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Everything posted by Trussben

  1. Hi Augie and congrats on the 40th. It's good to see that you are going to keep the former clamped to make sure you don't get any warpage, it's such a long piece of ply that it has a tendency to do just that! I remember Chris had issues with that. I didn't take my Confed out of the clamp until all the gunport and sweep port framing was complete, pretty solid by then! Take your time getting all the bulkheads perfectly square and perpendicular, your gunport framing will be wrong if they are not perfect. Look forward to seeing that point. Ben
  2. Very nice start Albert, I will be watching with great interest in your build of Niaad. Ben
  3. Well done Bob on the completion of a very fine model, please post a pic when she is put in her final resting place. Ben
  4. Hey Bob, will be watching with great interest to your build of the "new" Essex kit and all your mods. Ben
  5. Wow Danny, those catheads sure look complicated when you show all the different steps in fitting them, but as usual great work and thanks for the warning for all us future Swan builders. Ben
  6. Glad you are now ahead of the game, please PM me if you have questions about the Confed, i have some small experience with her! Ben
  7. Hi Augie, As for upgrading decks to another wood, dont forget to order some sheet stock as well so you can replace the laser cut basswood margin planks at the same time. What wood are you ordering? Holly?? Are you upgrading great cabin floor as well? I would agree with chris on the fancy moldings, much easier and better results with Boxwood, basswood can be a nightmare to use a scraper on if your name isnt Chuck. ben
  8. Allan makes a very good point, how about a few books into the mix, always a great help to have reference materials, I highly recommend the TFFM set by David and Greg, there is soooo much info in those 4 books its amazing. As for power tools, I would recommend buying what you actually need at the time and not having a lot of expensive paperweight sitting around not doing anything, however I can say that I love my Byrnes tools and my dewalt 788 scroll saw. Ben
  9. Great to see the wonderful end to this build, she looks great in that case and final resting place. Enjoy looking at her, and a happy beginning to the Confed build. Ben
  10. I will await the festivities, 6 pack in the fridge, passing out the party poppers etc...... Can't wait to see her in the final position, don't get sunburn waiting by the mailbox for Confederacy! Ben
  11. She is very impressive Greg, I've been looking forward to an update. Are you and David still going to offer her on your website alongside the Swan and Echo?? Ben
  12. Really nice work Maury, nice to see how you executed these parts. Ben
  13. Here are the gunport sills/lintles joints being filed into the frames, we shall see how accurate they are! I leave for vacation for 3 weeks tomorrow so no updates for a while. ben
  14. SWEET! Bob, that's looking excellent, what did you use for treenails? They stand out just enough but not too much. Ben
  15. Congrats on reaching the century Augie! I cannot imagine any of my logs getting this big. ben
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