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Everything posted by AntonyUK

  1. Hi. I think the best advice has been said. But I will add my rules to it. No one is allowed to disturb you until the machine is stopped.( family rule ) Never push the machine beyond its limits. Keep blades and edges sharp. ( blunt blades means you are pushing harder to feed the timber ) Keep work place tidy and clear from other bits that can obstruct the work path (out feed ) . That's my little bit to safety and works for me. After being a Toolmaker and using some very big mills and lathes that could do some real damage .. TAKE NO RISKS is my statement. Regards Antony.
  2. Hi Gary. This link might be of interest to you. http://nautarch.tamu.edu/model/report2/ This is a general captain. Regards Antony.
  3. Hi Rusty. Happy new year Rusty. Absolute spotless workmanship m8 I love the carriages. Very nice. Regards Antony.
  4. Hi Danny. WOW . I remember the first kit I made. Was almost as bad as that one. I put it down to expearance. You have done a excellent job so far with the first recovery of the hull. Taking your modeling on holiday with you ... That's a first . My admiral would have something to say about that ): I know you are not asking for advice BUT. My advice is -: don't build it with the same quality as your past and current build. Just the hull and deck furniture ? No rigging only stub masts ? Lots af before and after photos please. Regards Antony.
  5. Hi. Wow that ship is looking really nice I would never of thought of planking a base board.. Fantastic result that does the ship justice. People on this forum always amaze me with there inventiveness and personal ideas. Quality workmanship right through the build. Regards Antony.
  6. Hello Mike. That's one excellent technique for furled sails. This will enable a lot of ship builders like myself who was put off adding sails as sometimes they look out of place on the model. Thank you very much for sharing Regards Antony.
  7. Hi Jeff. As you said the yellow is a bit bright. The yellow ochre :- Cornwallmodelboats have it in stock. The plates are comming along nicely .. Don't rush them. Regards Antony.
  8. Hello Daryl. Looks to be a nice kit Those frames were well and truly warped ( should be in StarTrek). Nice blocks to put the frames in line. Will be pulling in my chair for this build. Regards Antony.
  9. Hi There are a lot of timber merchants selling cherry, beech, ash, tulip, and a good mix of timbers. I agree with Druxey on the usage of bass wood. Marks with any sort of pressure. I have a furniture maker that gives me lots of off cuts that he has no use for... EBay has some hardwoods at a reasonable price. Beech is my favourite timber with Tulip wood following close behind. Need a good saw for the Beech as its very hard and will blunt a tipped blade after a few hours of cutting. Cherry is very nice to work with and cuts very nicely . Get the unsteamed .. It's much whiter than the pink steamed.(As Druxey stated ) Regards Antony
  10. Hi. In the U.K. we have a register that’s called COSH. Control Of Substances Hazardous to Health. Most things sold in the UK have a link printed on them pointing you the instructions and hazards. I do think that all modelers should be aware of what you are using and its hazards if any. Including timber dust. Thanks for posting a real important subject Regards Antony.
  11. Hi Jeff. Nice progress with plates. Yes that's a very nice idea on making small hooks and eyes. All the best Antony.
  12. Hi. Could it be this one. http://shop.deagostini.co.uk/hms-victory-subscription.html There are a couple of build logs on the forum. And there is a build log on there forum :- http://forum.model-space.co.uk/default.aspx?g=topics&f=93 Comes in weekly parts that they mail order you once a Mounth *4 Builds into a nice model. The only extras you need are some veneer to cover the plywood parts that are visible Regards Antony.
  13. Hello shipmates. No update on this post ... I have decided to have a go at carving the Captain's entrance to the victory. I have watched numerous video's on Utube on how to do wood carvings. Janos's page of carvings are a real inspiration to me. http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/501-carved-figure-heads-and-decorations/ I just need to find some close up photos of the entrance to start. Basswood is my choice of timber being a novice. May I wish you all a very happy Christmas and a very good new year. Regards Antony.
  14. Hello Jeff. A very happy Christmas to you and your family. Regards Antony.
  15. Hi Jeff. Looking good :0 Cutting the plates on a soft surface will not be good. On hardboard will work but dont use wood as it will follow the grain. or a very good pair of scissors. IE sharp and quality. Never tried the score and bend method but its only copper and should work Could also use a paper guillitine. Not the roller type. All the best. Regards Antony.
  16. Hi Brett. I have kept mine in the keel clamp which is on a ball and socket joint.( Small boat ) Do the hull planking before adding any detail to the deck's including deck planking. Mount the upturned hull onto a board tempeary while planking. You could use some false masts fixed to a board. I am sure ther will be many more good suggestions come forward Regards Antony.
  17. Hi. Yes a nice setup. Axminister is a OK brand and I have used there equipment in a professional mode. Nice to see you wearing wraparound safety glasses. I have all my machines except the Proxxon mill in my shed. Have insulated the walls and have a heater to keep out the English damp weather. I have got to agree with Nigel.. The mill should be bolted down. Regards Antony.
  18. Hi Mark. A very nice build. I concur with "what's the hardest part" it's so easy to miss or skip a minor detail and your screwed later. Looks like everything in order(no skipping or missed parts) Have a happy Christmas and a constructive new year. Regards Antony.
  19. Hello Alexandru. Stunning , Brilliant , Gorgeous ..I can go on and on with the comments that come into my head after looking at your build. Wonderful use of the lathe and mill. Must have been a machinist in your past life What more can I say... Stuck for word's that do your build justice. Regards Antony.
  20. Hello shipmates. Thank you all for your kind words of encouragement Jeff -: I used the dark stained ones as they look as if they were more predominant to see. Half the deck is done just got to do the other end. Remade the pumps as I was not happy with the look. Regards Antony.
  21. Hi Jeff. You are making very progress with the Bow section Your attention to detail is brilliant. Are you going to DIY copper plate the bottom ? Or does the kit come with the plates ? Have a happy Christmas and a good new year. Regards Antony.
  22. Hello Rusty. I was looking around the house last week for some lint free cloth and could not find any anywhere. Until I came across my wife's clean old underwear. Thinking she won't miss one pair I cut it into little pieces that was ideal for applying stain. Worked a treat U won't tell will u ?? Antony.
  23. Hello Shipmates. Thank you for all the very nice comments and likes. Yves. .. Its a possibility I will have one gun crew of figures. I will use Warhammer Empire Gun crew Figures. Another Update. Test the tree nails in the Tulipwood. The Deck drilled and ready to Tree nail. Tree nails in and cut but not yet cleaned up Very close up of the Holes ready to treenail. Another close up. Quite happy with the result Will finish the other side and sand the deck then I will post the completed Deck. Regards Antony.
  24. Hi Michael. Well done and thanks for sharing. I will make a few of these myself Regards Antony.
  25. Hello Shipmates. Another update on my progress. Main Gun Deck is now fixed into place with no errors Started to plank the Deck with Tulip wood. Very nice looking wood. Deck now fixed onto the bulwarks with knees fitted. Photo looking up at the deck from the underside. All the planks cut to length and drilled at ends only for treenails. Waterways in and now ready to plank.. First planks laid. Will post another update when Gun Deck is complete. Thanks for looking in. Regards Antony.
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