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Everything posted by Trussben

  1. Rusty - grant is right that if this setup work continues at this pace there won't be much actual work to be done. Nice work on the keel with the saw, I just ordered some Byrnes toys, can't wait until they arrive and I get to play with them on my Echo. Ben
  2. Thanks for that info and great pics Rusty, seems like a few other people were wondering the same. Ben
  3. Great update Paul, those wind deflectors look awesome, how do you bend them around the corners, heat?? Ben
  4. Mmmnn, I think the single malt cures most things, that's what my 90 year old mother in law says anyway!!
  5. Hi and congrats on the moderator status. Andy is correct about soldering, it's all about the heat, you must get both pieces to the same temp, then the solder will just wick ( suck in ) correctly. I would just say practice practice practice, I've been an electrical engineer for more than 20 years and still on tiny modeling stuff I struggle, give me 20 gauge I it's perfect. As I always say in this hobby, it's all practice. Ben
  6. David, first of all welcome to MSW, if you have any questions just ask, there are so many great modelers here you can always get help if you post pics of what you are struggling with! As for your first build, just remember one thing, the more time you spend getting the frames ( skeleton ) correct, the more time you will save in the long run. Sjors has built this model and I'm sure he will be of great help to you, don't be afraid to ask him questions, he is already a captain on the forum and loves to help anybody he can. I'll be watching with interest. Ben
  7. Really great work on that Swan there Bob, keep putting all the photos you've got here back on here. Ben
  8. Beautiful Rusty, you are a real master at this. Thanks for the tool description - pics of the tools and how you do it would help me greatly if you can? Ben
  9. Glad to hear your on the mend Grant, keep sipping that single malt down and that will speed the process.
  10. Hey Rusty, I quite like the contrast with the treenails - i wouldn't of expected so much seeing its all boxwood. At least you at a point to start raising the frames, i haven't even had time to drill and tap my keel yet. Looks good mate. ben
  11. Some very nice work there Sjors, look forward to seeing the rigging start. Ben
  12. Take it easy grant, she'll be waiting for you when ure ready. Remember - it ain't a race, it's a marathon and all that counts is that you finish. Ben
  13. Well done Jim, you have made superb progress!! I hope mine look half as good when I get started. Again well done. Ben
  14. Hi Anja, good to see you back hard at work on the moon, looking good. Ben
  15. Thanks Jim and JP. Cant wait to see how much I get, then spend it all at Byrnes toy store.
  16. Have you tried Jeff Hayes @ Hobbymill?? He ships all over the world and can normally supply anything, the shipping price may be expensive though. You can get to his site from a link on the main forum page. ben
  17. Awesome job on those joints there Rusty, Good practice for the ECHO and BOMB. Do you use chisels and files for the mortices only?? ben
  18. Hi Grant - Yeh, I'm not sure which it is either but then ignorance can sometimes be bliss. Sjors - First purchase will be the Jim Byrnes table saw with a few add-ons, we will see how much if any money is left after that. ben
  19. Well this is a happy day! I was just informed by my boss that we will be receiving a bonus cheque this year!! :-)) I asked the admiral of the house and she said I can spend it how I wish!! I told her that Byrnes model machines was gonna take the lot to upgrade my workshop with some fine tools to help start my darkside career, she smiled sideways and said " whatever you need ". Ahhh! Love works in soooo many ways! Ben
  20. Augie, I feel that we deserve some sort of update to keep us away from these diversions that plague your build log! I don't care what it is, even a pic of you snow shoveling will do :-) Ben
  21. Wow Bob - very nice setup you have there!! Some nice machines which will help a lot. I'm still in the process of getting everything I want for scratch building, money is my issue!! Have fun. Ben
  22. Awesome work with that ebony ring Danny, i know it's so hard but very brittle as well, looks great finished. Ben
  23. Well done and some great progress there Sjors, you will be in the rigging soon!!! Ben
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