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Everything posted by Trussben

  1. Wow mobbsie, back to flank speed I see, can't wait to see the second planking finished tomorrow. :-) Ben
  2. Now Now Rusty, Dont set him off!! Remember Im doing 3 builds the same as you! Sjors - I think Rusty would have more experience than I on tying ratlines anyway - send the Mirage to him for a few weeks, he can try 4 builds at once. ben
  3. I just used a curved xacto blade to scrape and scrape and scrape the glue residue away, it took a while but it can be done. Ben
  4. Well done Rusty reaching the milestone, frames look great from here. What are you going to use for treenails? Ben
  5. Beautiful Rusty - your work in the rigging must be giving Augie something to aspire to. ben
  6. Well I just picked up a nice piece of model grade ply - 12 x 12 x 1/2" for my building board, now I need to make the square for raising the frames and get the keel drilled, tapped and mounted to the board - maybe in a few weeks I will be able to show some progress. ben
  7. Got to agree with the others Maury, treenails look great the way you have done them. What would you say the difference is in the matt finish you used and the Minwax satin WOP? I use the Minwax on my Confed and I think its a nice finish - not shiny etc.... ben
  8. That's an impressive and highly detailed knee there Rusty, how many hours to make that single one??? Ben
  9. Good grief Remco! Amazing work, are you a brain surgeon or something because your hands must be as steady as a rock to achieve that. Ben
  10. Wow Danny, I am always amazed when I check you log. Yeh, that looks like a fun place and position to use a pin vise. Ben
  11. Such an interesting build, I will continue to watch with interest. Can't wait to see the finished skeleton. Ben
  12. Again Rusty, thanks for reposting your most excellent build of Confederacy. It was a great trip watching you build her again. I just hope mine won't look like a garbage scow next to yours. Ben
  13. Hi JP. I agree with Russ yet again on this one, unless you have spiled every plank to an exactly correct dimension over its entire length then you will get the creep you are talking about. What I try and do is make it so the very LAST strake across the entire hull ends up having to be just slightly narrower than a normal strip width, then I just use sanding and time to FIT that plank into the gap left, and I cannot see it when I'm finished unless I really look for it, nobody else would every notice. Look forward to you finishing planking milestone, I know you have learned a lot along the way, it will help you so much on you next builds. Ben
  14. Hi Norman, nice to see the progress. I think you can get spray cans in marine oxide from a boat supplier or chandlers. Ben
  15. She's gonna be a big one when rigged and sorry, but I cannot help with the rigging, got too many builds of my own! :-) Ben
  16. Thanks Greg, just bought the drill and tap today at the local model shop as well as a couple of 6-32 screws. May get time this weekend to get that done. Now another question for you guys, what size and materials did you make your building board from, I was thinking some 3/4 inch MDF but suggestions are very welcome. Ben
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