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Everything posted by Trussben

  1. Can anybody enlighten me on what dimension a ribband would be at 1:48. Ben
  2. Finally managed to spend a couple of hours in the shipyard, seems like years but I should start to get more time now that the weather has changed and work on the house has been completed. I installed the gun/sweep port sills and lintles, removed the temp spacers below the gunport, and have started fairing it all down. I started with 100 grit, then 220 and now at 320. When finished I will install the keelson and the ribband, remove the rest of the temp spacers and add the last piece of frame above the gunport. ben
  3. That's some great thinking there Rusty, the mortars really look the part. I think I may get a few hours to get back on the Echo tomorrow, have you done any more in yours? Ben
  4. That looks excellent Augie, you are flying along! Planking her will slow you down a bit I hope. Ben
  5. Nice Rusty, the experiment on treenail sizes is always fun! I personally prefer the smaller ones but that's just me. Ben
  6. Haha! Only 1/64 out!!! But it played a part of my QG's were all screwed up! Take your time Augie! She is a big girl and 1/64 will show if your not careful while you are framing it all. Ben
  7. Very nice Augie, everything looks perfect from what I can tell. Now now Andy, I can't remember how long it took me but now I can't get 5 minutes modeling time on anything. Ben
  8. You will get there Chris, I can't imagine what it's going to be like when I do that in basswood! A bloody pulpy stringy mess is what I'm guessing. Ben
  9. That's some impressive cad work Joss. I'm sure I will be contacting you for help when I start drawing up the plans for Indefatigable. Ben
  10. Very nice rusty, the cherry really does look good in the pics. Enjoy your vaca. Ben
  11. Hi Jax, Looking good there, I hear you about the amount of planking, she is a big beast, wait until you get to the lower hull planking - thats a whole heap of fun Enjoy the journey. ben
  12. Augie, I give you fair warning now, you will become addicted to Jeff's product, it's fantastic! Look forward to seeing your version of the great cabin floor in the future!! :-)) Enjoy the perfect material, you are now sliding down the rabbit hole! Ben
  13. Yep, he looks great up there! I'm still fighting with my QG's this weekend, tricky little buggers for sure. Ben
  14. Well JP, you have jumped in the deep end of kit building that's for sure :-)) I'm sure with the lessons you have already learned you will do a great job. I will follow with interest. Ben
  15. Augie, did you remember to add some support for the false deck behind the beakhead? As you begin the gunport framing make sure to use the temp batterns to get a good and smooth/even sheer down her length, mine matched very close to the laser marks but still needed a lil but of adjustment. Enjoy and I look forward to seeing your next steps, brings back great memories. Ben
  16. Chocks look really good Rusty, guess the experience on the Echo has helped with that. Ben
  17. Hi Augie, I have a pen sander but it's the proxon version, much the same I would imagine. Mine came with a few different pads of different shapes and grits but the paper itself doesn't hold up so well I find, wears out real quick, so I just use some normal 80/150/220 grit paper and double sided tape to make my own pads, lasts longer too and much cheaper than buying them. Ben
  18. Always nice to see another Confederacy, I look forward to when you get to start on her. ben
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