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Everything posted by dgbot

  1. Same here my Titanic wound up pretty sad compa red to yours. David B
  2. From what you have stared I think you are set. Leave the Gorilla Glue in the drawer and stick with white or wood glue depending on the application. My adevice on tools is get it what you need it. David B
  3. You are doing a fine job. Are you going to ad a patina when you are done?
  4. You have nothing to complain about your soldering came out great and looks good. David B
  5. I just came upon your log. Your engine looks great. David B
  6. Are you near a Hobby Lobby. The one near me carries Midwest Products and the last time I was in I saw some. David B
  7. Have you attempted dying it I have seen that done before. David B
  8. There is an old saying. "There are many ways to skin a cat. I have tried several methods but found this one the easiest in the long run. It also depends on the shape of the hull and the wood you are using. David B
  9. Hamilton look at Crown Lumber. The can mill what you need and they are spot on. The last time went to a NRG conference I won a grab bag of his wood. When I got back home I measured it and the dimensions were spot on. He does great work. http://www.crowntimberyard.com/ David B
  10. Marvelous work are you going to add a couple of glasses of rum? David B
  11. I am a user of acrylics for the same reason but the sources for decent paint are hard to get. Poly S was good before they were bought out and I like Modelflex by Badger but they have to be shipped. The Hobby Lobby in Waterloo has Vallejo and I think I will go that route once I get to painting again easier clean up no bad smells. Thanks for the info. David B
  12. I take the strip and mark out the shape and then use sandpaper and files to get the final shape. To me that is the easiest way to do the job. A knife comes in if the amount is a lot. David B
  13. Hamilton, I just came on to your log. Brings back memories of my America. You are doing a swell job on a bearcat kit. Laser cutting just does not work if the program or operator is not paying attention. I like the way you are double checking your work with the plans. Using basswood or limewood for the underplanking is a smart move. One of the things you can do is divide up the hull with battens. And one these are installed you can get a better look at the run of planking. Donald Dressel has an excellent book on planking that will spell it out better than I. Keep up the good work. David B
  14. No wonder you went through so many globes. You need the touch of a surgeon to keep from breaking them. I am partial to the Rouse Simmons. Nice miniature by the way. i will be sitting in and watching the show. And thanks Popeye for the video. David B
  15. What is the scale you are working in that is a small vessel. You are doing a fantastic job working on her. David B
  16. A magnificent work of art and craftsmanship. Stunning. And thanks for the video. David B
  17. Looking good. I like the way it is turning out. David B
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