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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by dgbot

  1. Your channels and deadeyes look great. Along with the rest of your build. Neat and tidy. David B
  2. My sympathies. Sherrie. I just went through your log what an inspiration. You picked a complex and difficult vessel and have done a fantastic job building her. I doubt if I would have the courage to tackle such a project. Kudos to a wonderful build. David B
  3. I am sorry I missed the show and did not get the chance to drool over your models Ed. Question. What was your rational for gluing the margin plank to plywood. Rigidity for shaping? David B f
  4. Philo, your ratlines came out even however they have a natural look. On the real thing they were tarred. You can darken them with a stain. David B
  5. I kow a few people who have the Panavise and they sing praises about it. I used a clamp on similar to the one above and with padded jaws it worked well as a holder for delicate parts. David B
  6. Great looking boats. You did a wonderful job. David B
  7. The photos were grear. I am glad you had a good time. David B
  8. This should prove interesting . I will be watching and learning if you don't mind. David B
  9. Looking good Mark, the lines are really starting to show. David B
  10. I hope you do not mind me sitting in on this one. David B
  11. It is a real ship he is spoofing us. Well done. David B
  12. I love the look of fishing schooners. Their lines seem to have a kind of grace. They were buit for holding fish but also for spoed.. well done. David B
  13. Just finished going through your log Wim, you are doing a fantastic job. I came across the Turtle Ship while reading the NRG Journal if my memory still works. This is the first model I have seen built. I did notknow there was a kit of it out there. Keep up the good work. David B
  14. Nice job on the planking. I cannot wait to see the finished item. It is going to be a masterpiece David B
  15. Thank you for a very fine video. David B
  16. You are doing a wonderful job Mark. I am learning new thing every time I read your log. Be glad you are building the criss section and not the full hull. You would have trouble finding room to work on it. David B
  17. Model Shipway's New bed ford Whaleboat is a good model to test your skills. I have seen one entered in Manitowoc many times and the amount of detail you can add is amazing. Just a thought. David B
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