it. At Manitowoc John Fox III gave a seminar on making them and he made it look easy. David B
  8. Your model is coming along great. The paint work and attention to detail is outstanding. David B
  9. I made the moldings for my Latham using a single edge razor and shaping the contour with a cutoff wheel. I used Apple for the molding. David B
  10. We used Tolulene at work for cleaning and preparing material for glue up. We used it near the docks for ventilation the fumes are dangerous and the stuff can be lethal if not wearing safety goggles and gloves. I lost a pair of glasses when a drop splattered on me. Remember safety first. We stopped using the stuff do to the problems using it safely. David B
  11. You have captured the beauty and grace of a J Class Yacht to a tee. Congratulations on a job well done. David B
  12. Try using thin CA along the edge. and then use a sharp thin blade with multiple cuts, David B
  13. Your Vic is really shaping into a fine build I enjoyed your log. David B
  14. Bob, where did you get the idea to build this vessel and the plans for her? Looks interesting. David B
  15. I have always admired machining. Fascinating work I wish I could do that with my equipment. David B
  16. Awesome workmanship. I echo everyone else I learned quite a bit from what you have done. David B
  17. Looking good Piet. My eyesight must be going on me cause I see nothing wrong. David B
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