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Everything posted by gjdale

  1. It has been a long time since I’ve been able to get back into the shipyard. Work and family commitments, as well as a new puppy in the house have all conspired against making progress with the build. While I've managed to stay in touch with others' builds, I haven't had anything to post in my own, until now... Finally, this weekend I managed to find some shipyard time. Decided to use it to do the job I’ve been putting off for a while – polishing the hull. Not a particularly difficult job, though admittedly tedious. I worked my way through 9 grades of wet sanding, starting at 1,500 grit and going all the way through to 12,000 grit before finishing with some liquid polish (Micro-gloss liquid abrasive). (Special thanks to Keith (Amfibius) for putting me on to the Micro-mesh sandpaper). The end result, while not perfect, is a huge improvement. I have managed to get rid of most (not all) of the “orange peel” effect and have achieved a nice high-gloss finish without going to the “boat-in-an-ice-cube” look. It’s very difficult to take pictures to show the high gloss finish, but here’s what I got. I wasn’t happy with the second attempt at my cutwater, so went back and re-sanded, re-polished, and re-chromed the original version. I'm happy with that now, so the next job will be to fit that to the hull. Hopefully, it won't be so long between posts now.
  2. Hey Eddie, I have the plans for this boat too - it's on my "one-day" list. In the meantime, here's an extra tip for you with your sticky label paper patterns. Cover your wood with strips of low tack painters tape first (you can get it in Bunnings). That way, the pattern will be much easier to remove after cutting your timber out.
  3. I've spent a small fortune at Lee Valley this year, and my wish list is still quite lengthy! Just placed my latest order yesterday. Gotta love quality tools!!!
  4. Probably a good decision Eddie - just make sure you check out what blades are available for the one you choose as that will be the determining factor in your re-saw capability.
  5. Hi Eddie, I have the Carbatec 10" Bandsaw. It's okay for what it is, but it is quite limited in terms of the blade options available. For example, you won't be able to any re-sawing (I think that's the correct term) with it. If I were buying again, I'd save my shekels and go for the Laguna 14" SUV Bandsaw. Regardless of which bandsaw you buy, you should check out this YouTube clip of how to set up a bandsaw properly:
  6. Congratulations on yet another fine build Danny. I'm sure your grandson will be delighted.
  7. What a delight to see you back again Doris. Like so many others, I look forward to following another of your masterpieces.
  8. Eddie, I have the Jet OSS (also purchased from Carbatec) and have been very happy with it.
  9. Hey Vivian, Nice to see you've started your new log. If you do move to Canberra, be sure and let me know and I'll make sure the Welcome Mat is run out!
  10. Great work Bob. Looks like you're overcoming all the challenges thrown at you with consummate ease!
  11. Congratulations on another truly fine model Greg.
  12. Always interested to follow your Woody Joe builds Clare. This looks like another nice model.
  13. Looks fabulous Ben. Can't wait to see more progress in the fall.
  14. Mike, While I admire the design and complexity of the joint making, and your execution of it, when it comes to display cases, I think you need to be careful not to detract from the model itself - so "less is more" for me. Just my AUD $0.002 worth.
  15. Druxey, Would you please PM me Mihail's email address too? I don't think I can resist these much longer!
  16. Don't know how I managed to miss the start of this build Gil, but I'm here now and delighted to follow along. So glad to see you back at the modelling bench. You've certainly made a great start - some very sweet lines showing already.
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