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Everything posted by Trussben

  1. Yep, he looks great up there! I'm still fighting with my QG's this weekend, tricky little buggers for sure. Ben
  2. Well JP, you have jumped in the deep end of kit building that's for sure :-)) I'm sure with the lessons you have already learned you will do a great job. I will follow with interest. Ben
  3. Augie, did you remember to add some support for the false deck behind the beakhead? As you begin the gunport framing make sure to use the temp batterns to get a good and smooth/even sheer down her length, mine matched very close to the laser marks but still needed a lil but of adjustment. Enjoy and I look forward to seeing your next steps, brings back great memories. Ben
  4. Chocks look really good Rusty, guess the experience on the Echo has helped with that. Ben
  5. Hi Augie, I have a pen sander but it's the proxon version, much the same I would imagine. Mine came with a few different pads of different shapes and grits but the paper itself doesn't hold up so well I find, wears out real quick, so I just use some normal 80/150/220 grit paper and double sided tape to make my own pads, lasts longer too and much cheaper than buying them. Ben
  6. Looks like you are doing well with the Stern framing Augie, Well Done. ben
  7. Always nice to see another Confederacy, I look forward to when you get to start on her. ben
  8. Got to agree with the others Andy, very nice rigging work. ben
  9. That will make a big contrast if you leave the basswood planking natural, I like it! Ben
  10. That's some interesting stuff that I've never even heard of before Ed, thanks for the enlightenment. Ben
  11. Augie, I agree with Chuck about the support timbers, leave em on as long as possible, as another use for them is when you glue down the false decks in 4 pieces its very difficult to clamp the middle down, using scrap pieces and the safety timbers gives you another place to clamp from, thats what I did and it worked great. ben
  12. WOW Rusty, nice progress there, everything looks nice and sharp, and really well done on cutting in the gun port placements. Great to see yet another of your builds progressing. Ben
  13. Sweet progress Albert. Ben
  14. Hi Chris, nice work on the headrails, I'm glad your getting time to build again, I just got back from European vaca and will be starting up again this week, seems forever since I touched anything! So you are taking a big leap right into the deep end with those 2 future projects but I'm sure you will do great, I just worry about the worlds supply of Swiss pear when you start that monster 1st rate :-) I too have started researching a future full 1:48 POF but I won't be starting that until all my other builds are finished, at least a year, but it will proberbly take twice that to do all the research. Ben
  15. Well hi again, back from Vacation in England and now ready to get back to finishing the framing of the Echo, just the gun and sweep ports sills and lintels to be installed, fair everything and install keelson, week or two I'm guessing. I have also started my initial research on my next scratch build. Ben
  16. Sorry to hear about all the issues Bob, hope it gets resolved quickly. Ben
  17. I vote for the OSS with tilt as well, I would certainly buy one as soon as it came available. ben
  18. Thanks Mark. Nice to see some guidelines being put in place, but always remember buyer beware of ANYTHiNG on the Internet, use PayPal or some other type of protected purchase system. Just my 2 cents. Ben
  19. Oh no mark! Augie has the joy of all the stern framing and gunport sills and lintels as well as sweep port backing, Ah I remember it so well! Ben
  20. Doing that planking takes me back a bit, seems forever ago! Only a year though. Ben
  21. That jig for the JimSaw looks great, I wonder why Jim never thought of it, seems an easy adaptation of a zero clearance plate. Thanks for showing it Egan. Ben
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