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Everything posted by Trussben

  1. Impressive frames bob, really tight joints from the look of it, congrats. Ben
  2. A good update, I have been busily making frames, only pair 3 and 4 left to make. 1st photo shows Aft 5 which has the 1 1/2 shift, using spacers to achieve it. Also I have started installing treenails into the chock joints, I'm using bamboo drawn down on the Byrnes plate to the 3rd smallest hole #20 ( approx 0.018 ) and a #75 drill bit ( 0.020 ). Then using dilute white PVA they are glued in. It takes a little time to get used to using the drawplate but I find that if I start with 1/32 x 1/32 squares of bamboo about 6 inches long it takes me about 30 minutes to make it - but i'm getting faster with every one I make. Only thing I have seen ( or not if you catch my drift ) is that they are pretty much invisible once they are sanded flush to the frame - I expected to be able to see them a little , even with a little water used to clean the frame. I shall add more when all the frames are made and treenailed and I'm ready to start raising them. ben EDIT - reposted missing photos 4-2-14
  3. Rusty, u still going to use boxwood for treenails? I just drew down a load of bamboo for the Echo frames, installed and sanded them and they are invisible!!! I expected to be able to see them a little bit!! You wouldn't know they were there! Your drilling is excellent as always. Ben
  4. Aha!! Very nicely executed there Rusty, exactly how I envisioned them. Damn that looks good. Cant wait to try that out on the Echo. ben
  5. Great looking Vic Kevin. Happy you have been reunited with your daughter, I have the same sort of issue and hope what happened to you is in my future as well. Look forward to seeing more progress. Ben
  6. Really looking forward to seeing you put some flesh on those bones. Ben
  7. Wow, she looks really impressive with the full rig, hmmmmm Might add 6 months to the build though. ben
  8. As has been said, thanks so much Ed for your FULL repost of the Niaad. Can't wait to purchase Vol2. Ben
  9. Hi Rusty, everything looks great but maybe you could have modified the planking below the gunports so there wasn't that little strip beneath them, using the tabbed approach. That's what I intend to do on the Echo. Keep the updates coming buddy. Ben
  10. Hi Rusty, Nice to know you are getting at least sometime in the workshop, I just finished painting the Confed cannons last night! 20 coats and I'm finally happy with them. I'm going to try blacking the Echo cannons but really want to think about the best product to use, sooooo many conflicting points of view on MSW to consider. Hope to see some updates on the Bomb soon. Ben
  11. Thanks Rusty and Greg, I shall start drawing down some bamboo tonight and see what I can come up with. I'm not sure what finish I am going to use yet, was considering getting some sanding sealer and trying that out instead of my usual Minwax WOP, any specific brand that you guys would recommend and have had good results with? ben
  12. Hey Tom, that's funny about using an old door and sawhorses! That's exactly what I'm using to build my Echo!! Can't go wrong with it! Ben
  13. Very nice work Sjors!!! You have crossed half way to the darkside, you are now officially a kit basher. Congrats and one day I expect to see you cutting futtocks and making chocked joints. Ben
  14. Question - I have got some bamboo to put through my Byrnes drawplate, what size hole should I draw down to and what is the corresponding drill size? Ben
  15. Did I see on somebody else's log that you used to live in Dayton mark?? Ben
  16. Good idea to scratch a new transom Sjors, I'm sure you will be happier with it. Sorry that Andy has caused you additional housework and Chores, such is life! Ben
  17. Yeh, that sounds about right! The model shop at Dayton mall is about the same, a big selection of plastic models but about 1/2 dozen wooden ones which never seem to change. We should ask around MSW and see if there are any more people around that we maybe able to start our own little club??? I know there is a club in Columbus but I dont want to travel that far. Ben Pm me if you wish to discuss.
  18. Thanks for all the nice comments guys - I really appreciate the motivation it gives to carry on with the Frame 1 pair. ben
  19. Got to agree - GARY Larson was a genius! Far side is still the best cartoons I think, I have a few of the books and they ALWAYS make me laugh. ben edited by trussben so as not to look quite so stupid!!
  20. Mark - I have to agree and say you are proberbly my fave moderator. If a log runs to a different tune than its owner wants, the owner can ask others to calm down on the posts. My logs seem to be somewhere in the middle? Sorry Augie for butting in, looking forward to more pics of the rigging. Ben
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